Who saw THIS coming?

Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

How can W. possibly be worse than Obama?

Unemployment: much higher under Obama

National Debt: much higher under Obama

Loss of freedoms: much higher under Obama

Taxes: much higher under Obama

Poverty: much higher under Obama

Scandals: much higher under Obama
You've lost it, dude. Get help.

Which is why you can't dispute one FACT posted there? :eusa_whistle:
Who saw this coming?!?

Radical liberal Oliver Stone: "Obama is a snake and we have to turn on him"

Obama Is a Snake and We Have to Turn on Him | Video | TheBlaze.com

All I could think when I read that was this:
Ron Burgundy - That Escalated Quickly - YouTube

This proves I'm right -- Obama is basically a moderate and right of center on foreign policy and economics.

Too bad right of center is still not good enough for the tea bagging racist gun nutters.

They hate pragmatism and embrace batshit crazy.
Who saw this coming?!?

Radical liberal Oliver Stone: "Obama is a snake and we have to turn on him"

Obama Is a Snake and We Have to Turn on Him | Video | TheBlaze.com

All I could think when I read that was this:
Ron Burgundy - That Escalated Quickly - YouTube

This proves I'm right -- Obama is basically a moderate and right of center on foreign policy and economics.

Too bad right of center is still not good enough for the tea bagging racist gun nutters.

They hate pragmatism and embrace batshit crazy.

Trying to classify everything as either left or right is blinding you to what is going on. Particularly to the fact that much of the impetus for the Tea Party movement is libertarian - not 'far right' - which stands in direct opposition to the corporatism embraced by both Democrats and Republicans. Did you notice in the article from the OP that Stone said he'd vote for Ron Paul over Obama?
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Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

How can W. possibly be worse than Obama?

Unemployment: much higher under Obama

National Debt: much higher under Obama

Loss of freedoms: much higher under Obama

Taxes: much higher under Obama

Poverty: much higher under Obama

Scandals: much higher under Obama

I disagree with 'loss of freedoms' and 'scandals.' And maybe 'national debt.'

Bush created an entire department of government, Homeland Security, which is behind the TSA nonsense that's been going on.

He also created the patriot act which intruded on Americans like never before. It made wiretapping and drones possible.

As for the national debt? I was a sophomore in high school when we invaded Iraq. That created an anti-american sentiment in the world like nothing that had ever been seen before. Now just like we want to ween ourselves off of middle east oil, the rest of the world wants to ween themselves off of America. And that's Dubya Bush's greatest legacy.

Loss of freedoms:

Obamacare (forces people against their will to purchase a good or service - a power the federal government simply does not have).

Expanded the Patriot Act

Has placed Americans (protected by the U.S. Constitution with rights such as due process) on a hit list and stated publicly he "has the right to kill them with drones". I mean, come on dude - I know your left wing, but you don't think that is so far beyond extreme when a president says he can decide for himself to kill Americans?

Spying on American journalists and their families (when did Bush EVER do that?)




Fast & Furious

Spying on AP

As far as National Debt - that's not something you get disagree on my friend. That's cold, hard, FACT. When GWB left office, the national debt stood at $9 trillion and change (of which Bush was responsible for $4 trillion over 8 years). It now stands at $16 trillion in change. That's right - Bush added $4 trillion in 8 years, Obama added $7 trillion in 3 years.

Obama added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all presidents in U.S. history combined did in their first 4 years.

Obama has added more to the national debt in his first 3 years than any president did in 8 years!
Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

How can W. possibly be worse than Obama?

Unemployment: much higher under Obama

National Debt: much higher under Obama

Loss of freedoms: much higher under Obama

Taxes: much higher under Obama

Poverty: much higher under Obama

Scandals: much higher under Obama

I disagree with 'loss of freedoms' and 'scandals.' And maybe 'national debt.'

Bush created an entire department of government, Homeland Security, which is behind the TSA nonsense that's been going on.

He also created the patriot act which intruded on Americans like never before. It made wiretapping and drones possible.

As for the national debt? I was a sophomore in high school when we invaded Iraq. That created an anti-american sentiment in the world like nothing that had ever been seen before. Now just like we want to ween ourselves off of middle east oil, the rest of the world wants to ween themselves off of America. And that's Dubya Bush's greatest legacy.

This is from almost a year ago. Don't take my word for it and don't take the Senate's word for it. Every single number listed here can be independent verified through minimal research to be 100% accurate (I know - I researched each item). Still want to tell me you disagree? These numbers are earth shattering:

Obama is a Centrist Democrat

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I love how Synthaholic tries to convince people that Obama is "centrist" and even "conservative" on some issues. As big of a dumb-fuck as he is, I know for a a fact that even he doesn't believe that. But what's hilarious is that he's actually dumb enough to believe he can convince other people of his lies... :cuckoo:
Obama is in a free fall. He is far enough into his presidency now that reality is becoming lucid; his spell is broken.

