Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Hi Luissa:

I have to laugh when some people come to these discussions with nothing but an empty head and “I think” testimony to boot.

no the holocaust is not funny believing it did not exsist is. I also think 9/11 as it's self is not funny either. Now nut jobs like yourself and Ron Paul are funny to me.

Begin calling people ‘nut jobs’ when you actually have a case for something. Let’s begin right here:


So, Luissa, what do you see in the empty hole? Please explain why I am a nut job for saying this is a picture of an empty hole:


Watch the little video clip (link) and tell us what you see. My Flight 93 thread is here if you want to begin hauling out your pictures of Flight 93 crashed in this little empty hole. Now you can show me how a 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this standing E-ring wall going 530 miles per hour like Senor Bush says:


Am I a nut job for saying a 100-ton Jetliner crashed here, OR your nut job for saying a 100-ton Jetliner did not?


There are two windows missing on the second floor and the third-floor windows about them are not broken. So where might we find ‘your’ 100-ton Jetliner? The C-ring wall is only 220 feet away and all we have is one little hole:


Is this where your 100-ton Jetliner came through the wall going 530 miles per hour? My Pentagon Explanation is here and Luissa is welcome to bring ‘your’ evidence for AA77 crashing anywhere. These experts disagree with you:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhBzAh_eeA"]Believe Luissa or These Experts[/ame]

Believing Bush and his team or whoever you think pulled this off wired the towers without anyone noticing they did so, then flying planes into them to cover it up, along with shooting missels at the pentagon, and some how getting another play to disappear is hilarious to me.

Really? Let’s look at Luissa’s Conspiracy Theory for the kind of people who really pulled off these attacks:


Yeah, I suppose Luissa and Senor Bush have the best Conspiracy Theory . . . Let's take a good look at some Loyal Bushie DUPES (pic and pic and pic). Here is the deal for you guys coming to this Conspiracy Theory Forum with nothing but petty insults and utter stupidity: When Senor Bush and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and all their little helpers turn out to be the real inside-job terrorists who murdered our fellow Americans, then those among you siding with them every damn day around here can stand with them at the Judgment and earn the very same fate. Deal? Great!

GL with that too,

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we can share in the fate of Bush and Cheney? Cool. We'll all be rich.
and again, terral proves he can never answer a question or post without posting two tons of BULLSHIT to go with it
and not a bit of it has anything to do with what she said, just the exact same BULLSHIT he posts to EVERY question
Hi Luissa:

I have to laugh when some people come to these discussions with nothing but an empty head and “I think” testimony to boot.

no the holocaust is not funny believing it did not exsist is. I also think 9/11 as it's self is not funny either. Now nut jobs like yourself and Ron Paul are funny to me.

Begin calling people ‘nut jobs’ when you actually have a case for something. Let’s begin right here:


So, Luissa, what do you see in the empty hole? Please explain why I am a nut job for saying this is a picture of an empty hole:


Watch the little video clip (link) and tell us what you see. My Flight 93 thread is here if you want to begin hauling out your pictures of Flight 93 crashed in this little empty hole. Now you can show me how a 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this standing E-ring wall going 530 miles per hour like Senor Bush says:


Am I a nut job for saying a 100-ton Jetliner crashed here, OR your nut job for saying a 100-ton Jetliner did not?


There are two windows missing on the second floor and the third-floor windows about them are not broken. So where might we find ‘your’ 100-ton Jetliner? The C-ring wall is only 220 feet away and all we have is one little hole:


Is this where your 100-ton Jetliner came through the wall going 530 miles per hour? My Pentagon Explanation is here and Luissa is welcome to bring ‘your’ evidence for AA77 crashing anywhere. These experts disagree with you:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhBzAh_eeA"]Believe Luissa or These Experts[/ame]

Believing Bush and his team or whoever you think pulled this off wired the towers without anyone noticing they did so, then flying planes into them to cover it up, along with shooting missels at the pentagon, and some how getting another play to disappear is hilarious to me.

Really? Let’s look at Luissa’s Conspiracy Theory for the kind of people who really pulled off these attacks:


Yeah, I suppose Luissa and Senor Bush have the best Conspiracy Theory . . . Let's take a good look at some Loyal Bushie DUPES (pic and pic and pic). Here is the deal for you guys coming to this Conspiracy Theory Forum with nothing but petty insults and utter stupidity: When Senor Bush and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and all their little helpers turn out to be the real inside-job terrorists who murdered our fellow Americans, then those among you siding with them every damn day around here can stand with them at the Judgment and earn the very same fate. Deal? Great!

