Who on the Board defends fascism

Not that I'm aware of, however, he pulled out some EOs to stymie Trump and to make it difficult to do his work. Trump has figured out how to bypass that though.
If we both agree that he didn't contest the transition of power, outside what he could do legally something you yourself admit was easily circumvented. My original reply stands. Calling Obama a dictatorial fascist is false.
well he didn't need to, he could have followed the pattern of all other past presidents during transition and go golfing. Instead he again picked up his pen to create turmoil. nope. no agreement from me.
Hmms, what particular turmoil are you referring to?
Obama executive orders, regulations, pardons expected as presidency draws to close
"Truly lame-duck presidents are freed from political concerns, don’t have to worry about other elections and can even help take political heat off their successor — or try to lock in their own policies that their successor might not fully support.

For Mr. Obama, who already has set records for the most expansive regulatory agenda in U.S. history, his final months offer a chance to pad his lead and plow new ground, particularly on energy and environmental issues."
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


Congrats.....you are now in the "Lakota Class" of shrieking dumbasses.....or maybe he's finally achieved reaching your class.....either way....:blahblah:
I understand that you think words mean only want you want, but there you go . . . you are lost again.
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


I don't know if he is a fascist or not, but he saved us from Hillary, if for nothing else we all owe him that bit of thanks
Not that I'm aware of, however, he pulled out some EOs to stymie Trump and to make it difficult to do his work. Trump has figured out how to bypass that though.
If we both agree that he didn't contest the transition of power, outside what he could do legally something you yourself admit was easily circumvented. My original reply stands. Calling Obama a dictatorial fascist is false.
well he didn't need to, he could have followed the pattern of all other past presidents during transition and go golfing. Instead he again picked up his pen to create turmoil. nope. no agreement from me.
Hmms, what particular turmoil are you referring to?
Obama executive orders, regulations, pardons expected as presidency draws to close
"Truly lame-duck presidents are freed from political concerns, don’t have to worry about other elections and can even help take political heat off their successor — or try to lock in their own policies that their successor might not fully support.

For Mr. Obama, who already has set records for the most expansive regulatory agenda in U.S. history, his final months offer a chance to pad his lead and plow new ground, particularly on energy and environmental issues."
well he didn't need to, he could have followed the pattern of all other past presidents during transition
they expect him to follow the lead of other presidents and issue a series of rules, to add to his list of executive orders, to continue his record-setting pace of commutations and perhaps add a controversial pardon or two into the mix.
Your link seems to directly contradict your original assertion.
No facism is corporate control of govt.
IE democrats who regulate some companies and not others, basically picking winners and losers.

It's a left wing, because it's more govt control not less.
The rest of the shit you posted is either left wing or can be both.
Your factoid is backward.

Oxford dictionaries disagree with you: they count, you don't.

So you admit you are a fascist.
Oxford is a left wing organization. They have a vested interest in describing the right as the morally inferior side.

It is no different than the SPLC having the authority to label what is and isn't a "hate group" when they are 100% partisan.
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


Your definition is wrong....here is the correct one...

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.
Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)
Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
That was a very good read.

It reminds of an article I read by two historians who were trying to come to grips with how easily Hitler took complete control. Their conclusion was that the levers Hitler used were put in place by the social democratic Wiemar Republic.

Honestly, they could have written the article you posted.
Sheldon Richman is a far right almost libertarian-esque booby.

"Sheldon Richman is a Research Fellow at The Independent Institute. For 15 years he was editor of The Freeman, published by the Foundation for Economic Education." Sheldon Richman

Of course he thinks fascists are socialists, although he supports them himself. The boy has been a life-long contradiction.
Sheldon Richman is a far right almost libertarian-esque booby.

"Sheldon Richman is a Research Fellow at The Independent Institute. For 15 years he was editor of The Freeman, published by the Foundation for Economic Education." Sheldon Richman

Of course he thinks fascists are socialists, although he supports them himself. The boy has been a life-long contradiction.
Forget who he is, argue his points. That's a typical left wing tactic attack the speaker not the speech. Perhaps we should discount him because, HE'S A WHITE MALE, HE'S A WHITE MALE, HE'S A WHITE MALE.
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."


He increased the size of the press pool, fool....which reporter has he silenced, which demonstration has he stopped.....you guys are really, really dumb...
Only a silly billy would not realize that he increased it with alt media with no credibility. Trump is trying to crush the free press with a Trump-controlled alt media. The MSM will not interview people like Bannon and Todd put Conway on notice that her alt factoids carry no weight.

Thus we see the free press pushing back on a fascist Trump attempt to muzzle the free press.

