Who voted for Obama in 08 that doesn't plan to in 2012? BE HONEST.

Obama 2012 vote poll

  • Did you vote for Obama in 08 and plan to vote for him again?

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Did you not vote for Obama in 08 but plan on voting for him in 2012?

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Did you vote for Obama in 08 but don't intent to in 2012?

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Are you going to vote for Romney/Ryan

    Votes: 16 57.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
I know many of my family members that voted for Obama in 2008--have no intentions of doing it again 2012.

The reasons are obvious--but I thought if some of you could be really honest--and "don't be embarrassed about admitting that you voted for Obama in 08"--there are millions of people in this country that were really ticked off at the Bush administration--and wanted a complete change--and Obama was what everyone thought would be a good change.

So please be honest on your answer--so we can get a decent poll on this.
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I WILL be voting for Obama this year. I DID NOT vote for him 2008 - but I didn't vote for McCain either.

I registered Dem for the 1st time in my voting life when it started to become clear that Romney would get the Rep nod.
I WILL be voting for Obama this year. I DID NOT vote for him 2008 - but I didn't vote for McCain either.

I registered Dem for the 1st time in my voting life when it started to become clear that Romney would get the Rep nod.

You didn't vote in the poll either.
I didn't vote for Obama in 2008, but I sure will vote for him this year.
I voted for MCCAIN and got fucked.

You realize that had McCain been elected, nothing would be different today? The only thing different would be that the ACA probably would not be signed into law, but that is really not a factor in the current economy although some may try to argue it is. Tell me what you think McCain would have done so different from Obama, because I really don't see anything. He would have kept the Bush tax cuts in place, he would have supported the stimulus, and he probably would have pushed for a couple more tax cuts similar to the payroll tax cut that Obama supported. The only real difference is that now you would be telling us how McCain did a great thing by keeping taxes low to keep us from going into a true depression rather than calling him a marxist and a communist like you do Obama. It's truly hilarious.
Voted third party in '08. Will vote for Johnson in 2012 unless Ohio (Oiho if your the President) is within the margin of lawyer. Will bite the bullet for Romney/Ryan is my State is super close come November.
Voted McCain in 08. Voting Obama this year.

Southern Tea Parties have pissed off cops and firemen. Many will do the same.
Ruh Roh! Oreo isn't getting the poll results he expected.

Dean Wormer said it best. "Zero point zero".
Since wingnuts dominate USMB, the pole will favor Romney/Ryan.

:razz: And why shouldn't he? Poland's former president, Nobel laureate Lech Walesa, gave Romney his endorsement when they met in Warsaw, this past July!
I voted for McCain in 2008, but I'm going to vote for Obama this time because I refuse to turn my country over to the Latter Day Saints Cult.
Me. I voted for Obama in 08, gave him the benefit of the doubt (which I also gave Bush in 2000) and it's been a little over 18 months since I withdrew my support of his policies. However, unlike the right's criticism of Obama, which 90% of it is just made up bullshit, my issues with Obama are as real as the issues I had with his predecessor. You see, there are issues about Obama that are legitimate criticisms of his time in office.

I'm probably going to end up writing in Ron Paul.

One last thing, if any one of these "true the vote" fuckers gets within five feet of me at the polling place, I will treat it as aggression and respond accordingly. Nobody intimidates me face-to-face, unless they intend to throw down.

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