Who Subsidizes Restaurant Workers' Pitiful Wages? You Do

Oh, fo shizzle. Just like how in CA they are feverishly trying to figure out how to tax non-gas using cars that they've subsidized with taxpayer money.

I own a non-gas using car registered in California. I haven't seen any tax, or is this a 'sky is falling' scenario?

You're not paying much attention to the agenda in Sacramento, are you hun? (hardly a surprise there)
Just as a follow up point, it makes it much harder to hit that 5% target when your owner is an idiot. :lol:

So the owner takes the 15%. I knew it!

If I had hit my targets when my former jack ass owner spent $10,000 to move a sign you might have a point. Unfortunately I didn't hit my targets that month because of that expense.
Here's the reality. I have told my story about my former owner who disagreed with how I saved his ass from bankruptcy. The reality is that OnePercenter is saying the exact same bullshit that he used to say before he drove his business into the ground and destroyed his company. Liberals should focus on social issues and leave business and national defense to us
No shit! Now toss in another 26%-30% for food and you are somewhere between 55%-60%. Then you have utilities, rent, insurance, maintenance, payroll taxes, marketing, etc, etc, etc.....pfft....20 fucking percent my ass.

That's 26%-30% of what for food?

Let's do it this way.......What is the typical mark-up on a menu item?

You claim to have financed restaurants but you don't know how to calculate food cost?!?!?! :lmao: Just stop...stop before you make a bigger ass of yourself than you already have.

I asked a very simple question and you retort with bloviating?
Well we can give them all the shit liberals demand, go bankrupt, close our doors and then they will have no job at all. How does that sound?

What percentage of business loss in the United States is due to paying employees excessive wages?
Our Government has been hacked uncountable times - it hasn't stopped it's existence.

There's far less upside in hacking a sandwich making robot.

No, but it will curtail the future of the driver-less car.

Again, the hamburger flipping robot, who's manufacturer states won't flip hamburgers.

Again, we are at the end of automation until technology advances.
I am the corporate manager for a chain of three locations and a fourth location that acts as a commissary and sells products under a different brand name. We sell wholesale to Sysco and similar purveyors in the northwest as well as to hotels, other restaurants and processing plants that take our base product and create their own products from it. Our restaurants have a goal of 60% prime cost. How that breaks down between food and labor I really don't care as long as we hit that 60% prime cost target. That leaves 20% for rent, insurance, maintenance, marketing....all the things I mentioned before to hit One Percenter's 20% profit claim. Pfft.....yeah.... dream the fuck on

Let me get this straight. You are a corporate manager and you don't care how the numbers work as long as you make your 60%? WOW! You are truly a cog in the wheel!

Are you one of the ancillary companies involved in the Sysco leaving refrigerated and frozen food in non-refrigerated storage? Sysco admitted guilt, and payed $14.5M in fines. Damn regulations.
25-30% of our total operating costs.

You sure ask alot of questions for someone that was so sure of himself about profits.

You'd never want to go out to eat again if you knew the mark up is about triple our cost.
If something costs me a quarter, I'm charging you a dollar for it (at least)

I ask questions so you can dig a hole.

So let's discuss your 25%-30% food costs.

Do you pay cash for your supplies? If so, what is the discount?

Do you have a zero food waste policy established?

Your mark-up isn't enough. People will pay a higher price for CONSTANTLY good food and service.

Are you re-inventing yourself every 3-5 years? Learn from business failures like Hostess who failed to do this.

Do you use social media to promote your restaurant? It's free!

Offer free WiFi. It's 2015!

Ancillary programs such as food trucks, food carts?
I work for a huge chain.
Our food cost goal is 23-24% with only a 1% variance for waste.
We have buyers negotiating our prices.
Constantly remodeling....just launched new logo.
Hostess used to be a supplier.
Already have free WiFi, Facebook, Twitter, national advertising....even featured in major motion picture recently

I am the corporate manager for a chain of three locations and a fourth location that acts as a commissary and sells products under a different brand name. We sell wholesale to Sysco and similar purveyors in the northwest as well as to hotels, other restaurants and processing plants that take our base product and create their own products from it. Our restaurants have a goal of 60% prime cost. How that breaks down between food and labor I really don't care as long as we hit that 60% prime cost target. That leaves 20% for rent, insurance, maintenance, marketing....all the things I mentioned before to hit One Percenter's 20% profit claim. Pfft.....yeah.... dream the fuck on
You hiring?

My labor could be 10% and my area director would shit his pants if food cost was 24.3%
Well we can give them all the shit liberals demand, go bankrupt, close our doors and then they will have no job at all. How does that sound?

What percentage of business loss in the United States is due to paying employees excessive wages?

