Who still thinks Ukraine should be part of NATO?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Ukraine reminds me of Poland in 1939: An newly independent country which separated a great power from its vital territories. Egged on by the far-removed British, Poland pugnaciously refused any land access between Germany and East Prussia. Germany finally took this matter into its own hands and the British foolishly started another world war.

Does anyone see the parallels between this catastrophe and the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Like the dissolution of Germany after WW1, the breakup of the Soviet Union resulted in the newly independent country of Ukraine, which deprived Russia of its vital naval base in Crimea. As the U.S. started meddling in Ukrainian politics, Ukraine became more and more belligerent towards Russian access to its naval base. When Russia finally retook Crimea, the U.S. response was so weak that Russia decided to retake all of the connecting provinces in East Ukraine.

Just like Britain in 1939, the U.S. had foolishly guaranteed Ukrainian territory and now felt it had to engage in hostile military action in order to save face and economically harm its Russian rival. Is the risk of a nuclear conflagration really worth this proxy war?
Eastern Ukraine is historically Russia.

Ukraine becoming NATO will mean war with Russia.

Is it really worth it?

The answer is no, and everyone knows it. But people are brainwashed by pro-war propaganda. Some people just hate the US and the West and want it destroyed and war with Russia is the best vehicle to achieve that.
Eastern Ukraine is historically Russia.

Ukraine becoming NATO will mean war with Russia.

Is it really worth it?

The answer is no, and everyone knows it. But people are brainwashed by pro-war propaganda. Some people just hate the US and the West and want it destroyed and war with Russia is the best vehicle to achieve that.
its well past time we leave NATO and let europe provide their own security,,
Chances of Khazaria becoming part of NATO are slim.Probably zero .
Dear Uncle P will secure the east as he virtually has already . The only part which has resources wealth and industry .
If the US annoys him he could let Poland nominally have Galicia back and allow Romania and Hungary to take back former territory in the west .

At that point Ukey Land has disappeared to become a small enclave around Kyiv.
Anyway I do not see America being a world power by the end of this year-- internal collapse , petrodollar gone forever and probably the Federal Reserve .
LOL its a little late for that now....

Joe welcomed Russia in....
Russia forced their hand

Of course Ukraine should join NATO along with Finland and Sweden

Putins invasion is really working out
Who 'still' thinks? What the heck? How many people ever thought that Ukraine should be a part of NATO? Maybe 20 %, at best.
Who 'still' thinks? What the heck? How many people ever thought that Ukraine should be a part of NATO? Maybe 20 %, at best.
Now, it seems like a done deal

The reason NATO membership for Ukraine was opposed was it was looked at as provocative towards Russia

Now, it seems essential given Russias actions
Now, it seems (that NATO membership is)
essential given Russias actions


It's essential, alright...

Essential to turn Ukraine from a bombed-out wasteland into a glowing parking lot.
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Now, it seems like a done deal

The reason NATO membership for Ukraine was opposed was it was looked at as provocative towards Russia

Now, it seems essential given Russias actions
Well, I think it is far from being a done deal.

1. Presidential elections in the US and possibility of a Republican nominee to win. And personalities don't matter in this case. Many Republicans oppose providing any aid to Ukraine and their candidate will have to get along with their stance.

2. Many people in Europe are still afraid of Russia and want to somewhat restore cooperation with Russia for economic benefits.

3. NATO forbids countries with territorial disputes to apply for membership. Ukraine won't recognize the occupied lands as parts of Russia and won't be able to return them back by military means in the foreseeable future.

4. It is more convenient for NATO to have a buffer zone between it and Russia.

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