GL with that too,

Say for one second I believe you and flight 93 disappeared(I guess it went to never never land) and a missle was shot at the pentagon or a bomb was set off or whatever and the buildings were wired. Now show me the proof where it was an inside job?
In Oklahoma City the whole side of a building was destoyed by one guy, imagine if you had a whole organization like I don't know Al Queda.
There might have been lies told to us about what really happened but that does not prove it was an inside job.
I saw a guy driving a truck the other day with a Ron Paul Bumper sticker and on the other side was 9/11 was an inside job bumper sticker. I laughed my ass off!
I think he also had one about abortion!

so ron paul is a funny man and the government murdering over 3000 of its own citizens is hystrical as well? what a nice person you are.guess the holocaust is funny to you as well.nice.
no the holocaust is not funny believing it did not exsist
is. I also think 9/11 as it's self is not funny either. Now nut jobs like yourself and Ron Paul are funny to me. Believing Bush and his team or whoever you think pulled this off wired the towers without anyone noticing they did so, then flying planes into them to cover it up, along with shooting missels at the pentagon, and some how getting another play to disappear is hilarious to me. I don't like Bush team as much as the next guy but I also know they would not got to that much trouble to start a war. Do I think they ignored warning signs, maybe. Plus I only have one copy of the Catcher and the Rye!:lol:

Just because your in denial about 9/11 "and other us government conspiracys I have no doubt," doesnt mean people who dont accept the fairy tale version of the 9/11 commission report that muslims and Bin Laden were behind it means we are nutjobs.To believe in the 9/11 commission report and popular mechanics is hilarious..To believe in the 9/11 commission report and popular mechanics version,thats implying that the laws of physics that scientisits have gone by for thousands of years dating back to Aristophe's days no longer apply anymore and that sir issac newton is an idiot.:lol::lol:I love it.:lol: You got to say that the laws of conservation of momentum that scientists have gone by for centurys now no longer apply anymore to believe their report.LOL.

So Ron Paul-the ONLY candidate who was running that believes in the constitution is funny? okay got ya.yeah lets keep on having these presidents like Clinton,Obama and Bush-Council on Foreign Relations members who will do what the CFR asks of them to such as murdering over 3000 of their own citizens on 9/11,lets keep having evil men like THEM who dont believe in the constitution,who dont want to get rid of the IRS who steals money from you,you want to keep having men like THEM be the president and run the country? okay,got ya.:cuckoo:great logic there.

Also,I know this will be a waste of time since you 9/11 apologists never watch these videos when challenged to debunk them.everytime I post this link nobody ever addresses these videos-PROOF they dont watch them cause they know they cant debunk them.they'll watch a few minutes of them and then stop watching and never address them since the evidence is overwhelming that explosives brought the towers down and was an inside job. so they never address them.I know you'll do the same thing.prove me wrong and watch them and debunk them.you cant.Also
I've already explained that many times before how they were able to pull it off without noticing,I would post it again but I know you'll just ignore it like the Bush dupes always do so it would be pointless to do so.anybody who watches these videos and STILL says it wasnt an inside job,is definetely on drugs.
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yea ya we know....

there were no airplanes ....unless of course there were.....

there is no way a bunch of arabs did this.....unless of course they did.....

bush and cheeny....the morons.....had the "WMDS are a slam dunk" cia wire up three buildings to free fall demo when the airplanes didn't hit them.....

all of this to invade a country and take all their oil.....based on lies from the cia that there were wmds.....

and we believe all this because there is no other possible explanation....
What is the average American IQ?

98 is the average, were are ranked 18th in the national ranking for average IQ behind almost every major Asian and European country.

I believe this is the main reason that the average American accepts the the white house version of 911
What is the average American IQ?

98 is the average, were are ranked 18th in the national ranking for average IQ behind almost every major Asian and European country.

I believe this is the main reason that the average American accepts the the white house version of 911
yet most of the troofers are in a lower range of IQ
Hi Luissa:

I have to laugh when some people come to these discussions with nothing but an empty head and “I think” testimony to boot.

no the holocaust is not funny believing it did not exsist is. I also think 9/11 as it's self is not funny either. Now nut jobs like yourself and Ron Paul are funny to me.