I thought that was true in 2012.


Reality either wasn't lucid enough, or Romney just REALLY sucked complete balls. I couldn't believe he didn't crush obozo so bad that Carter world feel vindication.
Taxes have only gone up for those making over$400k....if you really want to hear how you're FOS. And they are WAYYYY overdue to pay enough....

In addition to tax increases on Americans making more than $250,000 a year, the bipartisan deal will actually raise taxes on the vast majority of American workers. How? The payroll tax “holiday” has ended. The Wall Street Journal calculates that the “typical U.S. family earning $50,000 a year” will lose “an annual income boost of $1,000.”

Payroll Tax Cut Expires - WSJ

Americans pay high taxes as it is, and with the 13 tax increases that hit this year, tax revenue is growing beyond its historical average as a share of the economy. But Washington's deficits continue, because spending keeps going up.

2013 Tax Rate Changes | Income Tax Changes in 2013

New Obama taxes for just 2013 (aka Taxmaggedon):

Families with an average income of $70,662: tax increase of $4,138 (so much for ignorant franco's false claim that taxes were raised "only" on incomes exceeding $400,000)

Baby boomers with an average income of $95,099: tax increase of $4,223

Low-income workers with an average income of $24,75: tax increase of $1,2077 (so much for ignorant franco's false claim that taxes were raised "only" on incomes exceeding $400,000)

Millennials with an average income of $23,917: tax increase of $1,099

Retirees with an average income of $42,553: tax increase of $857


But don't worry franco, being that you're a lazy libtard parasite who doesn't work but instead lives off of all of us tax paying conservatives, you won't be hit with any tax increases. Which might explain why you are so profoundly ignorant of them.
Obama is in a free fall. He is far enough into his presidency now that reality is becoming lucid; his spell is broken.

I thought that was true in 2012.


Reality either wasn't lucid enough, or Romney just REALLY sucked complete balls. I couldn't believe he didn't crush obozo so bad that Carter world feel vindication.

Don't kid yourself - Romney did crush Obama that bad. But sadly, Obama brought his Chicago-style corrupt politics to Washington D.C., complete with voter fraud and all. Just look at his comprehensive corrupt politics - illegally purchase votes (Louisiana Purchase, Cornhusker Kickback), utilize the IRS to block opposition and to intimidate opposition, use organizations such as the Black Panthers for voter intimidation (and then refuse to prosecute them), the list goes on and on and on.
Who saw this coming?!?

Radical liberal Oliver Stone: "Obama is a snake and we have to turn on him"

Obama Is a Snake and We Have to Turn on Him | Video | TheBlaze.com

All I could think when I read that was this:
Ron Burgundy - That Escalated Quickly - YouTube

This proves I'm right -- Obama is basically a moderate and right of center on foreign policy and economics.

Too bad right of center is still not good enough for the tea bagging racist gun nutters.

They hate pragmatism and embrace batshit crazy.

Let me get this straight - because Obama is further left than Joseph Stalin, to the point where he has actually freaked out radical libs like Oliver Stone, that "proves" he is "right of center"? :cuckoo:

Hey stupid - Oliver Stone isn't complaining that Obama has shrunk government and provided too much freedom. He's complaining that, like all Communists, Obama is spying on the people and become too oppressive. Obama is further left than Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, or Benito Mussolini ass-wipe...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Once again, left/right misses the point entirely. What Stone is recognizing is that the more important distinction is libertarian/authoritarian. Obama is a corporatist authoritarian, first and foremost. Left and right is irrelevant.
How can W. possibly be worse than Obama?

Unemployment: much higher under Obama

National Debt: much higher under Obama

Loss of freedoms: much higher under Obama

Taxes: much higher under Obama

Poverty: much higher under Obama

Scandals: much higher under Obama
You've lost it, dude. Get help.

Which is why you can't dispute one FACT posted there? :eusa_whistle:
I did already, dumbass.

And you didn't list facts, you listed RNC talking points that are easily debunked.
Obama is in a free fall. He is far enough into his presidency now that reality is becoming lucid; his spell is broken.

I thought that was true in 2012.


Reality either wasn't lucid enough, or Romney just REALLY sucked complete balls. I couldn't believe he didn't crush obozo so bad that Carter world feel vindication.

Don't kid yourself - Romney did crush Obama that bad. But sadly, Obama brought his Chicago-style corrupt politics to Washington D.C., complete with voter fraud and all. Just look at his comprehensive corrupt politics - illegally purchase votes (Louisiana Purchase, Cornhusker Kickback), utilize the IRS to block opposition and to intimidate opposition, use organizations such as the Black Panthers for voter intimidation (and then refuse to prosecute them), the list goes on and on and on.
How do Hannity's balls taste?

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