Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Being interviewed by Alex Jones does not make one a truther. Noam Chomsky and Pat Buchanan have each done interviews with him about OTHER issues. Neither one of them is a troofer and neither is Ron Paul. If Paul were, that issue would have come out in the republican debates.

Yes it does.

Geeez, get with the program...
Being interviewed by Alex Jones does not make one a truther. Noam Chomsky and Pat Buchanan have each done interviews with him about OTHER issues. Neither one of them is a troofer and neither is Ron Paul. If Paul were, that issue would have come out in the republican debates.
i never said Ron Paul was a troofer
just that the troofers seemed to support him
and, when Paul was asked on the topic by a real reporter, he completely back tracked
when he would talk to troofers, he would support their nonsense
Being interviewed by Alex Jones does not make one a truther. Noam Chomsky and Pat Buchanan have each done interviews with him about OTHER issues. Neither one of them is a troofer and neither is Ron Paul. If Paul were, that issue would have come out in the republican debates.
i never said Ron Paul was a troofer
just that the troofers seemed to support him
and, when Paul was asked on the topic by a real reporter, he completely back tracked
when he would talk to troofers, he would support their nonsense

I was responding to 9/11 nut job. I didn't know he supported the troofers. That's disappointing.
Being interviewed by Alex Jones does not make one a truther. Noam Chomsky and Pat Buchanan have each done interviews with him about OTHER issues. Neither one of them is a troofer and neither is Ron Paul. If Paul were, that issue would have come out in the republican debates.
i never said Ron Paul was a troofer
just that the troofers seemed to support him
and, when Paul was asked on the topic by a real reporter, he completely back tracked
when he would talk to troofers, he would support their nonsense

I was responding to 9/11 nut job. I didn't know he supported the troofers. That's disappointing.
that was one of the first things that started to turn me off to him
i looked into supporting him in 2007 and when i found out he was supporting the troofers (to them anyway) i had to take a step back and investigate more, then his "non-inerventionist"(cough*isolationism*cough) crap was the end
Ya sure.... If your in denial

You're reduced to ridiculing Elvis Presley. Gotta love it.

YOUR reduced to name calling when you cant counter the evidence of those 47 videos from the canada wants the truth site that 9/11 was an inside job and bring up griffins name when I talk about them when only like 5 of those videos are HIS videos.GOT YA.As ways.I ask you Bush dupes to address what they talk about and as always,you run off with your tail between your legs not even addressing what they talk about cause you know you cant debunk them.great way to win a debate.:lol::lol::lol::lol:bye kid Im done with you.

He was interviewed on Beck and said your theories are "prepostorous." Wanting a new investigation does not mean Bush made the towers explode, numbnuts.

so what AGAIN,When he was alex jones show,he said a lot of what the 9/11 commission said is not truthful and that there needs to be a new investigation.AGAIN the videos and witness testimony "of the videos you have proven in spades you wont watch cause your in denial" prove explosives brought the towers down and it was an insidejob.just because you only see what you want to see doesnt mean it wasnt an inside job.:cuckoo:bye.
Man i just cant belive people these days, people beliving pancake colapse theories, people beliving fires bring down steel buildings at free fall speed, man your parents need refunds for your educations if you cant figure out this crap.
Man i just cant belive people these days, people beliving pancake colapse theories, people beliving fires bring down steel buildings at free fall speed, man your parents need refunds for your educations if you cant figure out this crap.

Why do these guys keep crawling out of the wood work?

And where is this wood work, so I can douse it with kerosene and torch it?
Dont get mad because im on the right side of the fence and your part of a movement that is doomed to its own stupifying downward spiral of ignorance.

P.S. Now i may be wrong but i heard if you play with fire you might get burned.
Man i just cant belive people these days, people beliving pancake colapse theories, people beliving fires bring down steel buildings at free fall speed, man your parents need refunds for your educations if you cant figure out this crap.

Why do these guys keep crawling out of the wood work?

