Who (or what) are R-W'ers main "news" sources?

I'ts no secret that most right wingers are relying for their sources of truth in news reporting on such outfits as Breitbart and The Blaze,where any blogger can state what he or she wants and any of these people's assertions quickly become "facts" to be spread as gospel.....

Searching for anything that would validate their prejudices and biases, right wingers are doing themselves a disservice when opinions are viewed as truths. Sad state of affairs, really..

classic libtard projection... you're so vain you probably think this song is about you. or maybe milo considering the context here, but you're still scapegoating strawmen for your own sins like a typical virtue signaling concern troll.

Assange was asked about material concerning that, and Trump. He stated he had nothing on note.

The lack of similar material against your opponents does not diminish the integrity, unless you have proof to the contrary.

No, I don't have any proof that Assange is either lying or telling the truth.....But i grew up in a household where the word of a would be child molester on the run from his responsibilities should be suspect.

And yet you people cheer Roman Polanski and cry for his pardon.
I'ts no secret that most right wingers are relying for their sources of truth in news reporting on such outfits as Breitbart and The Blaze,where any blogger can state what he or she wants and any of these people's assertions quickly become "facts" to be spread as gospel.....

Searching for anything that would validate their prejudices and biases, right wingers are doing themselves a disservice when opinions are viewed as truths. Sad state of affairs, really..

Vanity journalism is their favorite. Breitbart and TheGatewayPundit are 2 of their biggest sources, by far. They also like "outrage porn" from sites like The Daily Mail (also known as the Daily Fail in the UK.)
I'ts no secret that most right wingers are relying for their sources of truth in news reporting on such outfits as Breitbart and The Blaze,where any blogger can state what he or she wants and any of these people's assertions quickly become "facts" to be spread as gospel.....

Searching for anything that would validate their prejudices and biases, right wingers are doing themselves a disservice when opinions are viewed as truths. Sad state of affairs, really..

Yes, reasonable "people" are told what to think "by the" leftist media
They also like "outrage porn" from sites like The Daily Mail (also known as the Daily Fail in the UK.)

Yes, The Daily Mail and The Inquirer in the US are fighting for the title of best "bottom of a parakeet cage" award.
The mainstream only throws out propaganda now and that includes fox. Hell, they're not even disseminating pertinent information now. It's all a kardashian, pop culture, yell racism, porn fest.
Who said anything about this forum?

I'm speaking of Democrats in general, particularly your greatest allies, Hollywood Democrats.

Fine, Billy.....have it your way....everybody is bad except tea baggers...Happy now?.
I like to read from both sides of the media, then I come on places like this and see how others are interpreting the information, that with known or perceived facts about who I am reading about, I form an opinion that may or may not be swayed with further information.
I'ts no secret that most right wingers are relying for their sources of truth in news reporting on such outfits as Breitbart and The Blaze,where any blogger can state what he or she wants and any of these people's assertions quickly become "facts" to be spread as gospel.....

Searching for anything that would validate their prejudices and biases, right wingers are doing themselves a disservice when opinions are viewed as truths. Sad state of affairs, really..

they have news sources?

they get their delusional information from breitbart, infowars and drudge scum. that's why they don't know anything.
I'ts no secret that most right wingers are relying for their sources of truth in news reporting on such outfits as Breitbart and The Blaze,where any blogger can state what he or she wants and any of these people's assertions quickly become "facts" to be spread as gospel.....

Searching for anything that would validate their prejudices and biases, right wingers are doing themselves a disservice when opinions are viewed as truths. Sad state of affairs, really..
they got a scandal story going on right bnow
They said Ted Cruz's daddy gunned down JFK in Dallas...Grassy Knoll Cruz
Just How Cozy Are Trump And National Enquirer? - Talking Points ..
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s airing the tabloid conspiracy theory that Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) father associated with JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald put his cozy relationship with the National Enquirer, which has paid dividends in 2016, in the spotlight yet again.
Assange was asked about material concerning that, and Trump. He stated he had nothing on note.

The lack of similar material against your opponents does not diminish the integrity, unless you have proof to the contrary.

No, I don't have any proof that Assange is either lying or telling the truth.....But i grew up in a household where the word of a would be child molester on the run from his responsibilities should be suspect.

And yet you people cheer Roman Polanski and cry for his pardon.
Really? when did I do that?
Bottom Line Folks
70 Nobel Laureates Endorse Hillary Clinton

National Enquirer endorses Trump

Any Questions???
the problem here is that the Nobel is not worth too much any more.
When they gave it to obama before he had done anything at all, it became obvious that there was no value in it. Some of those on the board that do the selecting realized this after the fact and even wanted to take it back from obama.
It means nothing that they would endorse hillary, the boy scouts would be a more powerful endorsement at this point.
Some of them appear to be creating a world in which they expose themselves to fewer and fewer sources. Look at what is happening to Meghan Kelly's ratings on FOX: She dared to challenge Trump; now she's a pinko commie, and her ratings have dropped. Hannity is an obedient Trumpster and is now #1 there.

As that world gets smaller and smaller, they'll become more isolated and taken less seriously. They haven't realized that yet.

Should be interesting.
And that should scare you but having the brain the size of a pea and an ego as big as mount Everest you haven't realized it yet. Leave a people without a voice then they resort to the only thing they can to gain a voice.

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