Who was healthier during the debate?

Right back atchya.
Trump said nothing of substance. He certainly didn't address that to the standard you're holding Clinton to.
You clinically retarded or just plain retarded?

That's it, attack.
He said nothing specific about reducing debt. Simply mentioning it is not a plan.
That's not an answer or a plan.
Tariffs won't do it. Currently they are 1% of revenue. How do you raise them significantly enough to generate debt releiving revenue without also raising prices on consumer goods significantly? You would price American consumers out of the market and destroy the any wage gains made.
Tariffs are adjusted to bring jobs and careers back to the US.

I already showed you why that's not a real solution but OK, I'll humor you.Adjusted how?
How does bringing "jobs and careers back to the US" reduce the debt?
It's not only during debates, but healthy overall going forward.

Hillary may have exhaustion issues at times, but Donald is a walking time bomb, both physically & psychologically.
A heart attack after some junk food would not be surprising.
Republicans spent weeks before the debate declaring that Hillary wouldn't show up, that she couldn't stand up for an hour and a half, she would have coughing fits, she lacked stamina

Trump even brought up Hillary's lack of stamina as one of her leading detriments to be President

Yet, in a 90 minute debate, it was clearly Trump who suffered burnout as Hillary finished with a flurry of attacks against Trump. Trump was left babbling about Rosie O'Donnell. Hillary is 'not nice" and threatening to make personal attacks against the Clintons

It was Trump constantly sniffling and lurching for his water glass. Hillary was calm and collected throughout

She rope-a-doped him.
Low energy Donald under performed.

Donald was exhausted at the end

Funny how Hillary's TV ads are driving Trump nuts. He brought them up three times during the debates and kept whining about them afterwards....what a pussy
You mean all those negative ads of him where he is the only one doing all of the talking? Yeah, she is such a meanie.

Hillary "is not a nice person"

She runs ads that just play what Trump has said
Like I have said before, Trump is operating on a level that you cannot even see.

Trump is hitting on all cylinders, Cankles struggles to get started[/QUOTE]

Trump was a sputtering fool by the end....

Hillary is not a nice person
Rosie....its all Rosies fault[/QUOTE]

Telling it like it is is "sputtering"?[/QUOTE]

Dinger is making it up as he goes along.[/QUOTE]

Trump is reaching the end of a 90 minute debate....Time to drive home the Trump message to the American people

What does Trump babble about?
Rosie O'Donnell, Hillary's commercials are not nice, I should have brought up Bill Clintons blowjob
Just how sick is Trump?....
How concerned should we be?

Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity are very concerned over Hilly's health...
Should they be as concerned about Trump?....

By the way Hillary looked fine last night.
Jesus, retarded Crooked Hillary supporters don't even know how to make a post in a thread.
Like I have said before, Trump is operating on a level that you cannot even see.

If you're so in tune with his master plan, can you tell everyone how his "Lose the debate in a completely humiliating fashion" tactic there factored into achieving his ultimate victory?

Nothing I have read today supports your view.

Try to be less of a dishonest partisan.
Just how sick is Trump?....
How concerned should we be?

Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity are very concerned over Hilly's health...
Should they be as concerned about Trump?....

By the way Hillary looked fine last night.

Maybe FoxNews will start covering Trumps health issues 24/7
Trump does at least 1 rally a day.
Hillary talks to 50 girl scouts once a month.

Trump couldn't last 90 minutes with Hillary

He was a babbling fool by the end...

People hate Rosie, Hillary is not a nice person......
Provide at least one detail on how Hillary will lower our 20 trillion dollar deficit based on the debate.

It did come up during the debate
Hillary's plan is debt neutral while Trumps plan adds $10 trillion to our debt

That's what happens when you don't expect billionaires to pay taxes

The government is not the US economy. With the money he kept away from Obama, Trump hired tens of thousands, Obama wasted over a billion tax dollars building the only website that couldn't tell you when someone wanted to buy your product

I think I'll try that one the next time the IRS comes a knocking.......

I would have paid my taxes but you would have just wasted it

Trump took advantage of the tax code. Why is that so wrong?