Begin calling people ‘nut jobs’ when you actually have a case for something. Let’s begin right here:


So, Luissa, what do you see in the empty hole? Please explain why I am a nut job for saying this is a picture of an empty hole:


Watch the little video clip (link) and tell us what you see. My Flight 93 thread is here if you want to begin hauling out your pictures of Flight 93 crashed in this little empty hole. Now you can show me how a 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this standing E-ring wall going 530 miles per hour like Senor Bush says:


Am I a nut job for saying a 100-ton Jetliner crashed here, OR your nut job for saying a 100-ton Jetliner did not?


There are two windows missing on the second floor and the third-floor windows about them are not broken. So where might we find ‘your’ 100-ton Jetliner? The C-ring wall is only 220 feet away and all we have is one little hole:


Is this where your 100-ton Jetliner came through the wall going 530 miles per hour? My Pentagon Explanation is here and Luissa is welcome to bring ‘your’ evidence for AA77 crashing anywhere. These experts disagree with you:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhBzAh_eeA"]Believe Luissa or These Experts[/ame]

Believing Bush and his team or whoever you think pulled this off wired the towers without anyone noticing they did so, then flying planes into them to cover it up, along with shooting missels at the pentagon, and some how getting another play to disappear is hilarious to me.

Really? Let’s look at Luissa’s Conspiracy Theory for the kind of people who really pulled off these attacks:


Yeah, I suppose Luissa and Senor Bush have the best Conspiracy Theory . . . Let's take a good look at some Loyal Bushie DUPES (pic and pic and pic). Here is the deal for you guys coming to this Conspiracy Theory Forum with nothing but petty insults and utter stupidity: When Senor Bush and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and all their little helpers turn out to be the real inside-job terrorists who murdered our fellow Americans, then those among you siding with them every damn day around here can stand with them at the Judgment and earn the very same fate. Deal? Great!

GL with that too,

Say for one second I believe you and flight 93 disappeared(I guess it went to never never land) and a missle was shot at the pentagon or a bomb was set off or whatever and the buildings were wired. Now show me the proof where it was an inside job?
In Oklahoma City the whole side of a building was destoyed by one guy, imagine if you had a whole organization like I don't know Al Queda.
There might have been lies told to us about what really happened but that does not prove it was an inside job.

Terral show that link you have of the pentagon story.that proves it there.how come you got rid of that link Terral? you really should put that one back,thats a great video. The Oklahoma city story is another fairy tale you have swallowed and fallen for.What the corporate controlled media did not report back then was that witnesses said they saw OTHERS running from the site WITH Mcveigh.Mcveigh was involved no doubt, but so were others,yet the police never even tried going after the others and had no concern about them according to witnesses that were there.

If their lying-which they obviously are,you should be asking yourself why congress isnt calling for a new investigation and why people in congress who have come out and urged a new investigation,WHY they have are no longer in congress and got fired from their jobs just for not accepting the official story.The few that did,thats what happened to them.Also,as I just posted, those 47 canada wants the truth videos DO prove that it was an inside job.prove me wrong that you wont watch them and elaborate what they talk about.btw,I dont expect you to watch them ALL in one day,just one a day or so.
i always like the shot of the big ass hole in the wall the size of a jet linner fuselage and the claim the hole is not the right size.....oh and by the way it was a small missle....wouldn't that hole be the size of a garbage can....
i always like the shot of the big ass hole in the wall the size of a jet linner fuselage and the claim the hole is not the right size.....oh and by the way it was a small missle....wouldn't that hole be the size of a garbage can....
not only the size of the fuselage, but has divots where the wings would have hit as well
yeah, the govt was behind oklahoma city, too.:cuckoo:

yep they sure were frady cat. but of course since you never do any research that doesnt fit what you want to see, you'll never be able to accept that either.You live in denial about ANY government conspiracy such as 9/11.
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The Oklahoma city story is another fairy tale you have swallowed and fallen for.What the corporate controlled media did not report back then was that witnesses said they saw OTHERS running from the site WITH Mcveigh.Mcveigh was involved no doubt, but so were others,yet the police never even tried going after the others and had no concern about them according to witnesses that were there.

i am sure it was that sneeky cia that later wired 3 buildings to collapse when airplanes didn't hit them.....

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