So..this press you say is being oppressed...is actually oppressing the very people you say are oppressing the press.......you really want to choose a different example of the press being oppressed......

Your example is like that commercial where the old lady is showing her facebook wall...it is the actual wall on her home where she has put pictures...and the other old lady tells her...this isn't how that works.......

SIlencing of the press doesn't work when it is the press silencing the President's representatives moron......
Sheldon Richman is a far right almost libertarian-esque booby.

"Sheldon Richman is a Research Fellow at The Independent Institute. For 15 years he was editor of The Freeman, published by the Foundation for Economic Education." Sheldon Richman

Of course he thinks fascists are socialists, although he supports them himself. The boy has been a life-long contradiction.

Fascism is socialism....it was created by the communist, Mussolini after he was kicked out of the Italian communist party........and Stalin used the term to separate his international socialism from the national socialism of the Germans...who had just kicked the asses of the international socialists and taken control of Germany...
Richman, a far right wing outlier posts Alt Facts on fascist, opposes the standard definition: authoritarian, right wing, nativistic, nationalistic, anti-democratic. You all can argue til the cows come home. You support a right wing authoritarian who hates democracy. Trump called the opposition to his plans in the GOP and Dem parties "obstructionism". That sounds like the fascists above.

Trump personalizes all opposition: me against Mexico, me against whatever.
The fascists above dodge the OP.

The free press is oppressing no one, except in the minds, like the fascists above, who want to suppress the free press because it calls out evil right, center, and left.

The press has no obligation to operate by the president's desire.

Simple: fascists and Trumpoids etc need to tell the truth, and their combined nose is being held to the grind stone. Bannon will not be interviewed by the free press because he lies, and Conway has been told she is next.
Richman, a far right wing outlier posts Alt Facts on fascist, opposes the standard definition: authoritarian, right wing, nativistic, nationalistic, anti-democratic. You all can argue til the cows come home. You support a right wing authoritarian who hates democracy. Trump called the opposition to his plans in the GOP and Dem parties "obstructionism". That sounds like the fascists above.

Trump personalizes all opposition: me against Mexico, me against whatever.

Yes.....fascism is right wing because it is right wing.....I like how leftists do that little trick.

Left wing = strong central state controlling the people

Right Wing = the central state is constrained by checks and balances, the rule of law and the preeminence of individual Rights and Liberties...
Richman, a far right wing outlier posts Alt Facts on fascist, opposes the standard definition: authoritarian, right wing, nativistic, nationalistic, anti-democratic. You all can argue til the cows come home. You support a right wing authoritarian who hates democracy. Trump called the opposition to his plans in the GOP and Dem parties "obstructionism". That sounds like the fascists above.

Trump personalizes all opposition: me against Mexico, me against whatever.

Yes.....fascism is right wing because it is right wing.....I like how leftists do that little trick.

Left wing = strong central state controlling the people

Right Wing = the central state is constrained by checks and balances, the rule of law and the preeminence of individual Rights and Liberties...
Most of the accepted and traditional definitions make it right wing, but you say, No. OK.
Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."

Flee while you still can.
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Fascism, according to online Oxford Dictionaries, is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, ... more Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

The poltical philosophy includes Alt Right American nativism, jingoism, racialism, and it is anti-democracy. That is why Trump, in part, is screaming about his all time lowest minority victory in our history, and shouting out stuff with absolutely no evidence to support his comments.

He is now trying to fetter the free press.

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime

Opinion: Trump Makes It Clear After Taking Office That America Is Under a Fascist Regime
By Rmuse on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017 at 10:30 am

Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to "make America great."

You do for one, fascist....
Just far left libs. projecting again. Remember people, they're the thought police. They're the keepers of hypocrisy. They're the victims of mass hysteria, and they're the people who protest and destroy when they don't get their way in the name of "tolerance".
The far right fascists do all those things as well, TheDude.

The far left libs are as precious snow flakes as the Alt Right Fascists.

I am glad to see no one defending fascism.
Way too much Democrat Fake News for this OP. I recommend he or she take a break from Politics. They done gone craaazy. :cuckoo:
Richman, a far right wing outlier posts Alt Facts on fascist, opposes the standard definition: authoritarian, right wing, nativistic, nationalistic, anti-democratic. You all can argue til the cows come home. You support a right wing authoritarian who hates democracy. Trump called the opposition to his plans in the GOP and Dem parties "obstructionism". That sounds like the fascists above.

Trump personalizes all opposition: me against Mexico, me against whatever.
Please tell us. Did Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc want big government or small limited government?


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