Conservatives believe that people should be able to keep their money, Progressives believe it all belongs to the government

It's a different philosophy that Trump needed to address

“The main difference between ourselves and the other side is: We see an America where every day is the Fourth of July. They see an American where every day is April 15th.” -- Reagan
You clinically retarded or just plain retarded?

That's it, attack.
He said nothing specific about reducing debt. Simply mentioning it is not a plan.
That's not an answer or a plan.
Tariffs won't do it. Currently they are 1% of revenue. How do you raise them significantly enough to generate debt releiving revenue without also raising prices on consumer goods significantly? You would price American consumers out of the market and destroy the any wage gains made.
Tariffs are adjusted to bring jobs and careers back to the US.

I already showed you why that's not a real solution but OK, I'll humor you.Adjusted how?
How does bringing "jobs and careers back to the US" reduce the debt?
We collect taxes.
We stop borrowing money from China to build here.
You are obviously a genius.
Trump couldn't last 90 minutes with Hillary

He was a babbling fool by the end...

People hate Rosie, Hillary is not a nice person......
Provide at least one detail on how Hillary will lower our 20 trillion dollar deficit based on the debate.

It did come up during the debate
Hillary's plan is debt neutral while Trumps plan adds $10 trillion to our debt

That's what happens when you don't expect billionaires to pay taxes

The government is not the US economy. With the money he kept away from Obama, Trump hired tens of thousands, Obama wasted over a billion tax dollars building the only website that couldn't tell you when someone wanted to buy your product

I think I'll try that one the next time the IRS comes a knocking.......

I would have paid my taxes but you would have just wasted it

Trump took advantage of the tax code. Why is that so wrong?

Conservatives believe that people should be able to keep their money, Progressives believe it all belongs to the government

It's a different philosophy that Trump needed to address

“The main difference between ourselves and the other side is: We see an America where every day is the Fourth of July. They see an American where every day is April 15th.” -- Reagan

Is someone making $20,000 a year "taking advantage" of that same tax code?
That's it, attack.
He said nothing specific about reducing debt. Simply mentioning it is not a plan.
That's not an answer or a plan.
Tariffs won't do it. Currently they are 1% of revenue. How do you raise them significantly enough to generate debt releiving revenue without also raising prices on consumer goods significantly? You would price American consumers out of the market and destroy the any wage gains made.
Tariffs are adjusted to bring jobs and careers back to the US.

I already showed you why that's not a real solution but OK, I'll humor you.Adjusted how?
How does bringing "jobs and careers back to the US" reduce the debt?
We collect taxes.
We stop borrowing money from China to build here.
You are obviously a genius.

Like China, we are going to build a Great Wall...a beautiful wall
Now that Trump admits he is too poor to pay taxes maybe he can qualify for free Obamacare to take care of that sniffle and his drinking problem
Donny did not look well

Heavy, heavy makeup to cover his orange skin, Believe me
Wore out after an hour on the podium......lacks stamina
Persecution complex....Rosie is out to get me, Hillary is out to get me, Lester Holt is out to get me
Sniffling constantly...."Some people are saying" it could be cholera
Drank more water than any candidate since Little Marco...Believe me
Just surfed CNN and MSNBC, my God the propaganda is off the charts. They drag up qu33rs to whine about The Donald and claim Crooked Hillary is a Triathlete. Folks it was only a few weeks ago when she went into a full blown Parkinson's freeze. CNN and MSNBC called it pneumonia and dehydration hilariously.

Maybe FoxNews will start covering Trumps health issues 24/7

Incredible. Crooked Hillary has fucking Parkinson's and her limp-wristed tip toer retards claim The Donald is sick. Sheer genius...for fucktards.
So, given his obviously declining health and overall feeble condition, will weak Donald be capable of making it through the next debate?

To help him make it, I suggest letting him have a nose candy break halfway through.
Wait....this just in

Trump was not sniffling in last nights debate....Hillary slipped him a "Sniffle Mic"

But on Tuesday he denied any inklings of a sickness.

“No sniffles, no. You know, the mic was very bad. Maybe it was good enough to hear breathing," Trump told Fox & Friends Tuesday morning. "There was no sniffles. I have no allergies. No cold. Every once in a while, but no cold.”

At a different point in the interview
he speculated that maybe he had been given a bad mic on purpose.

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