Who Was The Beast Of The Book Of Revelation?

Who Was The Beast Of the Book Of Revelation?
Short Answer: Nero Caesar.
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{The following was taken from
He Shall Have Dominion.
by Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry Jr.
It is not a word for word quote but the substance of this below
is Dr. Gentry's. I typed it in. It is not on the web. Footnote at
the bottom}

Who Was The Beast Of Revelation?
The Beast is a well known Christian Eschatological character.
Premillennialists incorrectly believe that the Beast is to appear
in the future. This is false. The Beast was a 1st Century character
that appeared in the 1st Century and will never appear again in
human history.

The Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation.

The Time Of The Beast.
John clearly expects his prophesied events to take
place in his day, the 1st Century.

John writes:
"The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave
him to show his servants what must soon take place."
Revelation 1:1

"Then he told me, “Do not seal up the words of the
prophecy of this scroll, because the time is near"
Revelation 22:10

"must soon take place"
"the time is near"

In light of Revelation's significance to its first-century
audience, the Beast must be someone relevant to
that first-century audience.

"The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave
him to show his servants what must soon take place.
He made it known by sending his angel to his servant
John, who testifies to everything he saw—that is,
the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of
this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it
and take to heart what is written in it, because the
time is near
." Revelation 1:1-4

“Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the
seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum,
Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”
Rev. 1:11
{these were churches of the 1st century that received
this letter of Revelation}


Revelation 13 presents the Beast as a horrible and
powerful foe attempting to destroy God's people.

Sometimes Revelation presents the Beast as a
kingdom and sometimes as an individua leader
of that kingdom.

In some places the Beast has seven heads which
are seven kings collectively considered.

In Revelation 13:1 John notes that he saw a Beast
coming up out of the sea having 10 horns and
seven heads.
Revelation 17:10 specifically says that the seven
heads represent seven kings.

Thus the Beast is presented as a kingdom.
But kingdoms have representatives. This is why
John also speaks of the Beast as an individual.

John urges his readers to calculate the number of
the Beast which is the number of a man Revelation

The Beast's General Identity is the first-century
Roman Empire and NOT a "revived Roman Empire"
as imagined by Dispensationalism.

According to Revelation 17:9 the Beast's seven heads
represent "seven mountains." The seven mountains
symbolize Rome. Rome is the one city in history
distinguished and recognized by its seven


The Beast's Specific Identify.
The Beast in his personal identity is Nero Caesar. He
and he alone fits the bill as the personal and specific
expression of the Beast. This vile character fulfills all
the requirements of the text of Revelation.

First the number of the Beast. In Revelation 13:18
the number of the Beast is 666. The usefulness of
this number lies in the fact that in the first-century
alphabets serve as both phonetic symbols and
as arithmetical values. Significantly a common
spelling of Nero Caesar's name is Nrwn Qsr,
which provides the numerical value of 666

Second the Textual Variant. See Dr. Gentry's
book for this explanation. Page 381

Third the Beastly Image.
Revelation 13 both calls and portrays the one
behind the 666 riddle as a "beast.". The term
"beast" can easily symbolize persons with a
beastly nature. Almost all scholars agree that
Nero Caesar possessed a beastly nature.. Nero
Caesar is even hated and feared by his own
countrymen, as ancient Roman historians agree.
The pagan writer Apollinius of Tyana, a
contemporary of Nero Caesar, calls him a

Fourth, the war with the saints.
John's Beast will make war with the saints
and overcome them.{Rev. 13:7} In fact
Nero Caesar conducts a blasphemous war
with the saints for a specific period of 42 months {Rev. 13:5}
Nero begins his persecution of Christians in A.D. 64.
The persecution finally ends when Nero Caesar dies
on June 8, A.D.68 forty-two months later, but for a few days.
{Point of interest: Nero's own end comes by the sword.}

Conclusion: The Beast of Revelation was the beastly
Nero Caesar of the 1st Century.

He Shall Have Dominion
by Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry Jr.
pages 379 - 381
Jerusalem has seven mountains.
The imagine of 7 empires some say the 8th is the beast, not sure,

Was the deadly head wound bring in the 8th and last empire?

