Who ran over Tamerlan Tsarnaev: Cops or younger brother?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Does it mater? Either way that's millions we won't have to spend. Thank god!

It sure as hell does matter! Facts matter! Facts will matter at the trial. There's some serious fucking lying going on.

When did facts matter to a liberal? you dont need a trial, just pass some more knee jerk laws......ban home appliances or run background checks for them.
Did human rights matter to the emperor of the Mayan empire in 300-900 AD? O'yess, the great empire of the America's treated people worse then the pariah's of Egypt.

Can you imagine how little a chief of old (of a smaller tribe) would of thought of such concepts.

I won't say your because I'm part but we didn't develop human rights.
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Who's lying:




All the above?

I'll go with all of the above...political correctness is a bitch when searching for the truth.....but who knows.....it takes time to unravel this stuff....we still dont know shit about fast and furious and ben ghazi.....people still think a video caused the latter......
Why does it matter...there's a group of Americans saying that nothing happened, it was all staged and not person was injured.It was all fake.
It's fairly obvious , Lakhota ,
Tamerlan first coughed up the safety pin from his stomach , expertly catching it in his right hand -- a trick that had taken five years to perfect . He then took off his handcuffs and expertly put his three police guards to sleep using esoteric martial art skills which he had learned in Dagestan last year .

At this point he wound down the window of the Police Cruiser and started whistling Rachmaninov's Symphony number one , which was the signal for his brother to reverse over him as he fell out of the cruiser .
What a clever little chap he was .
Here's the problem...

As many of us already believe that our government is corrupt,and given to lying to us :doubt:their credibility is shot.

Therefore, even IF they're telling us the truth, many of us SUSPECT they're lying.:cool:

I'd be much more interested in uncovering and reporting evil government plots ...



So let's assume that somebody has the information to prove a government conspiracy.

Then what?

Give it to the media?

Who controls the main stream media?

Tell the FBI?

Who controls the FBI?

There is no GOOD MASTER to whom one can report government crimes, folks, IF the government is itself the criminal.

Assume you find an honest man in government. One who is not part of the conspiracy and who would do something about it.

How long do you suppose he'd last before he is removed from power? the moment he begins to do something, he is removed one way or the other.

IF as many of you believe the top echelons of government are killing American people?

Then truly, no such conspiracy will EVER be revealed and TRULY we citizens are hosed


there is a stuggle for power within the government itself
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It's fairly obvious , Lakhota ,
Tamerlan first coughed up the safety pin from his stomach , expertly catching it in his right hand -- a trick that had taken five years to perfect . He then took off his handcuffs and expertly put his three police guards to sleep using esoteric martial art skills which he had learned in Dagestan last year .

At this point he wound down the window of the Police Cruiser and started whistling Rachmaninov's Symphony number one , which was the signal for his brother to reverse over him as he fell out of the cruiser .
What a clever little chap he was .

News coming in that Blackcherry was run over by a so far unidentified American coach that was touring England .
There are a lots of questions which may be understandable since things went downs so fast.

Assuming you are not just trying to flush out some conspiracy theorists so you can then tear them down I'll play.

Questions I have, why no apparent escape plan?

Why was the younger brother seen on campus the next day apparently nonchalant.

Why did they shoot the MIT cop as he sat in his car? Why didn't they kill the guy they car jacked?

Why would the police lie about anything? Unless they think they acted above the law?

If they had guns why isn't there being a bigger deal made out of it from the media?

If the cops ran over the older brother then that means they were in a car. If they were in a car how did the younger brother escape? How did he escape anyway? What the older brother shot or did he just blow off his hand(s) and then got run over?

Will there be an investigation into how the government blotched the investigation into the older brother?
There are a lots of questions which may be understandable since things went downs so fast.


Assuming you are not just trying to flush out some conspiracy theorists so you can then tear them down I'll play.

Let's just call it a thought experiment, shall we?

Questions I have, why no apparent escape plan?

At least three plausible explanations

1. Suicide by cop WAS the plan
2. They had a plan that failed
3. they were SET UP as patseys

Why was the younger brother seen on campus the next day apparently nonchalant.

1. He is innocent, or
2. He simply thought he'd gotten away with it, or
3. He didn't care if he got caught

Why did they shoot the MIT cop as he sat in his car? Why didn't they kill the guy they car jacked?

No ideas. Too many possible reasons can be imagined but with no information we cannot know.
Why would the police lie about anything? Unless they think they acted above the law?

What did they lie about? Can we prove they lied?

If they had guns why isn't there being a bigger deal made out of it from the media?

Because BOMBS make bigger headlines than guns?

If the cops ran over the older brother then that means they were in a car. If they were in a car how did the younger brother escape? How did he escape anyway?

the kid was a young athlete. the cops were...well, cops?

What the older brother shot or did he just blow off his hand(s) and then got run over?

Don't know. No guess, either

Will there be an investigation into how the government blotched the investigation into the older brother?

I would guess without doubt there will be an INTERNAL investigation and probably a congressional investigation on THAT issue.
Damn straight there is, Benghazi, Ft. Hood.....and on and on an on.

This President has lied about everything and gotten away with murder.

Does it mater? Either way that's millions we won't have to spend. Thank god!

It sure as hell does matter! Facts matter! Facts will matter at the trial. There's some serious fucking lying going on.

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