Who Was The Beast Of The Book Of Revelation?

Unadulterated Lies from the biggest liar and blasphemer on this message board.

She really is. And what is mind-boggling to me is that she calls herself a Christian when she constantly posts anti-Christian statements and constantly ‘thanks‘ blatantly anti-Christian or blasphemous posts by atheists.

On top of that, she has used an admitted satanist as a source while simultaneously dismissing well-known and respected biblical scholars.

It doesn’t make any logical sense that someone who is so anti-Christian would call themself a Christian… unless they are being guided by the enemy to mislead people and try to destroy Christianity through lies and deceit. Which of course will never happen, but with her relentless posting, she might succeed in misleading a few people, and that’s why it’s so sad and annoying to see her on these threads.
She really is. And what is mind-boggling to me is that she calls herself a Christian when she constantly posts anti-Christian statements and constantly ‘thanks‘ blatantly anti-Christian or blasphemous posts by atheists.

On top of that, she has used an admitted satanist as a source while simultaneously dismissing well-known and respected biblical scholars.

It doesn’t make any logical sense that someone who is so anti-Christian would call themself a Christian… unless they are being guided by the enemy to mislead people and try to destroy Christianity through lies and deceit. Which of course will never happen, but with her relentless posting, she might succeed in misleading a few people, and that’s why it’s so sad and annoying to see her on these threads.
This person is none of the sort. He is a heretic and blasphemer who repeatedly lies and misrepresents history and scripture. I almost feel sorry for him-her. No one is going to want to be them on Judgment Day.
"whore" as a symbolic concept is very common in hebrew and in hebraic aramaic literature------over and over. Your DECISION to render it a synonym for Jerusalem or Israel is----

That’s pretty close to what I was going to say. Yes, even though there are scriptures that refer to Israel as a whore, for spiritual adultery, that doesn’t automatically make Israel the harlot / mystery Babylon written about in Revelation. I don’t have time right now to go into detail, but there are so many reasons why that interpretation simply doesn't fit.
That’s pretty close to what I was going to say. Yes, even though there are scriptures that refer to Israel as a whore, for spiritual adultery, that doesn’t automatically make Israel the harlot / mystery Babylon written about in Revelation. I don’t have time right now to go into detail, but there are so many reasons why that interpretation simply doesn't fit.
while we are on the subject-----it boggles my mind that there are minds in cyberspace that could imagine that WHORE OF BABYLON is somehow an AKA
for Jerusalem. Babylon is ITSELF a frequent symbol of endless debauchery and perversity............I can think of no place in which it is compared to or equated with the city, Jerusalem
"scripture says......" so? "whore" as a symbolic
concept is very common in hebrew and in hebraic aramaic literature------over and over. Your DECISION to render it a synonym for Jerusalem or Israel is----
Babylon had nothing to do with Rome. The warnings for playing the whore were pretty constant in the old testament.
Babylon had nothing to do with Rome. The warnings for playing the whore were pretty constant in the old testament.
no question----and WHEN was Jerusalem called
THE WHORE OF BABYLON. Even more consistent
that the use of WHORE as a symbol of evil----the
was BABYLON a symbol of evil----Babylon---ie the
place approximately today IRAQ. As to ROME---its
association with filth-----was also -----VERY CLEAR
no question----and WHEN was Jerusalem called
THE WHORE OF BABYLON. Even more consistent
that the use of WHORE as a symbol of evil----the
was BABYLON a symbol of evil----Babylon---ie the
place approximately today IRAQ. As to ROME---its
association with filth-----was also -----VERY CLEAR
The Jewish prophets we're always scolding the Jews about idolatry and calling them whore or harlot. I didn't write the scripture.
The Jewish prophets we're always scolding the Jews about idolatry and calling them whore or harlot. I didn't write the scripture.
right -----and John Calvin had all the "christians" --standing on the brink of hell. It's a style. Today
jews refer to each other as SCHMUCKS ---it's a style.
Now tell me where you found the city of JERUSALEM---called "WHORE OF BABYLON"-----
Love ya JAG, but you misunderstand prophecy. It can be what will take place 2 days from now or 2,000 years from now. It is relevant to the time, not the people. That we humans just now have the ability to wipe out life on earth is totally irrelevant to the dead of the first century.
There have been a bunch of bad humans, but none so far fit the description of the beast laid out in end time prophecy. For one, he will be loved the world over. Nero wasn't even loved at home. Nero produced no peace treaty with Israel. Nor did he suffer a mortal head wound to the head or neck and survive. He had no weapons of mass destruction. Nor was he responsible for Christ returning to stop the destruction.
Wiping life off the earth is a prophesy that could only be fulfilled and relevant to us.
Revelation is very clear who the audience is and when it would happen.
right -----and John Calvin had all the "christians" --standing on the brink of hell. It's a style. Today
jews refer to each other as SCHMUCKS ---it's a style.
Now tell me where you found the city of JERUSALEM---called "WHORE OF BABYLON"-----
Imo Calvin and Martin Luther made mistakes. Too many people use religion for political gain.
right -----and John Calvin had all the "christians" --standing on the brink of hell. It's a style. Today
jews refer to each other as SCHMUCKS ---it's a style.
Now tell me where you found the city of JERUSALEM---called "WHORE OF BABYLON"-----
Jeremiah 51.
Judea was an adulterous wife who received strangers instead of her husband (Ez 16:32). God had slated her for divorce because she had forsaken her covenant with Him in order to worship other gods (Jer 22:9).

