Who voted for this and is happy about it?

CRT is not being taught in schools. Right wing fascists want children to be taught that anyone who is a white male is good and everyone else is bad. They want children to think that slavery and segregation were not so bad. These parents want their children to be taught hatred.
You’re parroting the democrat fascist lie.
Your post just shot your position entirely in the foot.
Having the IRS monitor every $600 transaction is an interesting approach to making sure the rich pay their fare share. A lady I know works at a small bank and she said that will put them out of business. If true, yet another opposite world liberal policy - talk about punishing the rich but punish the little guy and run the small businesses out of business. Like the Covid policies.

So she says. If she is aiding tax evasion, they should be put out of business. This is a old dodge to avoid regulation.
If by right wing you mean George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the constitution, Columbus, Lincoln, etc.

You right wing nazis have nothing in common with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the Constitution or Lincoln. Columbus is not even a American.
Given the ignorance of you and most others, critical thinking is clearly NOT taught in our schools nearly enough.
LOL, Given my ignorance? I admit I don't know everything, and when I do I reference the issue, as I did here. So take your ad hominem and put it up your rear end.
STATEMENT: "Schools are supposed to teach reading writing and math. Not CRT"

RESPONSE: Schools are teaching not only math or writing skills they are taught deportment and critical thinking. Your ignorance is truly amazing, of course that is one of many character flaws of anarchistic jerks like you.

critical race theory - Basic tenets of critical race theory
What CRT says is that people never change. That is patently ridiculous. A Communist fairy tale to keep people divided for eternity.
You right wing nazis have nothing in common with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the Constitution or Lincoln. Columbus is not even a American.
You need a white jacket with extra long sleeves. Your posts are pitiful.
Do you predominantly vote for candidates with a 'D' in front of their name?

I voted for all candidates with a 'R' in front of their name until 2016.. Since Trump took over the party, I have left. I have no doubt that Ronald Reagan would not be a part of the Trump Republican Party.
What CRT says is that people never change. That is patently ridiculous. A Communist fairy tale to keep people divided for eternity.
I'm lost for words, herein is my take on your ^^^ post:


You're the one in the red shirt and blue pants.
You mean it’s not democrats who are censoring and cancelling people for not acquiescing to democrat fascism?

It is Republicans who are attacking our right to vote. Our free speech rights. They are canceling culture. Wisconsin Republicans have a long list of words such as 'equity' they would like to ban. Texas changed their history curriculum to remove minorities and women.

"The bill, SB 3, removes requirements to teach about civil rights work by Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass. Works by women’s suffragists are also no longer required to be taught.

The Republicans’ bill also removes requirements to teach “the history of white supremacy, including but not limited to the institution of slavery, the eugenics movement, and the Ku Klux Klan, and the ways in which it is morally wrong.”

It is Republicans who are attacking our right to vote. Our free speech rights. They are canceling culture. Wisconsin Republicans have a long list of words such as 'equity' they would like to ban. Texas changed their history curriculum to remove minorities and women.

"The bill, SB 3, removes requirements to teach about civil rights work by Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass. Works by women’s suffragists are also no longer required to be taught.

The Republicans’ bill also removes requirements to teach “the history of white supremacy, including but not limited to the institution of slavery, the eugenics movement, and the Ku Klux Klan, and the ways in which it is morally wrong.”

Deep, deep delusion.

Really, seek help. No connection with reality whatsoever.
Arrest the animals. You keep acting like animals, we'll keep throwing you in jail.
If Progressive Socialist Mothers are not concerned about the chance of their Daughter's being raped then they deserve not to have much of a voice in politics. At some point if the issues increase, there may be people killed.
I am very happy we are taking on these right wing terrorists. These right wing thugs are not parents. They are attempting to intimidate school boards across the country. CRT has nothing to do with it. Apparently we can't tech that slavery, segregation or the KKK were bad.

Actually you misstate the proposal. The only thing that will be looked at is inflows and outflows not individual transactions. The rich are cheating on their taxes and you are okay with that.
How are the rich “cheating” on their taxes? Please, do tell. You seem to know the code inside and out; or more likely, when someone who is part of the group that is paying 70 percent of the income taxes questions spending, you automatically think they are cheating on their taxes.

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