Who voted for this and is happy about it?

STATEMENT: "Schools are supposed to teach reading writing and math. Not CRT"

RESPONSE: Schools are teaching not only math or writing skills they are taught deportment and critical thinking. Your ignorance is truly amazing, of course that is one of many character flaws of anarchistic jerks like you.

critical race theory - Basic tenets of critical race theory
I find it hard to believe that what the general public understands of Critical Race Theory is as much about "critical thinking" as it is about indoctrination.
STATEMENT: "Schools are supposed to teach reading writing and math. Not CRT"

RESPONSE: Schools are teaching not only math or writing skills they are taught deportment and critical thinking. Your ignorance is truly amazing, of course that is one of many character flaws of anarchistic jerks like you.

critical race theory - Basic tenets of critical race theory
You think Deportmant is being taught? Mix CRT with Restorative Justice and tell how successful deportment is. Teen boys shoot off firecrackers or flip off a teacher. The offenses may be punishable by suspension or possible expulsion….. but then the race of perpetrators comes into play and the punishment is reassessed because, quite frankly, there are too many kids of color that have been suspended. Carry on.
"An individual was arrested in Illinois for aggravated battery and disorderly conduct during a school board meeting," the statement read. "During two separate school board meetings in Michigan, an individual yelled a Nazi salute in protest to masking requirements, and another individual prompted the board to call a recess because of opposition to critical race theory."

"The individuals who are intent on causing chaos and disrupting our schools—many of whom are not even connected to local schools—are drowning out the voices of parents who must be heard when it comes to decisions about their children’s education, health, and safety," said Slaven.

That's from your own article.
Maybe if the protesting parents had thrown eggs at the school board members or jumped on their cars and prevented them from driving in or out of the school parking lot…these would have been more acceptable modes of protest for you? Perhaps doxxing school board members would work?
When my husband taught sixth grade in the 70's, he fought the school board tooth and nail because they wanted to censor anything that could be described as teaching "values" to students. Seems like the shoe is on the other foot now. It seems that CRT, if it's anything like what most people believe it is, teaches victimhood and oppression, which are highly value-imbued concepts.

It's stuff that parents need to be teaching their children, and if parents can't get it out of the schools, they need to get their kids out of the schools.
Maybe if the protesting parents had thrown eggs at the school board members or jumped on their cars and prevented them from driving in or out of the school parking lot…these would have been more acceptable modes of protest for you? Perhaps doxxing school board members would work?
Oh, do you mean like BurnLootMurder and pAntifa do? Because that's all perfectly socially acceptable!
I find it hard to believe that what the general public understands of Critical Race Theory is as much about "critical thinking" as it is about indoctrination.
Interesting? It seems you aren't familiar with the general public, most only believe CRT is what talking heads tell them. Reading the link and its etymology is more interesting than you convey to the readers.

critical race theory (CRT), intellectual and social movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans. Critical race theorists are generally dedicated to applying their understanding of the institutional or structural nature of racism to the concrete (if distant) goal of eliminating all race-based and other unjust hierarchies.

The social construction of race and the normality of racism​

First, race is socially constructed, not biologically natural. The biogenetic notion of race—the idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences—was finally refuted by genetic studies in the late 20th century. Social scientists, historians, and other scholars now agree that the notion of race is a social construction (though there is no consensus regarding what exactly a social construction is or what the process of social construction consists of). Some CRT theorists hold that race is an artificial association or correlation between a set of physical characteristics—including skin colour, certain facial features, and hair texture—and an imagined set of psychological and behavioral tendencies, conceived as either positive or negative, good or bad. The associations have been created and maintained by dominant groups (in the United States, whites of western European descent) to justify their oppression and exploitation of other groups on the basis of the latter’s supposed inferiority, immorality, or incapacity for self-rule

LINK: critical race theory | Definition, Principles, & Facts
"An individual was arrested in Illinois for aggravated battery and disorderly conduct during a school board meeting," the statement read. "During two separate school board meetings in Michigan, an individual yelled a Nazi salute in protest to masking requirements, and another individual prompted the board to call a recess because of opposition to critical race theory."

"The individuals who are intent on causing chaos and disrupting our schools—many of whom are not even connected to local schools—are drowning out the voices of parents who must be heard when it comes to decisions about their children’s education, health, and safety," said Slaven.

That's from your own article.

None of which merits involvement by the Department of Justice.
Who is happy about the idea of parents upset about school curriculum being deemed “threats”?

Who is happy about the prospect on the idea of every and any transaction as little as $600 being monitored?

Parents continue blasting DOJ, school boards amid probe into violent threats
Biden’s Proposal to Empower I.R.S. Rattles Banks and Their Customers
Having the IRS monitor every $600 transaction is an interesting approach to making sure the rich pay their fare share. A lady I know works at a small bank and she said that will put them out of business. If true, yet another opposite world liberal policy - talk about punishing the rich but punish the little guy and run the small businesses out of business. Like the Covid policies.
When my husband taught sixth grade in the 70's, he fought the school board tooth and nail because they wanted to censor anything that could be described as teaching "values" to students. Seems like the shoe is on the other foot now. It seems that CRT, if it's anything like what most people believe it is, teaches victimhood and oppression, which are highly value-imbued concepts.

