Who should get the next U.S. jobs?

there are plenty of racists in the GOP DUH^^
And yet more racists voted for Obama in '08 than for McCain. Funny how reality has a way of crushing leftist "knowledge."

More racists voted for Obama? Is there a link or something to prove that. When I vote, I'm never asked my opinion on the races prior to voting.
CNN Ext polls, 2008.

So the CNN Ext polls, 2008, determines who the racists are that vote?
No, the respondents determined that.
Yes, silent auction your labor today....

Basically what the
there are plenty of racists in the GOP DUH^^
And yet more racists voted for Obama in '08 than for McCain. Funny how reality has a way of crushing leftist "knowledge."

More racists voted for Obama? Is there a link or something to prove that. When I vote, I'm never asked my opinion on the races prior to voting.
CNN Ext polls, 2008.

So the CNN Ext polls, 2008, determines who the racists are that vote?
No, the respondents determined that.

How so? Just your words so far. Any statistics of racists voting democrat?
American citizens!!!
Heresy! All the jobs have to go to immigrants, or we are 'racist'. :eusa_shifty:

it's beyond obvious there's not a RW's alive who knows the difference between race, sub cultures, and ethnic groups.

and they want to run the country ?


They do run the country idiot, in spite of whose ass sits in the White House. And they're going to run it a great deal more come Nov 4.

Want to bet? You won't have enough people to over ride a veto.

if the RW eeks out a Senate majority by 1 or 2 or maybe even 3 seats, in their simple little minds a 2/3rds majority magically appears in both Houses of Congress... let them keep thinking that, they're THAT stupid.
Yes, silent auction your labor today....

Basically what the
And yet more racists voted for Obama in '08 than for McCain. Funny how reality has a way of crushing leftist "knowledge."

More racists voted for Obama? Is there a link or something to prove that. When I vote, I'm never asked my opinion on the races prior to voting.
CNN Ext polls, 2008.

So the CNN Ext polls, 2008, determines who the racists are that vote?
No, the respondents determined that.

How so? Just your words so far. Any statistics of racists voting democrat?
The question asked something close to this "Was race the most important factor in deciding how to cast your vote?" Far more Democrats voted for Obama because of his race than did Republicans for McCain because of his race. Using a person's race as the most important criterion for a judgment on an individual is racism, as understood by regular people.

Example: That person is black and therefore I fear him.
Example: That person is a Jew and therefore he'll rip me off.
American citizens!!!

No way.
Yanks want too much money for too little work - manufacture in China - a truly capitalist country.

How much is too much?

Anything that takes production costs over a line that makes the company uncompetitive in world markets.
Once you cross that line, it's easier to outsource production to another country, leaving the greedy workers to wallow in self pity.

That is pretty much what it boils down to: stupid, ignorant, greedy labor who actually have the naive balls to ask for an increase in minimum wage during a borderline recession. I've got news for you ass clowns, most employers are not rolling in dough. These large corp. executives who are making lots of money and the profiting corps. Are the exception not the rule.

Labor is disposable. It not for collective bargaining - which is a corruption of a market economy - labor would be completely interchangeable.

That's right, "Down with us workers and please let us compete with the third world, master sir boss pleeze."

Tell me.
You go to two shops, looking for a new TV.
One is American made, nice quality, and costs $500.
One is made in China, works exactly the same, but only costs $400.

Which do you buy?
I now work as an employee for a medium size company.

I work far more hours than I have to.
I go to conferences at weekends, at my own expense.
I kitted out my room with all the required equipment, all at my own cost, because I knew I could do a far better job that way.
I spend hours at home producing work for my company.

I do all of this and more, even though I could easily plod on as the others do, and get away with it.
My last wage rise, without asking for one, was 1.5 times the salary of the poorest paid teacher in the school, and almost half of the highest paid teacher's pay packet.

I got without asking because my employer knows what I do, and knows I'm making far more for the company than I cost, even at 16 times minimum wage, so doesn't want me to leave.

I make myself very employable, and make myself worth that sort of money.
Attitude matters.

Don't moan about being on minimum wage, get off your fat fucking arse and make yourself worth a pay rise.