My God you are thick. The higher the payroll the higher the demand for revenue. That usually results in increased prices or smaller portions. Restaurants fail for a lot of reasons but the main one is because, for whatever reason, their expenditures exceed their revenue. When you increase expenditures on labor you must generate additional revenue. This is basic stuff...like freshman business 101 stuff...you are not THAT stupid are you? ARE you?
I am the corporate manager for a chain of three locations and a fourth location that acts as a commissary and sells products under a different brand name. We sell wholesale to Sysco and similar purveyors in the northwest as well as to hotels, other restaurants and processing plants that take our base product and create their own products from it. Our restaurants have a goal of 60% prime cost. How that breaks down between food and labor I really don't care as long as we hit that 60% prime cost target. That leaves 20% for rent, insurance, maintenance, marketing....all the things I mentioned before to hit One Percenter's 20% profit claim. Pfft.....yeah.... dream the fuck on

Let me get this straight. You are a corporate manager and you don't care how the numbers work as long as you make your 60%? WOW! You are truly a cog in the wheel!

Are you one of the ancillary companies involved in the Sysco leaving refrigerated and frozen food in non-refrigerated storage? Sysco admitted guilt, and payed $14.5M in fines. Damn regulations.

No I am not involved in that. I have a very unorthodox business strategy but it works. I have made money for every business I have run but I do it in a very different way. I have a bottom up approach. My philosophy is that the line employees know best how to do their jobs so I make it as easy as possible for them to meet my expectations. If my bartenders want special equipment, they get it. If my cooks want something that will make their performance enhanced, I get it for them. My job is to translate that into profitability.

It helps that I was an executive chef and executive pastry chef for over 20 years so I know the BOH just as well as I know the FOH and I know the numbers. I also started as a dishwasher when I was 14. I know what it is like to be a scrub and have a boss that doesn't understand what happens in the trenches. So when a cook comes to me and says "I need this to do my job better" I know what he/she is talking about. If their request makes sense I give them what they need.

No I don't care how the numbers balance. I only care that they DO balance. So if one of my chefs goes over target on food cost but makes up the difference in labor...I am good.
25-30% of our total operating costs.

You sure ask alot of questions for someone that was so sure of himself about profits.

You'd never want to go out to eat again if you knew the mark up is about triple our cost.
If something costs me a quarter, I'm charging you a dollar for it (at least)

I ask questions so you can dig a hole.

So let's discuss your 25%-30% food costs.

Do you pay cash for your supplies? If so, what is the discount?

Do you have a zero food waste policy established?

Your mark-up isn't enough. People will pay a higher price for CONSTANTLY good food and service.

Are you re-inventing yourself every 3-5 years? Learn from business failures like Hostess who failed to do this.

Do you use social media to promote your restaurant? It's free!

Offer free WiFi. It's 2015!

Ancillary programs such as food trucks, food carts?
I work for a huge chain.
Our food cost goal is 23-24% with only a 1% variance for waste.
We have buyers negotiating our prices.
Constantly remodeling....just launched new logo.
Hostess used to be a supplier.
Already have free WiFi, Facebook, Twitter, national advertising....even featured in major motion picture recently

I am the corporate manager for a chain of three locations and a fourth location that acts as a commissary and sells products under a different brand name. We sell wholesale to Sysco and similar purveyors in the northwest as well as to hotels, other restaurants and processing plants that take our base product and create their own products from it. Our restaurants have a goal of 60% prime cost. How that breaks down between food and labor I really don't care as long as we hit that 60% prime cost target. That leaves 20% for rent, insurance, maintenance, marketing....all the things I mentioned before to hit One Percenter's 20% profit claim. Pfft.....yeah.... dream the fuck on
You hiring?

My labor could be 10% and my area director would shit his pants if food cost was 24.3%

I would tell your area director to take a step back and focus on the bottom line. I don't give a damn how my managers meet the bottom line (provided it fits with corporate moral policy), I just care that they do. If a manager meets or exceeds profit goals but his food cost is high I really don't care. He/she found a way to meet the bottom line objective even though that manager had to deal with a food cost that was above projection. I don't get pissed at that manager...I give them credit for solving the problem they were faced with.

Most companies don't work that way, I know, but that's just the way I work. If you came to me with a 24.3% food cost and a 10% labor cost but you met your profit targets I would give you a slap on the ass for your ingenuity and skill in handling the situation. This is also why my managers and staff are very committed to me. I don't bust their balls for minor things and I give them the freedom and the trust to do their jobs. I hold them accountable for their results, I advise them as to what I think the best thing to do is, but it's their show to run on a property by property basis. I guess you could liken me to a corporate mob boss....I don't care how you pay the corporation but you had better damn well pay them. :lol:
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A typical successful restaurant owner makes 20% net, so it is correct that customers subsidize the employees of the restaurant.

That's why so many fail? Idiot!

yes most restaurants fail in less than 5 years!! Driving up their wage cost will make them fail even sooner and leave more and more unemployed!!

Liberalism is always stupid and backwards and liberals are actually proud of that.

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