It's stuff that parents need to be teaching their children, and if parents can't get it out of the schools, they need to get their kids out of the schools.
I think the shoe is still on the same foot. They would still be against teaching the values your dad was talking about. You can't bring down capitalism while teaching those values. Now Marxist values? No problem.
Having the IRS monitor every $600 transaction is an interesting approach to making sure the rich pay their fare share. A lady I know works at a small bank and she said that will put them out of business. If true, yet another opposite world liberal policy - talk about punishing the rich but punish the little guy and run the small businesses out of business. Like the Covid policies.
Every goddamn time the Democrats and Liberals chant that it is time for the rich to “pay their fair share” somehow the middle class gets hit as well.

Think about it, the wealthy (rich) donate to these elite Democrats. How willing are they to pay their fair share in the absence of getting something elsewhere? This is why the tax code will never go away and you can forget about a flat tax and/or consumption tax. Democrats will fight it tooth and nail.
Who is happy about the idea of parents upset about school curriculum being deemed “threats”?

Who is happy about the prospect on the idea of every and any transaction as little as $600 being monitored?

Parents continue blasting DOJ, school boards amid probe into violent threats
Biden’s Proposal to Empower I.R.S. Rattles Banks and Their Customers

I am very happy we are taking on these right wing terrorists. These right wing thugs are not parents. They are attempting to intimidate school boards across the country. CRT has nothing to do with it. Apparently we can't tech that slavery, segregation or the KKK were bad.

Actually you misstate the proposal. The only thing that will be looked at is inflows and outflows not individual transactions. The rich are cheating on their taxes and you are okay with that.
Schools are supposed to teach reading writing and math. Not CRT. Good for those parents for standing up for their childs education.

Taxpayers need to stand up too, as it's their money which is being used to fund these left wing indoctrination machines known as public schools.

With left wing assholes in charge, our children are falling behind in math and science, but by golly they know that "whitey is bad." Just tell them to do long division and they're lost like a goose in the fog.

Fuck liberals. They're destroying our country from its core. The left says they want to unite us but all they do is try their best to divide us. The sick fucking left wants to teach sex ed to kindergarteners and CRT to older kids. God damn the fucking left is a bunch of fucking creepers. I guess when their leader is a child molester in the white house it makes a lot of sense.

Schools are not teaching CRT. Apparently teaching slavery, segregation and the KKK are all bad is too radical. We can't talk about Martin Luther King because he is a left wing radical who stood foe equal rights for blacks. What you want to teach is right wing hatred towrds everyone except white males.

Right wing assholes are the ones who wnt to indoctrinate our children. Everyone except white men are bad. Republicans activelt ignore science so how can they be interested in science?

Fuck you right wing fascists. You attack this country to turn it into a right wing dictatorship. You attack voting rights. You attack free speech rights. You attack minorities and women. You are the ones dividing us. You are right wing Nazis trying to take over this country. Trump cheated on his wife but that is okay with you.
Oh, I get it. The leftist pantywaist snowflakes perceive, "They don't like me" to be the same as, "They're threatening me". That explains a lot.

So pissed off parents are now Microaggression Terrorists. This is truly the way to blunt the edge of that weapon, just like they have blunted the edge of the "racist" weapon, with unwise overuse. Go on ahead and scream, snowflakes. The more you do, the less we hear. The space you might have gotten from well meaning folks, who would actually listen to you in good faith, is rapidly shrinking.

We know right wing fascists will never pay attention. It is moderates who will determine whether we go down the path of Nazi Germany. When Hitler consolidated his power, too many people didn't want to get involved. The question is whether the US takes that path with Donald Trump and Republicans.
Schools are not teaching CRT. Apparently teaching slavery, segregation and the KKK are all bad is too radical. We can't talk about Martin Luther King because he is a left wing radical who stood foe equal rights for blacks. What you want to teach is right wing hatred towrds everyone except white males.

Right wing assholes are the ones who wnt to indoctrinate our children. Everyone except white men are bad. Republicans activelt ignore science so how can they be interested in science?

Fuck you right wing fascists. You attack this country to turn it into a right wing dictatorship. You attack voting rights. You attack free speech rights. You attack minorities and women. You are the ones dividing us. You are right wing Nazis trying to take over this country. Trump cheated on his wife but that is okay with you.
If by right wing you mean George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the constitution, Columbus, Lincoln, etc.
Civics? They have begun to teach civics again?

That's a good thing.

Anecdotal evidence has its place.

I respect that.

However, something most definitely is happening.

Listening to the parents of students who are in the classroom is a good place to start...something is not right.

Normal, tax paying, law abiding, 9-5 'normies' do not react this strongly for nothing.

There is definitely something there.

There is nothing there. This is all ginned up by right wing radicals and the hillbillies fall for it.
When my husband taught sixth grade in the 70's, he fought the school board tooth and nail because they wanted to censor anything that could be described as teaching "values" to students. Seems like the shoe is on the other foot now. It seems that CRT, if it's anything like what most people believe it is, teaches victimhood and oppression, which are highly value-imbued concepts.

It's stuff that parents need to be teaching their children, and if parents can't get it out of the schools, they need to get their kids out of the schools.

CRT is not being taught in schools. Right wing fascists want children to be taught that anyone who is a white male is good and everyone else is bad. They want children to think that slavery and segregation were not so bad. These parents want their children to be taught hatred.
Who is happy about the idea of parents upset about school curriculum being deemed “threats”?

Who is happy about the prospect on the idea of every and any transaction as little as $600 being monitored?

Parents continue blasting DOJ, school boards amid probe into violent threats
Biden’s Proposal to Empower I.R.S. Rattles Banks and Their Customers

The little Hitlers are happy about it. See below:

Arrest the animals. You keep acting like animals, we'll keep throwing you in jail.

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