The race to the bottom marches on. What if someone outdoes you in the upaid hours worked at home?

No one does, because they don't have the right attitude to work.
That's why I get paid a lot more than the others.
Earning cash as an employee is very much like running a business.
Hard work and effort pay off.
Example: That person is black and therefore I fear him.
Example: That person is a Jew and therefore he'll rip me off.

How about - I'll employ the best worker, totally ignoring religion, race, colour, sexual ideas and whatever.
A company wants to make money - that's why it's there.
Racism is bad business.
Workers are such greedy scum, aren't they? If a living wage is not possible in America due to production being able to move to the third world, then the workers should auction themselves off and say, "Hey, we'll work for less, much less. " Worthless greedy Americans, interfering with corporate profit no matter how it is obtained.

Not at all - but they are unimaginative, stupid, uneducated and have no vision - that's why they're workers, not bosses.
Workers are such greedy scum, aren't they? If a living wage is not possible in America due to production being able to move to the third world, then the workers should auction themselves off and say, "Hey, we'll work for less, much less. " Worthless greedy Americans, interfering with corporate profit no matter how it is obtained.

Not at all - but they are unimaginative, stupid, uneducated and have no vision - that's why they're workers, not bosses.

You mean for not working extra time at home without pay like you do to curry favor with the boss? Again, race to the bottom, not a way an advanced country should operate, at least in my opinion.
No way.
Yanks want too much money for too little work - manufacture in China - a truly capitalist country.

How much is too much?

Anything that takes production costs over a line that makes the company uncompetitive in world markets.
Once you cross that line, it's easier to outsource production to another country, leaving the greedy workers to wallow in self pity.

That is pretty much what it boils down to: stupid, ignorant, greedy labor who actually have the naive balls to ask for an increase in minimum wage during a borderline recession. I've got news for you ass clowns, most employers are not rolling in dough. These large corp. executives who are making lots of money and the profiting corps. Are the exception not the rule.

Labor is disposable. It not for collective bargaining - which is a corruption of a market economy - labor would be completely interchangeable.

That's right, "Down with us workers and please let us compete with the third world, master sir boss pleeze."

Tell me.
You go to two shops, looking for a new TV.
One is American made, nice quality, and costs $500.
One is made in China, works exactly the same, but only costs $400.

Which do you buy?

I buy the chinese one for $400 because it's made in China. T.V's aren't made in America.
Yes, silent auction your labor today....

Basically what the
More racists voted for Obama? Is there a link or something to prove that. When I vote, I'm never asked my opinion on the races prior to voting.
CNN Ext polls, 2008.

So the CNN Ext polls, 2008, determines who the racists are that vote?
No, the respondents determined that.

How so? Just your words so far. Any statistics of racists voting democrat?
The question asked something close to this "Was race the most important factor in deciding how to cast your vote?" Far more Democrats voted for Obama because of his race than did Republicans for McCain because of his race. Using a person's race as the most important criterion for a judgment on an individual is racism, as understood by regular people.

Example: That person is black and therefore I fear him.
Example: That person is a Jew and therefore he'll rip me off.

You're just making stuff up now.
You're just making stuff up now.

You're an idiot.
Are you capable of explaining why you think that I'm an idiot?

Because you conjure up conclusions completely divorced from any supporting evidence.

You're going to have to come up with more than one exit poll to prove your point. Exit polls, by the way, have never been used to overturn elections.
Do you even live in the US? All the white people in my lab were orgasmic about Obama winning in '08. They had just proved to themselves, and to the world, that they weren't racists because they had voted for a black man. The Exit Polls captured these types of liberals. We've all seen these racists - all puffed up with pride for having voted for a black man to prove that they weren't racists.
Steel workers should get the next, jobs.

Rebuild industry and let it grow.

To do that we mist defeat the Demorats

My, my, are you ever one stupid bastard. I am a steel worker. And we cannot get enough millwights and electricians, let alone the people we need to take care of our computer network. An electrician or millwright that is willing to work the hours can make 100k where I work. Problem for us is not lack of jobs, it is lack of qualified people.
Fear not...west Africans are on the way...just don't let them sneeze on you
How much is too much?

