Who voted for this and is happy about it?

STATEMENT: "Schools are supposed to teach reading writing and math. Not CRT"

RESPONSE: Schools are teaching not only math or writing skills they are taught deportment and critical thinking. Your ignorance is truly amazing, of course that is one of many character flaws of anarchistic jerks like you.

critical race theory - Basic tenets of critical race theory

I can still do long division 30 years after being taught how.

CRT is not "critical thinking." It's teaching the kids what to think, not HOW.
Schools are not teaching CRT. Apparently teaching slavery, segregation and the KKK are all bad is too radical. We can't talk about Martin Luther King because he is a left wing radical who stood foe equal rights for blacks. What you want to teach is right wing hatred towrds everyone except white males.

Right wing assholes are the ones who wnt to indoctrinate our children. Everyone except white men are bad. Republicans activelt ignore science so how can they be interested in science?

Fuck you right wing fascists. You attack this country to turn it into a right wing dictatorship. You attack voting rights. You attack free speech rights. You attack minorities and women. You are the ones dividing us. You are right wing Nazis trying to take over this country. Trump cheated on his wife but that is okay with you.

Fuck you left wing libtards that want fucking men in little girls bathrooms and a president that molests little girls. I want to teach kids actual subjects not racism. What the fuck does your stupid liberal ass think CRT is? Its teaching kids that one race treats another differently and that they aren't equal. I thought liberals were about equality.

I want to indoctrinate nobody, I want schools to TEACH CHILDREN WHAT THEY NEED TO KNOW. Not fucking liberal racism and victimhood.

So fuck off you fucking liberal.
Who is happy about the idea of parents upset about school curriculum being deemed “threats”?

Who is happy about the prospect on the idea of every and any transaction as little as $600 being monitored?

Parents continue blasting DOJ, school boards amid probe into violent threats
Biden’s Proposal to Empower I.R.S. Rattles Banks and Their Customers

This has been the world for a while now. What is really getting on your nerves is that it is happening to the wrong people. It was meant for them, not “us”.

You have to go back to United States V. Miller to get the start of this disaster we live in.

For those who don’t know. Miller was accused of numerous crimes. The FBI got his banking records, and Miller though his attorneys argued that this was a Fourth Amendment Violation. They had no warrant to get the records.

The Supreme Court ruled that Miller had no “reasonable expectation of Privacy” and the information was Voluntarily given to the bank. As it had been given to a third party, it was not protected by the Fourth amendment.

This case was decided in 1976. Since that time, the public servants we send to Congress have found lots of other ways to insure we have to surrender information, voluntarily.

They pass a law that the banks must gather this information, or report that kind of transaction, and we shout at the bank if we realize what is going on, but they are just following the law. We take our business to another bank, if we feel that strongly about it, and the exact same thing happens.

Your cell phone is tracking you right now. It has a GPS chip you can’t turn off. This is for your protection. The argument made in the late 1990’s was that if you called 911 and couldn’t tell the operator where you were, there was no way to know where you were to send help. So the GPS chip was installed to save your life.

But since you voluntarily carry this phone, and with no expectation of privacy, the various LEO’s can access those records from the phone company.

This is actually one of those things I use as an example that all the Amendments matter. Not just the Second, or the First. They all are vital. They are interconnected.

You object to them doing this. Well they’ve been doing it for a very long time. And it isn’t the Democrats. Those God Damned Leftists aren’t behind it. We were. We argued that the criminals and especially the Child Molesters should be caught, and we bought the lies hook line and sinker. Now we’re stuck with it.

That is always the excuse they use. Why if we don’t have this ability then Child Predators will avoid detection and capture. Get them we scream and anyone who says. Wait, the Constitution. That horrible person is defending a child molester. Endangering our children.

You all created this mess. Now it’s being used on you, and you’re pissed. Shut the hell up. You didn’t give a fuck about the Constitution when others were being targeted. They deserved it.

So let me use your own attitudes against you. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Isn’t that what you all said when it was THEM being targeted this way?
You right wing nazis have nothing in common with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the Constitution or Lincoln. Columbus is not even a American.
Good thing Democrats are sticking with their traditions of intolerance and hate. I expect no less from the party of the Klan and Jim Crow. Meanwhile it's the left that denegrates Jefferson, Washington, and the Constitution.
This has been the world for a while now. What is really getting on your nerves is that it is happening to the wrong people. It was meant for them, not “us”.