Jerusalem was far from faithful; she was a useless vine (Ez 15), following foreign customs even to the point of human sacrifice (2 Kgs 17:16-18; Jer 19:5; 32:35; Ez 20:25-26).

Her descent into adultery includes murder (Is 1:21). Jesus told an audience of scribes and Pharisees in Jerusalem who actually acknowledged their ancestral murderers that they themselves would murder and persecute the faithful (Mt 23:29-36). In Acts 7:51-53, Stephen leveled the same charge against them, and true to form, these Jews stoned him to death. Hearkening to the prophets, Stephen echoed Christ’s admonition to this wicked generation that the Jews had always been unfaithful, that they had always taken up with the likes of such idols as Moloch, Rephan, Sikkuth, and Kiyyun (Acts 7:42-43; cf Amos 5:25-27).

Divorce and remarriage is a running theme in the New Testament, the allusion, I think, referencing God's divorce from ethnic Israel and remarriage to heavenly Israel. The whore, of course, is ethnic Israel, and the comparison to Babylon seems to come later in the life of this nation when the Revelator sees similarities between the two.
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See re
Judea was an adulterous wife who received strangers instead of her husband (Ez 16:32). God had slated her for divorce because she had forsaken her covenant with Him in order to worship other gods (Jer 22:9).

Jerusalem was far from faithful; she was a useless vine (Ez 15), following foreign customs even to the point of human sacrifice (2 Kgs 17:16-18; Jer 19:5; 32:35; Ez 20:25-26).

Her descent into adultery includes murder (Is 1:21). Jesus told an audience of scribes and Pharisees in Jerusalem who actually acknowledged their ancestral murderers that they themselves would murder and persecute the faithful (Mt 23:29-36). In Acts 7:51-53, Stephen leveled the same charge against them, and true to form, these Jews stoned him to death. Hearkening to the prophets, Stephen echoed Christ’s admonition to this wicked generation that the Jews had always been unfaithful, that they had always taken up with the likes of such idols as Moloch, Rephan, Sikkuth, and Kiyyun (Acts 7:42-43; cf Amos 5:25-27).

Divorce and remarriage is a running theme in the New Testament, the allusion, I think, referencing God's divorce from ethnic Israel and remarriage to heavenly Israel. The whore, of course, is ethnic Israel, and the comparison to Babylon seems to come later in the life of this nation when the Revelator sees the similarities between the two.
See revelation 3:9. It occurs to me that he's talking about the Edomites who were forcibly converted to Judaism.
See re
See revelation 3:9. It occurs to me that he's talking about the Edomites who were forcibly converted to Judaism.
Israel allowed foreigners to join their house. Although Israel failed miserably in that directive, a few oustsiders did convert and enter their house. And they were welcomed.

Revelation 3:9 doesn't seem to say anything about Edomites. It does mention the synagogue of Satan, though, or the temple. To my mind, the Revelator says that real Jews believed the teachings of Christ and his apostles. Ethnic Jews, on the other hand, invested their worship in the elements, which were doomed to the fire (2 Pet 3:10).
Israel allowed foreigners to join their house. Although Israel failed miserably in that directive, a few oustsiders did convert and enter their house. And they were welcomed.

Revelation 3:9 doesn't seem to say anything about Edomites. It does mention the synagogue of Satan, though, or the temple. To my mind, the Revelator says that real Jews believed the teachings of Christ and his apostles. Ethnic Jews, on the other hand, invested their worship in the elements, which were doomed to the fire (2 Pet 3:10).
The Edomites we're forcibly converted by the king John Hyrcanus.
The Edomites we're forcibly converted by the king John Hyrcanus.
That may be. Did they live in Philadelphia and infiltrate that church?

Christ came to separate the sheep from the goats, to expose the wolves in sheep's clothing. His concern was not some outlier group. His concern was to purge the house of God of the false teachings of the Jews.
That would be the false teachings of the Babylonian Jews Cyrus built the 2nd Temple for, beginning with Ezra's attempt at 'racial purification'.
Somehow this doesnt feel like a new heaven and new earth.........

THANK YOU! That obvious truth in and of itself should be enough to show that preterism is not only a lie but completely idiotic. But sadly, when someone is being led by spiritual forces of darkness, they will continue to spread obvious lies in order to mislead people.

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