Who on the Board defends fascism

In order to understand fascism, one needs to understand the symbolism inherent in its very name. A fasces is an implement that consists of a bundle of sticks bound together tightly around an axe blade. The bound sticks represent the people absolutely committed to the same cause, who lack original thought or individualism and all speak with the same voice. The axe blade represents the political power wielded by such an unquestioning allegiance to group think.

When I look around on this board I see a few righties here and there whose intolerance might rise to this level. Conversely, when I look around this board, these very traits have almost come to define leftists, who all say the same things about the same things, whose level of political correctness has rendered them incapable of original thought, and who will attack anybody who disagrees in even the slightest degree from their political orthodoxy. They are racialists, they defend Islamism which is the most ruthlessly fascist ideology on the planet, they wouldn't recognize actual liberal principles if they smacked them against their head, and they are absolutely indistinguishable from one another.
Dogmaphobe, you are throwing horse crap.

The Alt Right fascists here are as numerous or more so than the Far Left loons.

Both sides defend their rigid orthodoxy, and attack everyone who disagrees with them.

Those of us in the mainstream are attacked as either Left or Right depending on the Alt Right Fascist or the Hard Left Socialist who is doing it.

Watch me burn down Weatherman's straw man below.
In order to understand fascism, one needs to understand the symbolism inherent in its very name. A fasces is an implement that consists of a bundle of sticks bound together tightly around an axe blade. The bound sticks represent the people absolutely committed to the same cause, who lack original thought or individualism and all speak with the same voice. The axe blade represents the political power wielded by such an unquestioning allegiance to group think.

When I look around on this board I see a few righties here and there whose intolerance might rise to this level. Conversely, when I look around this board, these very traits have almost come to define leftists, who all say the same things about the same things, whose level of political correctness has rendered them incapable of original thought, and who will attack anybody who disagrees in even the slightest degree from their political orthodoxy. They are racialists, they defend Islamism which is the most ruthlessly fascist ideology on the planet, they wouldn't recognize actual liberal principles if they smacked them against their head, and they are absolutely indistinguishable from one another.
Dogmaphobe, you are throwing horse crap.

The Alt Right fascists here are as numerous or more so than the Far Left loons.

Both sides defend their rigid orthodoxy, and attack everyone who disagrees with them.

Those of us in the mainstream are attacked as either Left or Right depending on the Alt Right Fascist or the Hard Left Socialist who is doing it.
Did anyone at least get a hang nail at a Tea Party rally?
You must be having a tough day.
ironic post is ironic FakeyJakey :lol:
Trolling and splicing does not help your case, bub.

Tell us why you defend the American fascism of the Alt Right, please.
I'm still waiting to hear about the violence and property destruction at the tea party rallies.
That is a straw man so I will set it on fire.

Tea Party Violence

View attachment 108957
You went full Talking Points Memo. Never ever go full Soros.

Yeah....now that is fake news.....thanks.....Tea Party tussles with counter protestors....allow me to explain....Tea Party members were attacked by left wing fascists...and defended themselves...if that story is even true......

The actual attacks came from the democrats against Trump and his supporters....

Yeah....now that is fake news.....thanks.....Tea Party tussles with counter protestors....allow me to explain....Tea Party members were attacked by left wing fascists...and defended themselves...if that story is even true......

The actual attacks came from the democrats against Trump and his supporters....
Yes, you do give Fake News and Alt Right Factoids. The TPM attacked opponents, who defended themselves against far right fascist criminals.

Yeah....now that is fake news.....thanks.....Tea Party tussles with counter protestors....allow me to explain....Tea Party members were attacked by left wing fascists...and defended themselves...if that story is even true......

The actual attacks came from the democrats against Trump and his supporters....
Tea Party assaults peaceful protestors fists with their faces, film at 11.

Yeah....now that is fake news.....thanks.....Tea Party tussles with counter protestors....allow me to explain....Tea Party members were attacked by left wing fascists...and defended themselves...if that story is even true......

The actual attacks came from the democrats against Trump and his supporters....
Yes, you do give Fake News and Alt Right Factoids. The TPM attacked opponents, who defended themselves against far right fascist criminals.
Yet you have zero evidence of any violence from a Tea Party person.

Now ask me for some examples of leftist violence. Please.

Yeah....now that is fake news.....thanks.....Tea Party tussles with counter protestors....allow me to explain....Tea Party members were attacked by left wing fascists...and defended themselves...if that story is even true......

The actual attacks came from the democrats against Trump and his supporters....
Yes, you do give Fake News and Alt Right Factoids. The TPM attacked opponents, who defended themselves against far right fascist criminals.
I love this from your link:
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), who represents a district adjacent to Gabrielle Giffords’s, said that Saturday’s shooting is a consequence of the vitriolic rhetoric that has arisen over the past few years among extreme elements of the Tea Party.

“The climate has gotten so toxic in our political discourse, setting up for this kind of reaction for too long. It’s unfortunate to say that. I hate to say that,” Grijalva said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “If you’re an opponent, you’re a deadly enemy,” Grijalva said of the mindset among Arizona extremists. “Anybody who contributed to feeding this monster had better step back and realize they’re threatening our form of government.”

Orwell would be proud.
And the fascists above wriggle and wiggle.

Read up, guys, and learn about yourselves.

Far-right politics - Wikipedia
Ah, no ability to support your position so now it's wiki entries for evidence.

Why have you not fled to Canada yet? We know you lefties refuse to go to Mexico because of too many brown people down there, but why haven't you fled to the great white north yet?
Has Trump shown any fascist behavior as declaring America's new leader to be better than the ordinary riff-raff?
Defunding PBS and NPR would be a fascist move, and anyone who supports that is a fascist. They don't have to be careful of what they say because their major corporate sponsors or their mega billionaire boss doesn't like it. That is the glory of a commercial free news organization.

How is defunding state run media fascist? Are you drunk?
It's not state run. If it were, it would be saying exactly what Trump wanted said right now. He will do everything in his power to shut up any news organization that doesn't agree with every utterance he makes. There will be dirty tricks by his billionaire buddies to somehow undermine CNN and MSNBC, see if he can bankrupt them. We won't hear about it, but it will happen. Anyone who supports this move to silence the opposition is supporting fascism.
Removing its funding is not fascist in any shape or form no matter how much you may or may not like the Delete repeated word

Fascism does not mean things you do not like.
The question:

Ah, no ability to support your position so now it's wiki entries for evidence.

Why have you not fled to Canada yet? We know you lefties refuse to go to Mexico because of too many brown people down there, but why haven't you fled to the great white north yet?

The answer:

Canada has a border and it is watched over by staff trained to turn away unaccompanied children. Now you might better understand why Jammie-Jake remains in his despised America.

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