Who Says The Palestinians Don't Want Peace?


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Who says the Palestinians don't want peace?

Islamic Jihad
Popular Resistance Committee
Army of Islam
The Palestinian people themselves elected hamas to carry out their wishes with Israel. And here we have Zionists who still claim the Palestinians don't want peace. Where does such thinking come from?

They don't want peace. They want Victory
"Who says the Palestinians don't want peace?"

Hamas <~~~ yeah, them especially
Islamic Jihad
Popular Resistance Committee
Army of Islam

what about adding: Mista MOON to the list...do you think maybe he should have accompanied the President to Israel....you know, for support; to help out.....wonder when he was there last ?


i guess he has other u.n. delegates on the ground reporting stuff back to him -- but, shouldn't Mr. Moon -- (as the leader of the UN) -- be more involved in this extremely delicate issue?

this article, Mr. Moon... very upset at the suicide bomber who walked into the mosque in Syria and killed 40 people, plus the 84 yr old imam (as he went to HUG him-he blew himself up). he's also concerned about the use of chemical weapons (gasp, shocker) in SYRIA...

United Nations News Centre - UN chief and Security Council strongly condemn terrorist attack on Damascus mosque

wonder if he talked
to netanyahu about his bomb picture.....what did he think of it ?



has he been keeping busy too, like that celery stalk, BASHar ASSad in Syria...........

You're right. Gotta be careful who we hug these days.

"Who says the Palestinians don't want peace?"

Hamas <~~~ yeah, them especially
Islamic Jihad
Popular Resistance Committee
Army of Islam

what about adding: Mista MOON to the list...do you think maybe he should have accompanied the President to Israel....you know, for support; to help out.....wonder when he was there last ?


i guess he has other u.n. delegates on the ground reporting stuff back to him -- but, shouldn't Mr. Moon -- (as the leader of the UN) -- be more involved in this extremely delicate issue?

this article, Mr. Moon... very upset at the suicide bomber who walked into the mosque in Syria and killed 40 people, plus the 84 yr old imam (as he went to HUG him-he blew himself up). he's also concerned about the use of chemical weapons (gasp, shocker) in SYRIA...

United Nations News Centre - UN chief and Security Council strongly condemn terrorist attack on Damascus mosque

wonder if he talked
to netanyahu about his bomb picture.....what did he think of it ?



has he been keeping busy too, like that celery stalk, BASHar ASSad in Syria...........

Palestinians can't even get along with each other. How many Palestinians have been killed by Hamas & Fatah?
Hamas and Fatah would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted a Jewish State on 1.2 million Arabs in 1948, remember?
Hamas and Fatah would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted a Jewish State on 1.2 million Arabs in 1948, remember?

Do you really see the Palestinian exodus as black and white?? Where do you get your information from ?
Hamas and Fatah would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted a Jewish State on 1.2 million Arabs in 1948, remember?

Do you really see the Palestinian exodus as black and white?? Where do you get your information from ?
Starting here:

"The unspoken message of Obama&#8217;s visit is that the Netanyahu government is free to pursue its hardline agenda with little danger of anything more than symbolic protest from Washington.

"The new Israeli cabinet lost no time setting out its legislative priorities. The first bill announced is a 'basic law' to change the state&#8217;s official definition, so that its 'Jewish' aspects trump the 'democratic' elements, a move the Haaretz newspaper termed 'insane'.

"Among the main provisions is one to restrict state funding to new Jewish communities only.

"This points to a cynical solution Netanyahu may adopt to placate the simmering social protest movement in Tel Aviv, which has been demanding above all more affordable housing."

For nearly a hundred years, Zionists have pursued a policy of "creeping annexation" designed to bring all the land between the River and the sea under Jewish rule regardless of the fact that at least an equal number of Arabs also live on that land.

Would you call that kosher?

Will Israeli Settlers Receive Obama?s Blessing? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
I'm talking about Palestinian exodus in 1948 during the Arab-Israel Civil war
Try to keep up
They figure peace will only come if everyone is Muslim.

Then they'll just end up arguing and fighting over the differences between Shia and Sunni, etc.

Ever listened to a couple of Muslims arguing religion? It's hopeless.
Isn't it just awful Georgie boy? Do you think maybe the Palestinians got screwed royal by their own Arab brothers telling them to leave the land until the united Arab countries annihilate Israel?

Hamas and Fatah would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted a Jewish State on 1.2 million Arabs in 1948, remember?

Do you really see the Palestinian exodus as black and white?? Where do you get your information from ?
Starting here:

"The unspoken message of Obama’s visit is that the Netanyahu government is free to pursue its hardline agenda with little danger of anything more than symbolic protest from Washington.

"The new Israeli cabinet lost no time setting out its legislative priorities. The first bill announced is a 'basic law' to change the state’s official definition, so that its 'Jewish' aspects trump the 'democratic' elements, a move the Haaretz newspaper termed 'insane'.

"Among the main provisions is one to restrict state funding to new Jewish communities only.

"This points to a cynical solution Netanyahu may adopt to placate the simmering social protest movement in Tel Aviv, which has been demanding above all more affordable housing."

For nearly a hundred years, Zionists have pursued a policy of "creeping annexation" designed to bring all the land between the River and the sea under Jewish rule regardless of the fact that at least an equal number of Arabs also live on that land.

Would you call that kosher?

