Who wants to bet Trump won't even debate Hillary on stage during the general election?

I bet you dollars to donuts he will come up with any excuse he can not to get on a debate stage with her.
I would love to see them debate live.....but if either of them runs away....I bet it will be Drumpf.
Since they are already scheduled...I'll be happy to take your money.
Candy is correct:

2016 Presidential Debate Schedule

Wouldn't be the first time he weaseled out of a scheduled debate.
Ah bullshit. He will tear Billary a new asshole.

How? By trying to be a school yard bully? That worked fine with childish republicans, but it won't work in grown up elections.
Hillary foreign policy: Turned over more real estate to ISIS and Jihadists than 100 bin ladens could dare dream
Evidence indicates that Hillary is afraid of the media. She hasn't given a press conference in over six months and had one interview with a former employee of the Clinton administration who threw her scripted softball questions. My guess is that she would go into a coughing fit.
Since they are already scheduled...I'll be happy to take your money.
Candy is correct:

2016 Presidential Debate Schedule

Wouldn't be the first time he weaseled out of a scheduled debate.
Ah bullshit. He will tear Billary a new asshole.

How? By trying to be a school yard bully? That worked fine with childish republicans, but it won't work in grown up elections.
Trump as a schoolyard bully? Shows your mentality. Perhaps after recess Obama and ISIS will sit down and trade baseball cards.
Trump tried skipping a debate already and he saw how that worked while I don't care for Trump I highly doubt he will make that same mistake again.
I bet you dollars to donuts he will come up with any excuse he can not to get on a debate stage with her.
Hitlery will needs lots more animal medication to keep her standing....
bullshit. Old elephants can still stand for hours at a time without a problem.
now supporting the stage under her is a different story.
problem with debating hillary is that all of the time will be spent pointing out her lies everytime she opens that foul mouth of hers.
The possibility of the knock-out punch is always there. That is true. It almost never happens. The reason is that most Politicians are aware that you debate yourself more than the opponent at this level. Since the CPD took over the debates, the moderators and the rules have been lessened to promote what is basically a showcase and not much of a true debate between two pugilist. You’re rewarded for not attacking your opponent.
He beat 16 very capable candidates that have far far less baggage so you are living in fantasy land. Hillary hasn't done jack shit for interviews while Trump has been all over the place. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
he didn't beat anyone in the debates. he provided the best show to the wwe audience


Hilibya! great job!!
Of course he'll debate her.

A television camera will be there.

And it will be hilarious!
I bet you dollars to donuts he will come up with any excuse he can not to get on a debate stage with her.

I bet you he does and beats her ass.....so bad....you guys will cry misogyny.......take it to the bank!!!!!!

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