Who should be the next President?

Your opening seems to indicate that you are framing it to the usual election cycle transfer schedule, two years away. You are not unusual. We know that some politicians have already commenced their campaigns for the presidency. That is what seems to be unusual.

I do not remember the campaigns starting earlier than what Trump did in 2015, almost a year and a half before the election. Now we are at over two years prior to the election. And it is going to turn into a continuous circus.

It is a real shame that we do not have a formal graduated political office system.

It is unwittingly designed to promote semi-experienced people.
thank the Conservative Supreme Court for that awesome Citizens United decision
Maybe, but Trump still won't get a vote from Me. He is STILL too liberal, not to mention, not really all that bright. He needs only keep his mouth shut and let his lawyers do their job. He can't even be that disciplined. No thanks.

Beside, DeSantis is a much better candidate. All the right policies without mouth diarrhea.
Has DeSantis given any indication he's ready to run against Trump?
Uncle Ted works pretty well for me! How could he be HALF as bad as Brandon?!

See the source image
Dimmers are pushing Trump into his second term. The more wacko they act and keep going after him the bigger the landslide vote that puts him back in office.
How can you say that democrats are wackos?

How can you not see that this is a woman?


How can you not see that this is a clump of cells?

How can you not see that the border is secure?


How do you not see this is a peaceful protest?


How can you not see that the leftist ideas are working for the hard working people of California?


We are in a utopian era of existence brought about by those who don't know what woman is, and who welcome rolling blackouts.
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Not with the country in the state it is now....Poopeypants has just dropped the stock market off the edge of the cliff, lowest point in over a year.
Which will not be changed by arguing about 2024 right now.

The concern right now is the chance that the ignorant masses will reelect the clown car (democrats) that has gotten us into this position to begin.
Which will not be changed by arguing about 2024 right now.

The concern right now is the chance that the ignorant masses will reelect the clown car (democrats) that has gotten us into this position to begin.
Whomever the Republicans nominate gets my vote, very simple. Its the only chance to unseat the Reich and restructure the brownshirt FBI.
Sorry Joe, you're just too old. Though your poll numbers have ticked up of late, most voters don't want you in the whitehouse for another term.

Donald, you're not fairing any better. Your legal baggage is turning off even your fellow republicans, many of whom you've attacked without cause.

So - Who should be the next President?

Well if not Trump DeSantis would be the best possible choice, but I don't seem him running. I wouldn't mind Kari Lake either though.

Who will be the next President is whomever the States elect.

Or select in Biden's case.

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