Who on the Board defends fascism

1. often Fascism
a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2. Oppressive, dictatorial control."


We can all play the "source" game to get any meaning we want.
We see the Alt Right fascists chime into say "fascism, what fascism?"
what is alt right?
Anything that the left wants to discredit without having any actual facts to do so.

Winner winner, it's a boogeyman for.the election.that failed and everyone us stop discussing this bullshit except starkey. He must have old talking points.

The media isn't even covering Bannon and still have produced nothing racist about him.
Hmmm. . . if the "media isn't even covering Bannon" how would they produce something racist about him?
America just suffered under 8 long years of dictatorial fascism. ...... :cool:
Funny, dictatorial fascism with a peaceful transition of power? You might want to examine what the word dictatorial and fascist means. Not entirely sure you got it. I've never heard of a dictator who relinquishes power peacefully. Neither have I heard of fascism that allows the opposition to control 2 out of 3 branches of government.
Keep calling republicans "fascists". It's good therapy for the left and it might keep Starbucks windows from being smashed.
America just suffered under 8 long years of dictatorial fascism. ...... :cool:
Funny, dictatorial fascism with a peaceful transition of power? You might want to examine what the word dictatorial and fascist means. Not entirely sure you got it. I've never heard of a dictator who relinquishes power peacefully. Neither have I heard of fascism that allows the opposition to control 2 out of 3 branches of government.
guess you missed all the riots and shit eh?
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


Your definition is wrong....here is the correct one...

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.
Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)
Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


He increased the size of the press pool, fool....which reporter has he silenced, which demonstration has he stopped.....you guys are really, really dumb...
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


He increased the size of the press pool, fool....which reporter has he silenced, which demonstration has he stopped.....you guys are really, really dumb...
He wanted a bigger room to include more, and the press said fk you! we want our room we already have.
We see the Alt Right fascists chime into say "fascism, what fascism?"

America just suffered under 8 long years of dictatorial fascism. ...... :cool:
Funny, dictatorial fascism with a peaceful transition of power? You might want to examine what the word dictatorial and fascist means. Not entirely sure you got it. I've never heard of a dictator who relinquishes power peacefully. Neither have I heard of fascism that allows the opposition to control 2 out of 3 branches of government.
guess you missed all the riots and shit eh?
Hi JC, glad you could join the discussion without reverting to name calling. To reply to your response, I'll ask you the following question. Did Obama ever so much as allude as to him not relinquishing power, no matter how much he didn't like the outcome of the election?
We see the Alt Right fascists chime into say "fascism, what fascism?"

America just suffered under 8 long years of dictatorial fascism. ...... :cool:
Funny, dictatorial fascism with a peaceful transition of power? You might want to examine what the word dictatorial and fascist means. Not entirely sure you got it. I've never heard of a dictator who relinquishes power peacefully. Neither have I heard of fascism that allows the opposition to control 2 out of 3 branches of government.
guess you missed all the riots and shit eh?
Hi JC, glad you could join the discussion without reverting to name calling. To reply to your response, I'll ask you the following question. Did Obama ever so much as allude as to him not relinquishing power, no matter how much he didn't like the outcome of the election?
Not that I'm aware of, however, he pulled out some EOs to stymie Trump and to make it difficult to do his work. Trump has figured out how to bypass that though.
We see the Alt Right fascists chime into say "fascism, what fascism?"

Funny, dictatorial fascism with a peaceful transition of power? You might want to examine what the word dictatorial and fascist means. Not entirely sure you got it. I've never heard of a dictator who relinquishes power peacefully. Neither have I heard of fascism that allows the opposition to control 2 out of 3 branches of government.
guess you missed all the riots and shit eh?
Hi JC, glad you could join the discussion without reverting to name calling. To reply to your response, I'll ask you the following question. Did Obama ever so much as allude as to him not relinquishing power, no matter how much he didn't like the outcome of the election?
Not that I'm aware of, however, he pulled out some EOs to stymie Trump and to make it difficult to do his work. Trump has figured out how to bypass that though.
If we both agree that he didn't contest the transition of power, outside what he could do legally something you yourself admit was easily circumvented. My original reply stands. Calling Obama a dictatorial fascist is false.
We see the Alt Right fascists chime into say "fascism, what fascism?"

guess you missed all the riots and shit eh?
Hi JC, glad you could join the discussion without reverting to name calling. To reply to your response, I'll ask you the following question. Did Obama ever so much as allude as to him not relinquishing power, no matter how much he didn't like the outcome of the election?
Not that I'm aware of, however, he pulled out some EOs to stymie Trump and to make it difficult to do his work. Trump has figured out how to bypass that though.
If we both agree that he didn't contest the transition of power, outside what he could do legally something you yourself admit was easily circumvented. My original reply stands. Calling Obama a dictatorial fascist is false.
well he didn't need to, he could have followed the pattern of all other past presidents during transition and go golfing. Instead he again picked up his pen to create turmoil. probably did more work the last two weeks then he did in four years. and he let a traitor out of jail. nope. no agreement from me.
Hi JC, glad you could join the discussion without reverting to name calling. To reply to your response, I'll ask you the following question. Did Obama ever so much as allude as to him not relinquishing power, no matter how much he didn't like the outcome of the election?
Not that I'm aware of, however, he pulled out some EOs to stymie Trump and to make it difficult to do his work. Trump has figured out how to bypass that though.
If we both agree that he didn't contest the transition of power, outside what he could do legally something you yourself admit was easily circumvented. My original reply stands. Calling Obama a dictatorial fascist is false.
well he didn't need to, he could have followed the pattern of all other past presidents during transition and go golfing. Instead he again picked up his pen to create turmoil. nope. no agreement from me.
Hmms, what particular turmoil are you referring to?
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


He increased the size of the press pool, fool....which reporter has he silenced, which demonstration has he stopped.....you guys are really, really dumb...
Only a silly billy would not realize that he increased it with alt media with no credibility. Trump is trying to crush the free press with a Trump-controlled alt media. The MSM will not interview people like Bannon and Todd put Conway on notice that her alt factoids carry no weight.

Thus we see the free press pushing back on a fascist Trump attempt to muzzle the free press.
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


He increased the size of the press pool, fool....which reporter has he silenced, which demonstration has he stopped.....you guys are really, really dumb...
Only a silly billy would not realize that he increased it with alt media with no credibility. Trump is trying to crush the free press with a Trump-controlled alt media. The MSM will not interview people like Bannon and Todd put Conway on notice that her alt factoids carry no weight.

Thus we see the free press pushing back on a fascist Trump attempt to muzzle the free press.
media's getting talking points, and then he's correcting the fake news. seems reasonable.
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


Congrats.....you are now in the "Lakota Class" of shrieking dumbasses.....or maybe he's finally achieved reaching your class.....either way....:blahblah:

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