Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Why does it seem like 9/11 Truther or as I call them "useless, self-hating douche-bags" always come from the far left! I have to say nothing pisses me off more than an American 9/11 truther, not even a Holocaust Denier!

whats realy sad and pathetic is that people like this guy can admit it and accept it that the government steals from the people.yet despite the fact he can believe they steal from us taking our money from us with the IRS,proving that the government is NOT for the people,he can believe and accept that yet he cant accept the fact that our government could do something bad to its people also by murdering over 3000 citizens despite the fact that the government and presidents have committed autrocites against their people for DECADES now.how pitiful that is.
so Noam chomsky is brainwashed by the government? go to youtube and watch his talk on 9/11 conspiracy. I'd post it but it wont work on here.

No but he has obviously been bought off by the government.I went and did a google search and saw that he endorces that other fairy tale commission the warren commission as well that oswald was the lone assassin who killed kennedy.thats proof right there for the 9/11 truth seekers like me,Eots,Terral and Sealy that Noam Chomsky has no credibility when it comes to what he has to say about 9/11.He's just like that operative that Toro used in his laughable video in his desperate attempt he used to disprove that 9/11 wasnt an inside job.just like that guy,Chomsky has obvioulsy been bought off and paid for by the government as well.Like I said,he has no credibility anymore in the fact that he endorces that other proven fairy tale the warren commission.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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so Noam chomsky is brainwashed by the government? go to youtube and watch his talk on 9/11 conspiracy. I'd post it but it wont work on here.

No but he has obviously been bought off by the government.I went and did a google search and saw that he endorces that other fairy tale commission the warren commission as well that oswald was the lone assassin who killed kennedy.thats proof right there for the 9/11 truth seekers like me,Eots,Terral and Sealy that Noam Chomsky has no credibility when it comes to what he has to say about 9/11.He's just like that operative that Toro used in his laughable video in his desperate attempt he used to disprove that 9/11 wasnt an inside job.just like that guy,Chomsky has obvioulsy been bought off and paid for by the government as well.Like I said,he has no credibility anymore in the fact that he endorces that other proven fairy tale the warren commission.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

yeah, see, now Chomsky is part of the conspiracy
so Noam chomsky is brainwashed by the government? go to youtube and watch his talk on 9/11 conspiracy. I'd post it but it wont work on here.

No but he has obviously been bought off by the government.I went and did a google search and saw that he endorces that other fairy tale commission the warren commission as well that oswald was the lone assassin who killed kennedy.thats proof right there for the 9/11 truth seekers like me,Eots,Terral and Sealy that Noam Chomsky has no credibility when it comes to what he has to say about 9/11.He's just like that operative that Toro used in his laughable video in his desperate attempt he used to disprove that 9/11 wasnt an inside job.just like that guy,Chomsky has obvioulsy been bought off and paid for by the government as well.Like I said,he has no credibility anymore in the fact that he endorces that other proven fairy tale the warren commission.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

yeah, see, now Chomsky is part of the conspiracy

Well, according to Terral, the makers of Loose Change are in on it as well, so why not Chomsky?
No but he has obviously been bought off by the government.I went and did a google search and saw that he endorces that other fairy tale commission the warren commission as well that oswald was the lone assassin who killed kennedy.thats proof right there for the 9/11 truth seekers like me,Eots,Terral and Sealy that Noam Chomsky has no credibility when it comes to what he has to say about 9/11.He's just like that operative that Toro used in his laughable video in his desperate attempt he used to disprove that 9/11 wasnt an inside job.just like that guy,Chomsky has obvioulsy been bought off and paid for by the government as well.Like I said,he has no credibility anymore in the fact that he endorces that other proven fairy tale the warren commission.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

yeah, see, now Chomsky is part of the conspiracy

Well, according to Terral, the makers of Loose Change are in on it as well, so why not Chomsky?

Hey many people can can be bought off.:rolleyes: there was this one author -cant remember his name-that used to say there was a conspiracy to kill kennedy,LATER in years.he was obviously bought off years cause in later years,he started endorcing the warren commission.Theres also the example of Nancy Poloski. BEFORE she was speaker of the house,she was saying Bush should be impeached,AFTER becoming speaker of the house,she changed her tune.anybody with logic and common sense would see the obvious that she got bought off and paid for to change her tune.and please show me where Terral said that.
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No but he has obviously been bought off by the government.I went and did a google search and saw that he endorces that other fairy tale commission the warren commission as well that oswald was the lone assassin who killed kennedy.thats proof right there for the 9/11 truth seekers like me,Eots,Terral and Sealy that Noam Chomsky has no credibility when it comes to what he has to say about 9/11.He's just like that operative that Toro used in his laughable video in his desperate attempt he used to disprove that 9/11 wasnt an inside job.just like that guy,Chomsky has obvioulsy been bought off and paid for by the government as well.Like I said,he has no credibility anymore in the fact that he endorces that other proven fairy tale the warren commission.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

yeah, see, now Chomsky is part of the conspiracy

Well, according to Terral, the makers of Loose Change are in on it as well, so why not Chomsky?
i know :lol:

just too damn funny

oh, dont forget you are also a bush apologist
Well, according to Terral, the makers of Loose Change are in on it as well, so why not Chomsky?

Hey many people can can be bought off.:rolleyes: and please show me where Terral said that.

