Who wants cradle to grave?

Do you want cradle to grave?

  • YES

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 20 83.3%

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Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obama wants to subsidize your life from cradle to grave


On radio this morning, Glenn spent the opening few minutes looking at the political philosophy of Barack Obama and what his policies reveal about the role of government. Unsurprisingly, he finds Obama to be one of the worst big government progressives of all time. But how bad is it? Worse than you’d think.

He started off by referencing a quote from Ross Douthat from a New York Times opinion piece:

“[T]he slide show’s vision of the individual’s relationship to the state seems designed to vindicate every conservative critique of the Obama-era Democratic Party. The liberalism of “the Life of Julia” doesn’t envision government spending the way an older liberalism did — as a backstop for otherwise self-sufficient working families, providing insurance against job loss, decrepitude and catastrophic illness. It offers a more sweeping vision of government’s place in society, in which the individual depends on the state at every stage of life, and no decision — personal, educational, entrepreneurial, sexual — can be contemplated without the promise that it will be somehow subsidized by Washington.”

Glenn said this is a much more eloquent way of summarizing Barack Obama’s philosophy than he would ever be able to articulate it.

He then played Obama’s shocking audio regarding individual success:

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.


Obama wants to subsidize your life from cradle to grave – Glenn Beck

"Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You". John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961...
Sorry JFK it's the new progressive liberal America...................
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Is President Obama Creating A Nation Of Dependents?


If the Republican primaries are any indication, one big debate in the upcoming election will be whether President Obama is pushing the country toward a European-style welfare culture.


"Once we thought 'entitlement' meant that Americans were entitled to the privilege of trying to succeed in the greatest country in the world," Romney said in a recent speech. "But today the new entitlement battle is over the size of the check you get from Washington."

Is Obama Creating A Nation Of Dependents? Nearly Half Now Get Government Benefits - Investors.com
yeah, back then people were better off.Now it's different. But it won't be that way forever.
i think the help is better than beggars on every corner selling apples(like my great granfather did from a wheelchair during the Great Depression).
the alternative is having to watch people die from hunger and exposure while the rich have giant parties and banquets.
just what jesus would want every hard hearted republican/ind to do.
If an able-bodied person is lazy, then cradle to grave care by government looks good to them because it means they'll do better than they would on their own. People who are ambitious will not need nanny giverment, but if socialism takes hold in this country, the ones doing well now will see a lowered quality of life.

If you end up having to give half of what you earn, will you work as hard to get ahead? The only way government can care for the rapidly growing welfare group is to take from the workers. How long will the workers work if they don't get ahead and see that the idle are doing as well without effort?
yeah, back then people were better off.Now it's different. But it won't be that way forever.
i think the help is better than beggars on every corner selling apples(like my great granfather did from a wheelchair during the Great Depression).
the alternative is having to watch people die from hunger and exposure while the rich have giant parties and banquets.
just what jesus would want every hard hearted republican/ind to do.

yeah, back then people were better off.Now it's different. But it won't be that way forever.
i think the help is better than beggars on every corner selling apples(like my great granfather did from a wheelchair during the Great Depression).
the alternative is having to watch people die from hunger and exposure while the rich have giant parties and banquets.
just what jesus would want every hard hearted republican/ind to do



If an able-bodied person is lazy, then cradle to grave care by government looks good to them because it means they'll do better than they would on their own. People who are ambitious will not need nanny giverment, but if socialism takes hold in this country, the ones doing well now will see a lowered quality of life.

If you end up having to give half of what you earn, will you work as hard to get ahead? The only way government can care for the rapidly growing welfare group is to take from the workers. How long will the workers work if they don't get ahead and see that the idle are doing as well without effort?

To get assitance you must be working or be in a career traing program actively searching for work. they give you classes on resumes and test you to see your intelligence on business matters, general education and reading comprehension.

right now there is many jobs available in my area. People may need to move to get work.
i drive around 100 miles a day to work. I work in three different states to get as much work as I can.
yeah, back then people were better off.Now it's different. But it won't be that way forever.
i think the help is better than beggars on every corner selling apples(like my great granfather did from a wheelchair during the Great Depression).
the alternative is having to watch people die from hunger and exposure while the rich have giant parties and banquets.
just what jesus would want every hard hearted republican/ind to do




yep, happened all the time in the 1930's
Without government intervention in the agri business the enterprise would have been ruined by poor land mangement.
The dust bowl was created by taking away the prarie grass that held the soil. Forest in the area of Missouri had been so over harvested there was no trees. Literally the forest were replanted and tree lines created to break up straight line winds eroding the top soil.
Ask a farmer if he has never used the govt. to help build and maintain his farm or ranch.
yeah, back then people were better off.now it's different. But it won't be that way forever.
I think the help is better than beggars on every corner selling apples(like my great granfather did from a wheelchair during the great depression).
the alternative is having to watch people die from hunger and exposure while the rich have giant parties and banquets.
Just what jesus would want every hard hearted republican/ind to do




yep, happened all the time in the 1930's


It's 2012
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yeah, back then people were better off.Now it's different. But it won't be that way forever.
i think the help is better than beggars on every corner selling apples(like my great granfather did from a wheelchair during the Great Depression).
the alternative is having to watch people die from hunger and exposure while the rich have giant parties and banquets.
just what jesus would want every hard hearted republican/ind to do




Jackass forgot about hollywood and obongo's fund raisers...
Without government intervention in the agri business the enterprise would have been ruined by poor land mangement.
The dust bowl was created by taking away the prarie grass that held the soil. Forest in the area of Missouri had been so over harvested there was no trees. Literally the forest were replanted and tree lines created to break up straight line winds eroding the top soil.
Ask a farmer if he has never used the govt. to help build and maintain his farm or ranch.

None of it... and I mean NONE OF IT, possible without the private sector creating revenue in the form of taxes :dunno:

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