Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Right. I'm beat because I don't believe Bush blew up the towers, shot flight 93 down, and a missile into the pentagon. right. and I was right about operation northwoods, so blow me.

no your beat because you cant even come close to supporting your beliefs

thats so funny coming from someone that cant begin to support his theory with facts, only questions

I'm not watching your fucking videos. when are we going to war with Pakistan and Iran?

your question is stupid pedoelvis 69...you asked why not use terrorist from iran and why use arabs,,i gave you the reason...they already had bin laden as a boogyman..a shadowy enemy..they had a stated desire to first invade afghanistan and Iraq as i proved..then they did so...as far as iran and Pakistani go i am not privileged to that information..plans may even of changed at this point a intelligent person would understand that...and you where not right about northwoods as iyou left out the part about the fake hijackings and that it was McNamara that rejected the plan,,,nice try
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I'm not watching your fucking videos. when are we going to war with Pakistan and Iran?

your question is stupid pedoelvis 69...you asked why not use terrorist from iran and why use arabs,,i gave you the reason...they already had bin laden as a boogyman..a shadowy enemy..the had a stated desire to first invade afgaistain and iraq as i proved..then thaey did so...as far as iran and pakistain go i am not prileged to that informay€tion..plans may even of changed at this point a inteligent person would understand that...and you where not right about northwoods as iyou left out the part about the fake hijackings and that it was McNamara that rejected the plan,,,nice try

yeah I don't have the fucking thing memorized.
What happened to Barbara Olsen?
To share some basic facts regarding the Pentagon/Flight 77: -

Contingency planning exercises had simulated a plane crash at the Pentagon.

Coincidently, Charles Burlingame who was an ex-Navy pilot and had worked on anti-terrorism strategies in the Pentagon, was the pilot of Flight 77 on 9/11.

Flight 77 had the potential for a fabricated passenger list with many of those on board being government officials or those affiliated with it, including a large group of students with the National Geographic Society. Operation Northwoods detailed how the Chiefs of Staff thought it was possible to create a fake passenger list: “The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday or any grouping of persons with a common interest to support chartering a non-scheduled flight”.

Following from the above Operation Northwoods quote - Flight 77 was not scheduled to fly on 9/11 (search link for “Bureau of Transportation Statistics”).

Flight 77 disappeared from radar at 08:56am. After nearly 30 minutes at 09:25am, an unidentified ‘blip’ assumed to be Flight 77 was sighted flying fast towards the Pentagon.

Hani Hanjour, the ‘hijacker’ who supposedly flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon, was a poor pilot who had difficulty controlling a small Cessna aircraft. Yet on 9/11 he perfectly executed a steep descent whilst tightly banking before lining the aircraft up and skimming feet above the ground in a large Boeing 757.

Air traffic controllers said, “The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane,”

Flight 77 description – approximately 500mph, low to the ground and like a military aircraft.
Cruise missile description - approximate speed of 500mph, flies complicated, low-altitude routes to a target.

Testimony given to the 9/11 Commission indicates Vice President Dick Cheney had a stand-down order in place, allowing the aircraft to approach and impact the Pentagon.

The only calls from Flight 77 ‘happened’ to be those of Barbara Olson to her husband. Her husband, who ‘happened’ to be US Solicitor General. The US Solicitor General, who ‘happened’ to be the man that successfully represented presidential candidate George W. Bush in the Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore, which effectively determined the final result of the contested 2000 Presedential election.

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I'm not watching your fucking videos. when are we going to war with Pakistan and Iran?

your question is stupid pedoelvis 69...you asked why not use terrorist from iran and why use arabs,,i gave you the reason...they already had bin laden as a boogyman..a shadowy enemy..they had a stated desire to first invade afghanistan and Iraq as i proved..then they did so...as far as iran and Pakistani go i am not privileged to that information..plans may even of changed at this point a intelligent person would understand that...and you where not right about northwoods as iyou left out the part about the fake hijackings and that it was McNamara that rejected the plan,,,nice try
sorry, op northwoods did not have any hyjackings
it was supposed to be a commuter plane being shot out of the air with students on it

dont believe me? read the fucking documents
i have
thats correct shot down..here the whole plan...mock funerals ...mock victims..snipers...mock hijackings

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rNdbbQ75Qw]YouTube - Operation Northwoods[/ame]
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thats correct shot down..here the whole plan...mock funerals ...mock victims..snipers...mock hijackings

YouTube - Operation Northwoods
stop depending on fucking youtube videos
search for the REAL documents and you wont get so fucking messed up

and YES, all MOCK, as in NOT REAL
so even if Op Northwoods was carried out, NO ONE WOULD HAVE DIED
that doesnt even begin to show that 9/11 was a false flag
you guys are fucking morons every time you bring that up
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