According to Terral, he was banned from the Loose Change boards for arguing that the Loose Change guys were part of the conspiracy. Its in one of the 50 million 9/11 threads you guys have posted here.
Well, according to Terral, the makers of Loose Change are in on it as well, so why not Chomsky?

Hey many people can can be bought off.:rolleyes: and please show me where Terral said that.

According to Terral, he was banned from the Loose Change boards for arguing that the Loose Change guys were part of the conspiracy. Its in one of the 50 million 9/11 threads you guys have posted here.
yeah, i know he said it
and terral posts so much crap, there is no way i'm looking through all his posts to find it

this other moron likes what terral says, so let HIM search for it
Hi Retired Guy:

Except that is not true at all, different agencies had pieces of it all along, BUT Clinton had created a wall to prevent them talking to one another to prevent them from digging up more dirt on him.

Digging up dirt? What the?? :0) Did you find a picture of Flight 93 or Flight 77 crashed anywhere? No. You ignore everything pointing to an ‘inside-job attack’ in Post #3 to start rambling off about Clinton . . .

One FBI agent tried repeatedly to warn the FBI about the terrorists learning to fly and was ignored by the FBI and even told to shut up. Other Agencies knew most of the terrorists were in the country but couldn't tell anyone else.

What terrorists? You cannot even find one picture of Flight 93 or Flight 77 crashed ANYWHERE, but you want to talk about Clinton and terrorists. Maybe suffering from 911Truth Denial is a sickness and you can get benefits or something. BTW, this is where ‘you’ seem to think a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed:


Say this with me really slow this time: “Empty Hole” . . . Try it by yourself now . . .

Did the BIG picture help any, or are we still in denial of the 911Truth? :0)



Is this true?

Bush Caught in a Lie About the 9/11 WTC Attacks

There is a problem with the above statements. There was no live video coverage of the first plane hitting the tower. There couldn't be. Video of the first plane hitting the tower did not surface until AFTER the second plane had hit World Trade Center 2.

Did Bush get caught in a lie?

thats the thing that cracks me up about the Bush dupes is they ignore that little fact that there was no live video coverage of the first plane hitting the tower at the time Bush made that statement.The video footage of the plane hitting the first tower was not shown by the major tv networks until later that day, yet the Bush dupes cant conceive that Bush knew about it from closed circuit television from CIA video footage he obviously saw it from.:cuckoo: and Bush had NO foreknowledge of the attacks.whatever.
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Hi Retired Guy:

Digging up dirt? What the?? :0) Did you find a picture of Flight 93 or Flight 77 crashed anywhere? No. You ignore everything pointing to an ‘inside-job attack’ in Post #3 to start rambling off about Clinton . . .

What terrorists? You cannot even find one picture of Flight 93 or Flight 77 crashed ANYWHERE, but you want to talk about Clinton and terrorists. Maybe suffering from 911Truth Denial is a sickness and you can get benefits or something. BTW, this is where ‘you’ seem to think a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed:


Say this with me really slow this time: “Empty Hole” . . . Try it by yourself now . . .

Did the BIG picture help any, or are we still in denial of the 911Truth? :0)



Is this true?

Bush Caught in a Lie About the 9/11 WTC Attacks

There is a problem with the above statements. There was no live video coverage of the first plane hitting the tower. There couldn't be. Video of the first plane hitting the tower did not surface until AFTER the second plane had hit World Trade Center 2.

Did Bush get caught in a lie?

thats the thing that cracks me up about the Bush dupes is they ignore that little fact that there was no live video coverage of the first plane hitting the tower at the time Bush made that statement.The video footage of the plane hitting the first tower was not shown by the major tv networks until later that day, yet the Bush dupes cant conceive that Bush knew about it from closed circuit television from CIA video footage he obviously saw it from.:cuckoo: and Bush had NO foreknowledge of the attacks.whatever.

What cracks ME up is retards like you that insist Bush is a moron and then can not fathom that he misspoke. Further that he was a dumbass but managed to pull off the crime of the Millenium with no one the wiser, no evidence, no witnesses, no tattletales 8 years after the fact.
misspoke ....he told a lie or he told the truth ...there is no misspoke..he said where he was ..what he saw.... what he thought..he either lied and made it all up or it was true ...wtf is misspoke ?????
By the way where is Editec? He has posted more then once in these type of threads in SUPPORT of the idea the Government was behind it.
misspoke ....he told a lie or he told the truth ...there is no misspoke..he said where he was ..what he saw.... What he thought..he either lied and made it all up or it was true ...wtf is misspoke ?????

retard alert, retard alert.

your the retard that cant follow the simply fact that the man either lied to a group of people about what he saw o when he say it..or he indeed did see it either way its shocking ...but you cant argue this logic with any kind of intelligent or reasoned argument..can you
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misspoke ....he told a lie or he told the truth ...there is no misspoke..he said where he was ..what he saw.... What he thought..he either lied and made it all up or it was true ...wtf is misspoke ?????

retard alert, retard alert.

your the retard that cant follow the simply fact that the man either lied to a group of people about what he saw o when he say it..or he indeed did see it either way its shocking ...but you cant argue this logic with any kind of intelligent or reasoned argument..can you

You are the stupid one. He made a mistake, damn simple concept. He saw the second plane hit and when he talked about it accidently said 1st. What a fucking concept?

The man is known for making mistakes like that. But hey you believe your delusional paranoid bullshit.
Is the Bush administration the most inept ever or did they pull off the crime and dupe of the century? Can't be both.

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