You have to go back to United States V. Miller to get the start of this disaster we live in.

For those who don’t know. Miller was accused of numerous crimes. The FBI got his banking records, and Miller though his attorneys argued that this was a Fourth Amendment Violation. They had no warrant to get the records.

The Supreme Court ruled that Miller had no “reasonable expectation of Privacy” and the information was Voluntarily given to the bank. As it had been given to a third party, it was not protected by the Fourth amendment.

This case was decided in 1976. Since that time, the public servants we send to Congress have found lots of other ways to insure we have to surrender information, voluntarily.

They pass a law that the banks must gather this information, or report that kind of transaction, and we shout at the bank if we realize what is going on, but they are just following the law. We take our business to another bank, if we feel that strongly about it, and the exact same thing happens.

Your cell phone is tracking you right now. It has a GPS chip you can’t turn off. This is for your protection. The argument made in the late 1990’s was that if you called 911 and couldn’t tell the operator where you were, there was no way to know where you were to send help. So the GPS chip was installed to save your life.

But since you voluntarily carry this phone, and with no expectation of privacy, the various LEO’s can access those records from the phone company.

This is actually one of those things I use as an example that all the Amendments matter. Not just the Second, or the First. They all are vital. They are interconnected.

You object to them doing this. Well they’ve been doing it for a very long time. And it isn’t the Democrats. Those God Damned Leftists aren’t behind it. We were. We argued that the criminals and especially the Child Molesters should be caught, and we bought the lies hook line and sinker. Now we’re stuck with it.

That is always the excuse they use. Why if we don’t have this ability then Child Predators will avoid detection and capture. Get them we scream and anyone who says. Wait, the Constitution. That horrible person is defending a child molester. Endangering our children.

You all created this mess. Now it’s being used on you, and you’re pissed. Shut the hell up. You didn’t give a fuck about the Constitution when others were being targeted. They deserved it.

So let me use your own attitudes against you. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Isn’t that what you all said when it was THEM being targeted this way?
Come on. The people who live by the lowest percentage of humans in life have the highest percentage of abuses to the so called norm. And the so called norm is questionable at best to them. We now live in heh Western World where having males born is a disadvantage to females. Other nations are salivating at the teeth. If Samantha Bee and her daughters will raise a rifle to defend what she pouts and kill the enemy then I agree. She will not and neither will her smelly **** twatty sister Brian Stelter and those in between.
This has been the world for a while now. What is really getting on your nerves is that it is happening to the wrong people. It was meant for them, not “us”.

You have to go back to United States V. Miller to get the start of this disaster we live in.

For those who don’t know. Miller was accused of numerous crimes. The FBI got his banking records, and Miller though his attorneys argued that this was a Fourth Amendment Violation. They had no warrant to get the records.

The Supreme Court ruled that Miller had no “reasonable expectation of Privacy” and the information was Voluntarily given to the bank. As it had been given to a third party, it was not protected by the Fourth amendment.

This case was decided in 1976. Since that time, the public servants we send to Congress have found lots of other ways to insure we have to surrender information, voluntarily.

They pass a law that the banks must gather this information, or report that kind of transaction, and we shout at the bank if we realize what is going on, but they are just following the law. We take our business to another bank, if we feel that strongly about it, and the exact same thing happens.

Your cell phone is tracking you right now. It has a GPS chip you can’t turn off. This is for your protection. The argument made in the late 1990’s was that if you called 911 and couldn’t tell the operator where you were, there was no way to know where you were to send help. So the GPS chip was installed to save your life.

But since you voluntarily carry this phone, and with no expectation of privacy, the various LEO’s can access those records from the phone company.

This is actually one of those things I use as an example that all the Amendments matter. Not just the Second, or the First. They all are vital. They are interconnected.

You object to them doing this. Well they’ve been doing it for a very long time. And it isn’t the Democrats. Those God Damned Leftists aren’t behind it. We were. We argued that the criminals and especially the Child Molesters should be caught, and we bought the lies hook line and sinker. Now we’re stuck with it.

That is always the excuse they use. Why if we don’t have this ability then Child Predators will avoid detection and capture. Get them we scream and anyone who says. Wait, the Constitution. That horrible person is defending a child molester. Endangering our children.

You all created this mess. Now it’s being used on you, and you’re pissed. Shut the hell up. You didn’t give a fuck about the Constitution when others were being targeted. They deserved it.

