Who should be the next President?

The first woman President.
Sorry Joe, you're just too old. Though your poll numbers have ticked up of late, most voters don't want you in the whitehouse for another term.

Donald, you're not fairing any better. Your legal baggage is turning off even your fellow republicans, many of whom you've attacked without cause.

So - Who should be the next President?

Sorry Joe, you're just too old. Though your poll numbers have ticked up of late, most voters don't want you in the whitehouse for another term.

Donald, you're not fairing any better. Your legal baggage is turning off even your fellow republicans, many of whom you've attacked without cause.

So - Who should be the next President?
First, as not being a Trump supporter, I would like to say that it is the left who have given Trump all of his legal troubles, due to their being infected with the TDS plague. So, it's not quite fair to make that statement. Anyway, like I said, I'm not really a Trump supporter so I would like to see Tim Scott as the next president with Nikki Haley as his VP. Let the democrats figure out how to campaign against a black man and a woman who isn't even technically white. No socialists but more middle of the road people who aren't extreme on either side and really are willing to work with the other side to get things done.
First, as not being a Trump supporter, I would like to say that it is the left who have given Trump all of his legal troubles, due to their being infected with the TDS plague. So, it's not quite fair to make that statement. Anyway, like I said, I'm not really a Trump supporter so I would like to see Tim Scott as the next president with Nikki Haley as his VP. Let the democrats figure out how to campaign against a black man and a woman who isn't even technically white. No socialists but more middle of the road people who aren't extreme on either side and really are willing to work with the other side to get things done.
Trump is the reason for all Trump’s legal problems.
I have decided, with the up coming vote on this insane global WHO pandemic treaty, I know a team that would restore trust in our institutions and really clean house.

A team that will bring back sanity to government, and integrity to society.

Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Peter McCullough, for the oval office, though I don't think they would take the job.

Published September 29, 2022

Reason for the Pandemic/Vaccine (Money) - Dr. Peter McCullough​


They recommend watching this. . . if you have the time.

Uninformed Consent - Official Full Documentary Release - Watch Now!​

Sorry Joe, you're just too old. Though your poll numbers have ticked up of late, most voters don't want you in the whitehouse for another term.

Donald, you're not fairing any better. Your legal baggage is turning off even your fellow republicans, many of whom you've attacked without cause.

So - Who should be the next President?
Kamala Harris with Cortez as her VP.

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