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The Messiah they expected was an anointed warrior king who would vanquish their enemies.

The Messiah they expected was an anointed warrior king who would vanquish their enemies.

Some say they killed Him.
Jesus said they were not Jews who ruled at the time. They say Jesus done away with the traditions.

Back to subject, the way the world is going now maybe it is coming to an end.
I know we have not been good stewards.
Some say they killed Him.
Jesus said they were not Jews who ruled at the time. They say Jesus done away with the traditions.

Back to subject, the way the world is going now maybe it is coming to an end.
I know we have not been good stewards.
The Jews were very divided... Essenes, zealots, herodias, Edomites. I think you should just go with what the Bible says. John of Patmos identifies the audience.
Some say they killed Him.
Jesus said they were not Jews who ruled at the time. They say Jesus done away with the traditions.

Back to subject, the way the world is going now maybe it is coming to an end.
I know we have not been good stewards.
I was a great steward and wore a sari while doing it.
The whole idea of Christ was to allow direct interpersonal relationships between a god a his people where as the ancient form there was a barrier in the priest, the temple and the god.
The imagine of 7 empires some say the 8th is the beast, not sure,

Was the deadly head wound bring in the 8th and last empire?

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The more I think about it, the more I think Israel was the fourth kingdom, not Rome. The Roman Empire endured until the fifth century, long after God established His kingdom on earth.

Daniel's description of the third kingdom ends not when Rome became an empire (27 BC) but when Israel became independent. During its indepnedence, Israel was quite strong, becoming culturally autonomous and expanding its borders.

Then Israel divided shortly after losing its independence, reminiscent of Daniel 2:41, when Aulus Gabinius divided the Hasmonean kingdom in 57-55 BC.

Once Judea lost its identity, then all Israel was slain and buried per Daniel 7:11.
The Roman Empire lasted until Constantinople fell. Or when it lost most of its lands; pick one definition or the other.

In Revelations Rome is the 'Beast of the Sea'; Jerusalem and its seven hills are the 'Whore Of Babylon'. It was the Babylonian Jews being referred to and their fake temple cult set up by Cyrus as a client state.
The Roman Empire lasted until Constantinople fell. Or when it lost most of its lands; pick one definition or the other.

In Revelations Rome is the 'Beast of the Sea'; Jerusalem and its seven hills are the 'Whore Of Babylon'. It was the Babylonian Jews being referred to and their fake temple cult set up by Cyrus as a client state.
the whore of Babylon is Mary---daughter of Anne and Pimp Joachim
Hence the civil war in AD 67 - 70.
Imo it's important not to skip big chunks of scripture and history to understand the abomination of desolation and events of the first century. Most Christians don't know anything about the Maccabees or Antiochus IV. He tried to destroy Judaism. Called himself God manifest.
Scripture says over that Israel played the whore and chased after false gods. The prophets we're always chastising them.
right----and Joyce Kilmer said -----(approx) 'a tree
is the loveliest of poems' Odysseus carried a
BAG OF WIND gifted to him by AEROLUS on his
ship-----the poetry of ancient scriptural writings is
difficult to interpret----even in the original----it is
hopeless in translation. The manner in which
chistrians misinterpret the putative words of Jesus-- --is one big joke. For fun, read the Ramayana
right----and Joyce Kilmer said -----(approx) 'a tree
is the loveliest of poems' Odysseus carried a
BAG OF WIND gifted to him by AEROLUS on his
ship-----the poetry of ancient scriptural writings is
difficult to interpret----even in the original----it is
hopeless in translation. The manner in which
chistrians misinterpret the putative words of Jesus-- --is one big joke. For fun, read the Ramayana
Just read the Old testament. It's clear that the prophets scold Israel as a harlot and a whore.
Isaiah is about Israel all the way thru. Israel is God's servant all thru the Old testament. Israel is the suffering servant.
Isaiah describes ---IN DETAIL---the role of both the
"MESSIAH" and the king of Israel. The ""advent""
of a jewish "messiah" and subsequent
establishment of a jewish KINGDOM is--not as far
as I recall-----described as a military victory
or force. The MANY persons hailed as "messiah"
in jewish history------were not particularly
"military" with some minor exceptions.

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