who was best president of usa ?

who was best president of usa ?

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • jfk

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • barak obama

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters
When Coolidge became President he cut taxes and cut government spending in half - something turds like you would view as a catastrophe. He had a very short recession, and a huge boom followed. Hoover and FDR, on the other hand, did the exact opposite. They raised taxes and raised government spending. The result was the Great Depression.

NOt really the same thing. We had a boom in the 1920's because we had switched during WWI from being a debtor to a creditor nation- we began exporting more than we were importing with wealth pouring in.

there was a brief, mild depression in 1920-21 which was largely over by the time Harding (who wasn't a bad guy compared to Coolidge and Hoover) got into office. But this was largely due to industry having to retool from War Industries to consumer industries, and the influx of millions of returning soldiers AND an influx of refugees from Europe. (Fun fact, this was the period my grandparents came over from Germany).

The 1929 recession happened because bankers were selling stocks on pure fantasy, and you had billions of dollars vanishing into the ether. As Hoover remarked afterwards - "The problem with capitalism is capitalists.. they're too damned greedy."
The 1920-21 Depression started off just as bad as the FDR Depression. Harding, Coolidge and Mellon were smart enough to know that they weren't smarter than the markets. FDR and the Central Planners KNEW they were the smartest people ever! and turned a bad economy into the worst economy in recorded history

Guy, the 1920 depression was over by July 1921. Harding (again, Coolidge was non-factor because the Veep didn't do anything back then) didn't take office until March 1921.

Here- educate yourself.

Depression of 1920–21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, by the time Harding had called his conference, the country's economy had already shown signs of rebound, and by 1922 was starting the economic boom of the 1920s[13] and merely allowed for President Harding to claim success.

So to recap- Harding took credit for a recovery that was happening already, and Coolidge had nothing to do with it, other than conclude that the government should just ignore whatever shennanigans were going on at Wall Street, because that will turn out well.

Coolidge was also known for his policy of letting Foxes guard his hen house.
When Coolidge became President he cut taxes and cut government spending in half - something turds like you would view as a catastrophe. He had a very short recession, and a huge boom followed. Hoover and FDR, on the other hand, did the exact opposite. They raised taxes and raised government spending. The result was the Great Depression.

NOt really the same thing. We had a boom in the 1920's because we had switched during WWI from being a debtor to a creditor nation- we began exporting more than we were importing with wealth pouring in.

there was a brief, mild depression in 1920-21 which was largely over by the time Harding (who wasn't a bad guy compared to Coolidge and Hoover) got into office. But this was largely due to industry having to retool from War Industries to consumer industries, and the influx of millions of returning soldiers AND an influx of refugees from Europe. (Fun fact, this was the period my grandparents came over from Germany).

The 1929 recession happened because bankers were selling stocks on pure fantasy, and you had billions of dollars vanishing into the ether. As Hoover remarked afterwards - "The problem with capitalism is capitalists.. they're too damned greedy."

The 20-21 recession ended because we had 2 President who respected the Constitution and didn't think they could outsmart the markets. They resisted all the calls to "DO SOMETHING!!!!" Hoover and FDR DID SOMETHING!!! and gave us the worst economy in human history
The 20-21 recession ended because we had 2 President who respected the Constitution and didn't think they could outsmart the markets. They resisted all the calls to "DO SOMETHING!!!!" Hoover and FDR DID SOMETHING!!! and gave us the worst economy in human history

NO, it ended because someone HAD done something before Harding could get there and really fuck it up.

Not to worry, Coolidge and Hoover managed to find ways to TRULY fuck things up, given enough time.

You see, here's the thing, Recessions and Depressions are largely a Republican thing. They rarely start on Democratic Watches. 1920 and 1979 were exceptions, but most of them start on Republican watches - 2008, 2001, 1990, 1981, 1974, the three recessions that happened on Ike's watch.

My parents in the 1970's used to say "Democrats bring us wars, Republicans bring us Depressions", because in their lifetime, that was largely true.

Today, Republicans bring us Wars AND Recessions!
Coolidge, Harding and Mellon took all of 18 months to end a recession that started as bad as the FDR Depression

there's no comparing the two. Besides the fact the Depression of 1920-21 wasn't nearly as bad a the Great Depression, their tax schemes had little to do with it's ending.

