Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

If there are people in here who have a SHRED of honesty and objectivity, the OBVIOUS answer to the question is.............

The worst traitor in U.S. history is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

He should be immediately arrested and charged with treason and sedition, along with most of his staff and cabinet.

That was the war in which your father Prescott was indicted for trading with the enemy, wasn't it?

as I said before,every president since Hoover with the exception of JFK,has a very strong case for the biggest traiter that ever lived.

Especially after 9/11, the Bush and Obama administration.

EXACTLY.Both of them are traiters and should be locked up and imprisoned but as you know there is one different law for politicans than there is for us so that will never happen until the government starts holding them to the same standards they hold us to.both parites are corrupt.there is no difference between the two.its a one party system designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.there is no hope for the future of our country and the world till we get a third party started,one that represents the people and serves them instead of the establishment,military and the bankers like both the republicrats and demopublicans do.
Link to poll with names of said 238 noted historians and presidential experts, please.

And we want to see their birthcertificates, too. Not copies. The originals. On paper.

CrusaderFrank and Gipper will then inform us all of the Communist infiltration of all the birth certificate bureaus, and how that proves nothing.

Crusader retard is a hypocrite troll.He worships what alex jones says that Obama is not a us citizen but he closes his eyes and covers his ears when Jones talks about how corrupt and evil reagan was.:cuckoo: fucking hypocrite. his logic is jones is right about Obama but wrong about reagan.:cuckoo: such hypocrisy.the guy should be banned from these forums.he wants it both ways>he cant have it both ways,either jones is wrong about both or right about both,not right about and wrong about the other.fucking hypocrisy at its worse.
Cite those posts you allege exist any time.

We'll wait.

What you will do is continue to dance and avoid taking responsibility for your own words like the shameless punk you are.

I see you haven't found those posts of mine yet.

Do you think 'posting last' will mean you 'won' or something? Do you hope posting a lot of inane juvenile insults will magically make you less of a liar?


him and crusader retard are resident trolls here i have on my ignore list.they ignore evidence never addressing facts and then stoop to childish name calling when they are cornered.
Many possibilities: Aldrich Ames, the Rosenbergs, or Benedict Arnold himself. My nominee is Harry Dexter White.

quote: 1. White was the real author of the Morgenthau plan to "turn Germany into a potato field," which when leaked, united non-Nazis with Nazis, stiffened resistance, and prolonged the war.
2. White used his position in the Treasury Department to develop a hostile U.S. policy toward Japan. The reason was to distract Japan from their plans to attack the Soviet Union and draw the U.S. into the war as an ally with the Soviet Union.
3. White was the author of an extreme ultimatum that Japan could not comply with in the days just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
4. White delayed financial support mandated by law to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese government causing the triumph of Mao Tse-Tung's Communist Chinese government.
5. White was instrumental in handing over the Allied Military mark printing plates to the Soviets. This caused a $250,000,000 deficit in the occupational government budget paid out by the U.S. Treasury. This in effect amounted to the US taxpayer paying the salaries of Soviet occupation troops at a time when US/Soviet relations were deteriorating precisely because of the presence and behavior of Soviet occupation forces in Eastern Europe.


Ed Snowden is pretty high up there, top 10 material for sure

When whistleblowers release information that shows the government is acting illegally, they should be protected under the law. Indeed - if that's all they do, they are heros.

Ed Snowden revealed much more than illegal activity. Much of what he revealed was methods for legal NSA activity. Being a whistleblower doesn't entitle you to do as you please with regards to other secret information. For that he is a traitor - and for taking refuge in Russia, he is a coward and defector.
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hands down the biggest traitor in American history
Okay. Assuming that's so, it's an impeachable offense.

No need to assume anything.

{Operation Choke Point works like this: the inter-agency group selects an industry target, let’s say, an at-home business that sells cosmetics. Agents working on Operation Choke Point then contact the financial institutions where these entrepreneurs both have their bank accounts and process their payments, informing them that the federal government considers this industry “risky” and potentially “fraudulent.” The government then “encourages” these financial institutions to cease doing business with individuals within that industry, which are mostly independent small business owners. If the financial institution does not cease doing business with them, then the full weight of federal regulatory power (DOJ, Treasury, FDIC, CFPB) will be brought to bear on the bank or payment processor.

Read more: Obama's Operation Choke Point And The New American Legal System | The Daily Caller

But you said treason.

No, I sure didn't.

18 U.S. Code § 875 isn't a treason statute.

It's interstate extortion.

Treason is, very specifically, waging war against the United States or adhering to their enemies. If you took a breach of 18 U.S. Code § 875 to court and tossed a charge of high treason on top just for giggles, it would be laughed out (though conviction on the statutory charges might still happen).

Straw man failure - try again.

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