Who owns your womb?

If the woman is about to give birth, and having a C section is in the best interests of her health and the health of her fetus - which she would want to see alive, then do the C section.
I can understand not wanting one, but do you want a warm, healthy baby, or a dead baby?


The problem, unfortunately, is we have those on the social right seeking to compel the procedure for partisan reasons, having nothing to do with what’s best for the woman.

"Fetal protection" laws and similar measures are just another sad example of conservative contempt for individual liberty, and the desire by most on the right to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

CCJ and how does this same argument
apply or not apply to federal insurance mandates?
Not just on birth control but all areas of health care
that "one party" seeks to regulate on a federal level instead of trusting localized choices?
younger women seem to feel that vaginal birth is an old fashion and out dated idea...why go thru all that when you can pick a date and be done with it? most the c sections my younger friends have had are for convenience....they pick the time and date and can plan around it...seems they are too busy with careers and such to wait around for the natural labor to kick in...cant be bothered... our society just continues to make child birth as unnatural as possible and the doctors are into the convenience factor and covering their ass factor to the max
you left out the most important factor,,,,,,keeping a tight pussy.

Amazingly, there are some men who demand that.

Probably cuz they are, uh, built, uh, er, small.
If the woman is about to give birth, and having a C section is in the best interests of her health and the health of her fetus - which she would want to see alive, then do the C section.
I can understand not wanting one, but do you want a warm, healthy baby, or a dead baby?


The problem, unfortunately, is we have those on the social right seeking to compel the procedure for partisan reasons, having nothing to do with what’s best for the woman.

"Fetal protection" laws and similar measures are just another sad example of conservative contempt for individual liberty, and the desire by most on the right to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

The problem with your type,you don't respect others liberty,just your own.Then blame others for doing just what you crow about.

How is protecting a living being a partisan wedge,other than the angle you play.
If the woman is about to give birth, and having a C section is in the best interests of her health and the health of her fetus - which she would want to see alive, then do the C section.
I can understand not wanting one, but do you want a warm, healthy baby, or a dead baby?

That's not what the article is saying Noomi. Doctors here prescribe a lot of shit that isn't necessary. Amazingly we actually have for-profit hospitals, which means it's in the medical staff's interest to do more surgeries -- it makes them money. It's a warped system.

The point here is that the law appears to be penalizing the mother by taking her doctor's advice over the mother's own. Whether such a woman actually "needs" the C-section is sometimes highly questionable. So what's happening is the law favoring the word of a doctor over the decision of the mother, which is at the very least a form of blackmail -- let alone the question in the thread title.

Triplets are a high-risk delivery, that would be automatically slated for c-section because once the first baby is born, there is very, very limited time to get the other two out before they die.

The doctor was right to override an idiot's ridiculous decision to go vag or die trying. This is not an instance where a c-section is frivolous, as is evinced by the fact that the baby did, in fact, die before it could be delivered.

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