Who the hell is Kamala Harris and why the hell is she running for President?

This is real. Anyone with ancestry.com can verify the source.

Her birth certificate is the one that matters. Stop trotting out this tired old tactic. She is an American citizen by birth,
Yes, she is but by the founding fathers, she is not eligible to be president..
But it really doesnt matter what the founders wanted!

No, the Founding Fathers were overruled by several amendments to the Constitution. Please drop your ridiculous assertion and let's just agree that she is a libtard that shouldn't even be considered.
amended? Quote them as pertaining to be president!

Please! I am so tired of trying to teach the apparently unteachable. This topic has been beaten like a dead horse. You are going nowhere and showing yourself to be just a stupid hack.
Good, I hope I annoy you, quote the SCOTUS CASE that deals with presidential standing...please quote me anything on Oboma being constitutional...and please stop looking like a know it all, which you are far from!
She's a mulatto woman who slept her way to the top...If only she were a rug muncher, another identity politics box could be checked.

A prog dream come true.

Is Harris really a mulatto? Mulattos are folks with 1 black parent and 1 white- like Obama supposedly has.

Harris has one black parent and one Asian Indian parent.
And in walks PE2000 resident retard racist.
Did ANYTHING in this 17 pages actually discuss Harris's ideas or lack thereof that would support her candidacy? JFC
She is someone with qualifications and not a reality tv show host. It makes sense you wouldn't have heard of her.
The woman is only known in liberal Calif and we all know what Calif is all about. Knowing her stand on immigration, this democrat will not give her a vote.

Kamala Harris is NOT eligible to be President. Her father arrived from Jamaica in 1961—mother from India arrived in 1960
Neither parent was a legal resident for 5 years prior to Harris’s birth, a requirement for naturalization
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.
FACT CHECK: Is Kamala Harris Not Eligible to Serve as U.S. President?

You do realize your own link says she is eligible to be president, right?
I did. This thread reminds me how alike the wingnuts on both sides are.

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Judge Kavanaugh isn't a wing nut. His crime is he believes in the Constitution. They couldn't attack his decisions which are sound, so they had to invent stuff.

I did not say that he was...I was referring to the people attacking him...they are no different than the people attacking Harris...instead of attacking her positions it is all about her sex life!

I fully supported Kavanaugh!

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I'm attacking Harris because she attacked Kavanaugh for no reason.

Which makes you no different than her.

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Wrong. I'm calling out a partisan lying political hack that did her best to slander and ruin a good man for no reason. I'm much better than she is. I have integrity and honesty.

She is being attacked for alleged sexual encounters...not unlike they did to Kavanaugh. The people attacking her sex life are no different than she was when she went after Kav

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Judge Kavanaugh isn't a wing nut. His crime is he believes in the Constitution. They couldn't attack his decisions which are sound, so they had to invent stuff.

I did not say that he was...I was referring to the people attacking him...they are no different than the people attacking Harris...instead of attacking her positions it is all about her sex life!

I fully supported Kavanaugh!

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I'm attacking Harris because she attacked Kavanaugh for no reason.

Which makes you no different than her.

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Wrong. I'm calling out a partisan lying political hack that did her best to slander and ruin a good man for no reason. I'm much better than she is. I have integrity and honesty.

She is being attacked for alleged sexual encounters...not unlike they did to Kavanaugh. The people attacking her sex life are no different than she was when she went after Kav

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Except here encounter was real and Brown the father of 3 who divorced his wife said so, confirming the allegations which could not be done with Kavanaugh!
Focusing on people's past sex lives is absurd. Even if you thought Kavanaugh was improperly attacked it's absurd (and he sort of was but then in this post-Trump era, it is relevant if you acted improperly decades ago, but Kavenaugh hasn't been anything remotely like Trump)

The question is why is Harris running? Obama was running because the dems gave neocons a green light, and they turned their backs on economic liberalism. Maybe you don't like him. But people voted him in in a landslide because they agreed.

In 2016 neither party had any principles, and that's why were in the shitty place we're in.
To answer the OP's question

She is a stupid hateful asshole that thinks the whole country is ready for that extreme far left Californication style destruction.
The stupid bitch wants free shit for everybody. Of course she comes from a state with the most poverty, worst education system, the most taxation, the most regulation and the most debt so not understanding how free shit is paid for comes naturally to her.
I did not say that he was...I was referring to the people attacking him...they are no different than the people attacking Harris...instead of attacking her positions it is all about her sex life!

I fully supported Kavanaugh!

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I'm attacking Harris because she attacked Kavanaugh for no reason.

Which makes you no different than her.

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Wrong. I'm calling out a partisan lying political hack that did her best to slander and ruin a good man for no reason. I'm much better than she is. I have integrity and honesty.

She is being attacked for alleged sexual encounters...not unlike they did to Kavanaugh. The people attacking her sex life are no different than she was when she went after Kav

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Except here encounter was real and Brown the father of 3 who divorced his wife said so, confirming the allegations which could not be done with Kavanaugh!

And it has zero to do with her qualifications for office...but yet here you are being just like her

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Too much is at stake to make this about the ambitions of any one person. The 2020 race for President has to be about relegating Donald Trump to the dustbin of history, and reclaiming the Oval Office for our people and our future
This was a spectacular, electric, and unprecedented crowd at her announcement speech!

it demonstrates the hunger for her candidacy, and for someone who can fight and lead from the high ground
All that matters is that she clicks two of the necessary boxes for the practitioners of identity politics.

It's just a shame she isn't a lesbian, so she could click three.

And/or cripple herself to grab the "handicapped" box for four.
She is someone with qualifications and not a reality tv show host. It makes sense you wouldn't have heard of her.

What are her "qualifications" for high office? At least with Hillary Clinton, she was fucking a US President, the highest ranking man that Harris fucked was the mayor of San Francisco.

Who is going to run next? Obama's gay lover Larry Sinclair? Marla Maples?

Shocking that a Repub sheep would think a woman’s only qualification is who they have had sex with...

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At the time Senator Harris dated Willie Brown, she was the 29 year old DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY of Alameda county.

who fucking cares? what a bunch of fucking hypocrites...sex life does not matter till it is the other party then it is vital.

you people are fucked in the head
I’m excited for her candidacy.

I didn’t like her announcement on GMA the other day but I think she will be one of the contenders

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