So let me use your own attitudes against you. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Isn’t that what you all said when it was THEM being targeted this way?
Let me use your attitude for you. The ‘22 MidTerms are upon us. Have fun defending or even promoting the IRS tracking every transaction among your base and swing voters. Better yet, try not to look foolish when trying to hide from this and - as you are doing now- blaming Republicans for something Democrats are putting in the Bill NOW.
Parents who make threats are threats

Those who voice opinions in a civil manner are just exercising their right of free speech
Let me use your attitude for you. The ‘22 MidTerms are upon us. Have fun defending or even promoting the IRS tracking every transaction among your base and swing voters. Better yet, try not to look foolish when trying to hide from this and - as you are doing now- blaming Republicans for something Democrats are putting in the Bill NOW.

Yeah. I’m waiting for the outrage. Remember when the NSA and FBI were caught monitoring bank transactions? I do. What happened? Congress expressed their outrage that anything like this could happen. And to prove how outraged they were. They passed a law authorizing it.

This was while Bush was President and the Republicans controlled Congress. Damned Leftists.

When the FBI was exposed tracking Cell Phones what happened? Congress acted and required that the FBI get a FISA warrant. And they tacked on a law that the regular courts could not question or overrule FISA warrants.

That will teach them not to do things legally.

Anyone who knows the history isn’t going to get riled up. And anyone who does get riled up is just pissed that they are targeted.

Want to impress me? Put forward real reform. Reform the system so it has emphasis on the Amendments. Otherwise it is just more grandstanding.

That will never happen. Neither side wants to lose the power it gives them.
Fuck you left wing libtards that want fucking men in little girls bathrooms and a president that molests little girls. I want to teach kids actual subjects not racism. What the fuck does your stupid liberal ass think CRT is? Its teaching kids that one race treats another differently and that they aren't equal. I thought liberals were about equality.

I want to indoctrinate nobody, I want schools to TEACH CHILDREN WHAT THEY NEED TO KNOW. Not fucking liberal racism and victimhood.

So fuck off you fucking liberal.
Your rant is noted. The hate within this post ^^^ is pathological; a good therapist might put you on the road to recovery. But I digress.

Your first sentence is ludicrous, and an echo of BIG LIES. The claim of "fucking men in little girls bathrooms" is absolutely and self evident a BIG LIE; as is the 2nd phrase on President Biden. You have no proof to make such allegations and these are BIG DAMN LIES.

Of course you claim to want "actual" subjects, but much like you can't provide and define "leftists" or "liberal racism" are nothing more than echoes of propaganda.

Teaching actual subjects go way beyond English, Math and Science: Getting along with each other begins in the home and is reinforced in the first years of primary school; a bit later, Social Studies***, Health and Safety included in age appropriate a comprehensive health curriculum on reproduction in animals first; and for later age appropriate students Human Reproduction including STDs and contraception).

Your entire post in out of touch with reality, and your final sentence ("so fuck off you fucking liberal") is hate is based on your ignorance of what liberals are and your ignorance which is very disturbing.

***Social Studies incorporate history, and racism is part of our nations history.
Good thing Democrats are sticking with their traditions of intolerance and hate. I expect no less from the party of the Klan and Jim Crow. Meanwhile it's the left that denegrates Jefferson, Washington, and the Constitution.
Go to Russia, you would fit right (far right) there.
Yeah. I’m waiting for the outrage. Remember when the NSA and FBI were caught monitoring bank transactions? I do. What happened? Congress expressed their outrage that anything like this could happen. And to prove how outraged they were. They passed a law authorizing it.

This was while Bush was President and the Republicans controlled Congress. Damned Leftists.

When the FBI was exposed tracking Cell Phones what happened? Congress acted and required that the FBI get a FISA warrant. And they tacked on a law that the regular courts could not question or overrule FISA warrants.

That will teach them not to do things legally.

Anyone who knows the history isn’t going to get riled up. And anyone who does get riled up is just pissed that they are targeted.

Want to impress me? Put forward real reform. Reform the system so it has emphasis on the Amendments. Otherwise it is just more grandstanding.

That will never happen. Neither side wants to lose the power it gives them.
I do remember the outrage on the notion of monitoring financial transactions of suspected terrorists ….. that outrage was from the Left. Maybe it was more about Bashing Bush. I think most Americans are OK about getting authorization to monitor financial transactions of terrorists intent on 9-11 level attacks on US vs. monitoring a $600+ transaction of a soccer mom at Costco.

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