And where is this wood work, so I can douse it with kerosene and torch it?

why..cant you cant face the truth...that you can cause steel buildings to fall with kerosene
why dont you douse your BBQ instead and then light it and tell me if your BBQ melts or not
Man i just cant belive people these days, people beliving pancake colapse theories, people beliving fires bring down steel buildings at free fall speed, man your parents need refunds for your educations if you cant figure out this crap.

Why do these guys keep crawling out of the wood work?

And where is this wood work, so I can douse it with kerosene and torch it?

why..cant you cant face the truth...that you can cause steel buildings to fall with kerosene
why dont you douse your BBQ instead and then light it and tell me if your BBQ melts or not

Clearly, you missed the point that I was making.

I want to torch the nest from which you and your kind are slithering.
Why do these guys keep crawling out of the wood work?

And where is this wood work, so I can douse it with kerosene and torch it?

why..cant you cant face the truth...that you can cause steel buildings to fall with kerosene
why dont you douse your BBQ instead and then light it and tell me if your BBQ melts or not

Clearly, you missed the point that I was making.

I want to torch the nest from which you and your kind are slithering.

the only point you have is on the top of your pinhead...if you cant comprehend fire did not bring down the towers. and.to believe so is irrational....so did your BBQ melt ?
I sense some hostility?!? Is this because we know we are wrong?!? Now remember your childhood fundementals just because your wrong and somebody else is right doesnt give you the right to hurt them.
I sense some hostility?!? Is this because we know we are wrong?!? Now remember your childhood fundementals just because your wrong and somebody else is right doesnt give you the right to hurt them.

thats what you will quickly learn around here if you hang around here long enough is that these 9/11 apologists when they are proven they are wrong,they will resort to name calling when they cant counter the evidence and the videos that are posted for them.Heck they have even confessed on here that they dont watch our videos we post for them.great way to engage in a debate to prove your right,dont watch suppressed video footage that proves explosives went off huh?Lol.
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Man i just cant belive people these days, people beliving pancake colapse theories, people beliving fires bring down steel buildings at free fall speed, man your parents need refunds for your educations if you cant figure out this crap.

well said.:clap2:
You're reduced to ridiculing Elvis Presley. Gotta love it.

YOUR reduced to name calling when you cant counter the evidence of those 47 videos from the canada wants the truth site that 9/11 was an inside job and bring up griffins name when I talk about them when only like 5 of those videos are HIS videos.GOT YA.As ways.I ask you Bush dupes to address what they talk about and as always,you run off with your tail between your legs not even addressing what they talk about cause you know you cant debunk them.great way to win a debate.:lol::lol::lol::lol:bye kid Im done with you.

Yeah, Chomsky is a Bush dupe. :cuckoo:
YOUR reduced to name calling when you cant counter the evidence of those 47 videos from the canada wants the truth site that 9/11 was an inside job and bring up griffins name when I talk about them when only like 5 of those videos are HIS videos.GOT YA.As ways.I ask you Bush dupes to address what they talk about and as always,you run off with your tail between your legs not even addressing what they talk about cause you know you cant debunk them.great way to win a debate.:lol::lol::lol::lol:bye kid Im done with you.

Yeah, Chomsky is a Bush dupe. :cuckoo:
so is Bill Clinton, Barrak Obama, and all the dems in congress except that nutcase Kucinich
I saw a guy driving a truck the other day with a Ron Paul Bumper sticker and on the other side was 9/11 was an inside job bumper sticker. I laughed my ass off!
I think he also had one about abortion!

so ron paul is a funny man and the government murdering over 3000 of its own citizens is hystrical as well? what a nice person you are.guess the holocaust is funny to you as well.nice.
no the holocaust is not funny believing it did not exsist
is. I also think 9/11 as it's self is not funny either. Now nut jobs like yourself and Ron Paul are funny to me. Believing Bush and his team or whoever you think pulled this off wired the towers without anyone noticing they did so, then flying planes into them to cover it up, along with shooting missels at the pentagon, and some how getting another play to disappear is hilarious to me. I don't like Bush team as much as the next guy but I also know they would not got to that much trouble to start a war. Do I think they ignored warning signs, maybe. Plus I only have one copy of the Catcher and the Rye!:lol:

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