Will Israeli Settlers Receive Obama?s Blessing? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
So why weren't the Arabs allowed to return to their homes, businesses, and bank accounts?

"Danny Rubinstein: The topic is the Palestinian refugees. Whatever were the reasons for that exodus, Israel didn&#8217;t let the refugees come back. We have spent many years arguing about who is to blame and in your book, you tried to find out what really happened in every place. Maybe it&#8217;s not relevant at all. Isn&#8217;t the real problem that Israel didn&#8217;t let them come back?

"Benny Morris: I do think it&#8217;s relevant, since the historian must analyze what happened on the ground. However, the first thing is to accurately define the two traditional views of what happened. Since 1948, the Jews have maintained that the Arabs fled, either what is called voluntarily, or because of orders or requests by their leaders inside or outside Palestine.

"This has been the basis of Israeli propaganda since 1948."

Palestine-Israel Journal: <b>The Palestinian Exodus 1948</b>
So why weren't the Arabs allowed to return to their homes, businesses, and bank accounts?

"Danny Rubinstein: The topic is the Palestinian refugees. Whatever were the reasons for that exodus, Israel didn’t let the refugees come back. We have spent many years arguing about who is to blame and in your book, you tried to find out what really happened in every place. Maybe it’s not relevant at all. Isn’t the real problem that Israel didn’t let them come back?

"Benny Morris: I do think it’s relevant, since the historian must analyze what happened on the ground. However, the first thing is to accurately define the two traditional views of what happened. Since 1948, the Jews have maintained that the Arabs fled, either what is called voluntarily, or because of orders or requests by their leaders inside or outside Palestine.

"This has been the basis of Israeli propaganda since 1948."

Palestine-Israel Journal: <b>The Palestinian Exodus 1948</b>

The Arabs are lucky they weren't ALL expelled after the war in 1967 !

Moshe Dayan Lost An Opportunity to Rid Israel of Arabs
I'm talking about Palestinian exodus in 1948 during the Arab-Israel Civil war
Try to keep up
Same question, Toast.

Why weren't they Arabs disposed by the Jewish State allowed to return home?
Probably for the same reason they are still denied access to land their families owned for generations, in some cases, while Jews from bum-fuck Bulgaria are welcomed into Israel with open arms and generous US taxpayer supplied subsidies.

"The Arab view was that the Jews expelled the Palestinians deliberately and systematically, and that this was the end-product or the crowning achievement of Zionist ideology which always maintained that the Palestinians had to be transferred outside of Palestine.

"In 1948 the Jews got the opportunity to implement the long-conceived plan.

"If this is so, then Zionism is a robber ideology and Israel is a robber state, according to the traditional Arab view.

"The Jewish claim is that Israel had no intention of expelling everybody, but in fact, the Israelis took a deliberate political and military decision not to allow the refugees back.

"Many Palestinians left not because they were actually expelled but because of the fear of war, the fear of battle reaching their homes, and so on. But once they had left their villages and the country, and then tried to come back and were barred - that is the point where one can talk of a policy of expulsion."

Palestine-Israel Journal: <b>The Palestinian Exodus 1948</b>
So why weren't the Arabs allowed to return to their homes, businesses, and bank accounts?

"Danny Rubinstein: The topic is the Palestinian refugees. Whatever were the reasons for that exodus, Israel didn’t let the refugees come back. We have spent many years arguing about who is to blame and in your book, you tried to find out what really happened in every place. Maybe it’s not relevant at all. Isn’t the real problem that Israel didn’t let them come back?

"Benny Morris: I do think it’s relevant, since the historian must analyze what happened on the ground. However, the first thing is to accurately define the two traditional views of what happened. Since 1948, the Jews have maintained that the Arabs fled, either what is called voluntarily, or because of orders or requests by their leaders inside or outside Palestine.

"This has been the basis of Israeli propaganda since 1948."

Palestine-Israel Journal: <b>The Palestinian Exodus 1948</b>

The Arabs are lucky they weren't ALL expelled after the war in 1967 !

Moshe Dayan Lost An Opportunity to Rid Israel of Arabs
Moshe's your best shot?

"There is no more Palestine. Finished . . .
As quoted in TIME Magazine (30 July 1973)"

Think there's an issue with Fourth Geneva?
Nice deflection Georgie Boy...
After remembering the intention of the Arabs in 1948 and 1967 (to drive the Jews to the sea), MOshe Dayan STILL allowed them to stay. Even the Arabs were surprised !

I wonder what would have happened to the Jews had the Arabs won ??
Nice deflection Georgie Boy...
After remembering the intention of the Arabs in 1948 and 1967 (to drive the Jews to the sea), MOshe Dayan STILL allowed them to stay. Even the Arabs were surprised !

I wonder what would have happened to the Jews had the Arabs won ??
Moshe had no choice:

"Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive."

BTW, the Samson Option is the only thing Arabs could have won anytime after '67.

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nice deflection Georgie Boy...
After remembering the intention of the Arabs in 1948 and 1967 (to drive the Jews to the sea), MOshe Dayan STILL allowed them to stay. Even the Arabs were surprised !

I wonder what would have happened to the Jews had the Arabs won ??
Moshe had no choice:

"Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive."

BTW, the Samson Option is the only thing Arabs could have won anytime after '67.

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What do those laws say about driving the Jews to the seA aka another holocaust?
How does ANYONE or ANY NATION even begin to negotiate peace with an enemy who prefers death over life?

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