The 1920 recession occurred because of the sudden shock the WORLD economy underwent by the end of WWI. Entire empires and economies were blown up. all that happened was there was a shift to normalcy, which had nothing to do with Coolidge, who was in the meaningless position of vice President at the time.

The 1920-21 Depression started off just as bad as the FDR Depression. Harding, Coolidge and Mellon were smart enough to know that they weren't smarter than the markets. FDR and the Central Planners KNEW they were the smartest people ever! and turned a bad economy into the worst economy in recorded history
Out of 43 American presidents, historians have rated Coolidge 29th; Harding 41, and Hoover 36th. But not too worry GW Bush was rated 39th, just above Hoover.
Yeah, yeah, historians are commies, government employees, don't know history, and history is dumb and shouldn't be taught in schools.

It's OK, I understand that Progressives are trained to not think, so pointing to "experts" is how you show your intellectual ability. It's like saying global climate warming change must be real -- look at all the experts who say so.

FDR has the worse economic track record in American history
Ya, those darn experts that use facts and reality to publish peer reviewed and researched histories to present accurate writings that hold up to scrutiny and scholarly examination.

The people of the times must have all been "Progressives" as they re-elected FDR over and over as he brought down unemployment and built a national infrastructure that continues to serve America to this very day. Perhaps they were influenced by having lived for almost four years in the Great Depression before FDR was President and inherited the global crisis, and seeing first hand, live on the spot, how FDR made life better for them as he put up to 3.5 million citizens to work in New Deal programs building that infrastructure, so much of which still stands and benefits America today, after 80 years. All done during a decade of some of the worst natural disasters in American history called the Dust Bowl Storms that came like massive hurricanes to some of America's most important agriculture lands.

Two things the anti-FDR/New Deal proponents use to portray their negativity and false perception towards FDR are the outdated and misleading unemployment figures during the FDR era. They use the Lebbergott method of calculating unemployment, which does not include government workers and those working in New Deal programs. The Lebbergott method did not seek or provide real unemployment figures. It was designed to provide only the figures missing from, but available to private industry. It left about 4.5% or 3.5 million of employed people counted as "unemployed". They simply ignore the Darby method figures that give far more accurate overall and inclusive figures.
The Dust Bowl era is usually not event brought into the discussion by the anti-FDR folks. They pretend like it never happened and had no impact in the 1930's and the economy.

Detailed academic review of the differences between the Lebbergott method and Darby method of calculating unemployment figures.

Article by Darby giving more simplified explanation of why his method gives realistic figures of real unemployment.

The 20-21 recession ended because we had 2 President who respected the Constitution and didn't think they could outsmart the markets. They resisted all the calls to "DO SOMETHING!!!!" Hoover and FDR DID SOMETHING!!! and gave us the worst economy in human history

NO, it ended because someone HAD done something before Harding could get there and really fuck it up.

Not to worry, Coolidge and Hoover managed to find ways to TRULY fuck things up, given enough time.

You see, here's the thing, Recessions and Depressions are largely a Republican thing. They rarely start on Democratic Watches. 1920 and 1979 were exceptions, but most of them start on Republican watches - 2008, 2001, 1990, 1981, 1974, the three recessions that happened on Ike's watch.

My parents in the 1970's used to say "Democrats bring us wars, Republicans bring us Depressions", because in their lifetime, that was largely true.

Today, Republicans bring us Wars AND Recessions!
Yeah and D's give us peace and prosperity.... Hahahaha....

If you believe that, you are one dumb *#$%@*&+-!!!!!
No question about it, FDR.

No question he was the worst fucking scumbag to ever sully our White House
A fine gentleman and perhaps our greatest president

A low-life scumbag and one of the gravest threats ever to the Constitution and our form of government.

FDR turned the country into a modern democracy and the worlds first superpower.

Greatest modern President
No question about it, FDR.

No question he was the worst fucking scumbag to ever sully our White House
A fine gentleman and perhaps our greatest president

A low-life scumbag and one of the gravest threats ever to the Constitution and our form of government.

FDR turned the country into a modern democracy and the worlds first superpower.

No, he did not.
Prior to FDR it was every man for himself. Darwinism at its finest. U.S. Was isolationist and proud of it

FDR turned us into a modern Democracy and global power

All from a wheelchair
But for the 2nd Amendment FDR would have rounded up everybody and not just the Japanese and tucked us all away in reeducation camps

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