Anything that takes production costs over a line that makes the company uncompetitive in world markets.
Once you cross that line, it's easier to outsource production to another country, leaving the greedy workers to wallow in self pity.

That is pretty much what it boils down to: stupid, ignorant, greedy labor who actually have the naive balls to ask for an increase in minimum wage during a borderline recession. I've got news for you ass clowns, most employers are not rolling in dough. These large corp. executives who are making lots of money and the profiting corps. Are the exception not the rule.

Labor is disposable. It not for collective bargaining - which is a corruption of a market economy - labor would be completely interchangeable.

That's right, "Down with us workers and please let us compete with the third world, master sir boss pleeze."

Tell me.
You go to two shops, looking for a new TV.
One is American made, nice quality, and costs $500.
One is made in China, works exactly the same, but only costs $400.

Which do you buy?

I buy the chinese one for $400 because it's made in China. T.V's aren't made in America.
You're just making stuff up now.

You're an idiot.
Are you capable of explaining why you think that I'm an idiot?

Because you conjure up conclusions completely divorced from any supporting evidence.

You're going to have to come up with more than one exit poll to prove your point. Exit polls, by the way, have never been used to overturn elections.
Do you even live in the US? All the white people in my lab were orgasmic about Obama winning in '08. They had just proved to themselves, and to the world, that they weren't racists because they had voted for a black man. The Exit Polls captured these types of liberals. We've all seen these racists - all puffed up with pride for having voted for a black man to prove that they weren't racists.

The jubilation was over the possibility of a black person becoming president. One giant step forward for the coming together of the races, I believe. Not so much because they were partial to blacks. Traveling in maybe more diverse circles than you, I ran across these types, also working guys I know that said, I don't care, I'm not voting for a f'n Nig. Myself, being democrat socialist, neither Obama or Hillary were my favorites but I did vote Obama as probably better for the country. Looks like he's worked out ok. Who knows what repubs would have done. They usually screw things up when they have control of the white house. Bush 2, Reagan, Nixon in my voting lifetime.
American citizens!!!
This organization is only interested in White American citizens.

What's wrong with white American citizens? Isn't through their history, their efforts, their sacrifices, their investments, their education, their culture, their business acumen, their cohesion, their faith, their community, and through their great humanity, that 98% of jobs in this country were created in the first place?

Why do you hate white Americans? Be rational. Who teaches you to hate like this? Ask yourself why you hate.

Sweetie, baby, it took all kinds of Americans to build this nation. And, if your family has been here a very long time, it would be fun to run a DNA test on you. Maybe you are not as white as you think.

A grinning Craig Cobb walks near his home in Leith, ND, with a supporter and the flags that fly almost daily in the background. He wasn't smiling when he was told he was part Sub-Saharan African

Read more: White supremacist Craig Cobb s DNA test reveals he s 14 African Daily Mail Online
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What does any of this have to do with the looming horror of warmie boogiemen, old socks? You marxist shills are giving up on that one, are you? Can't hardly blame you. America has given you the big middle finger on that one. Back to race-baiting and worn-out cliches now? How about the Keystone Pipeline? What's the marxist hate line on that issue as of today?
My, my, are you ever one stupid bastard. I am a steel worker. And we cannot get enough millwights and electricians, let alone the people we need to take care of our computer network. An electrician or millwright that is willing to work the hours can make 100k where I work. Problem for us is not lack of jobs, it is lack of qualified people.
How about a, "qualified" link, Old Crock.

Easy, dummy.
Millwright Jobs Employment in Portland OR Indeed.com
See, you could have done that yourself............ well, maybe.

Old Crock, you stated there are 100k jobs where you work, give us a link to that job, which you spoke of, or is Old Crock a lousy filthy liar, you said your company, you did not state people can try and do a google search.

The USA can not forge big heavy stuff, like nuclear reactors, steam generators, or even reactor cooling pumps, those are the jobs I speak of.

Real Steel Jobs, not tinkerbell stuff, old crock!

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