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Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?

Off topic, and not a real question

Off topic? :eek:

You moron dims were OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I tells ya, that Trump believed Hillary and questioned the birth place of your messiah. That is the point of this thread. So we agree that Obama was born in America, just like Hill Side Strangler was....
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"

Ask hilary...she is the one who used it against obama....then he refused to put the suspicions to rest by just releasing his birth certificate...since the democrats demanded John McCain prove he was a citizen since he was born in the canal zone....it was only right of obama to produce his birth certificate instead of refusing to do so...

Fortunately, Trump put pressure on him and he was forced to release it...we can thank Trump for putting that issue to rest.
Nice try... Don't get too dizzy from that spin. 1. If you think Hillary started or promoted the birther movement then provide a link and show evidence 2. Obama did produce his birth certificate and trump promoted the idea that it was fake 3. Let's be honest and not ignore the obvious motive to delegitimize the president with this BS movement... He is playing, manipulating and instigating the "deplorables"

The link was provided above....hilary used this line of attack in 2008.....and obama used it against McCain when he ran......
Nothing in the link proves anything, it's all speculation linking Clintons campaign or an unknown Clinton supporter to an anonymous email. Everything Trump has done through his statements, actions and even funding has promoted this movement. Everything out of Clintons mouth has denied the birther talk and accepted what Obama is, a US citizen
Did you even read the article? It admits that the Washington post stated that Clintons campaign didn't start the birther Rumors... The headline you posted is a complete lie. It's Breitbart that called the Post and the Clinton campaign liars. Try a different media source Stevie... These guys are a joke

You're lying of course - democrat.

The Hillary campaign's WaPo wrote;

But the Clinton campaign never pursued the idea that Obama was literally not American, and therefore ineligible for the presidency. A small group of hardcore Clinton supporters did. Specifically, anyone reading the fringe Web in the summer of 2008 could find the now-defunct blog called TexasDarlin, the now-defunct blog PUMAParty, and the now-conservative blog HillBuzz posting updates on the hunt for a birth certificate. It was a thin reed, and they knew it.

“It looks like Obama was born in Hawaii, based on a recently discovered birth announcement found in a Hawaiian newspaper,” one HillBuzz blogger wrote in July 2008. “It also looks like the reason Obama refuses to produce his actual birth certificate is that it very likely records dual Kenyan and U.S. citizenship at Obama’s birth.”}

The Birther movement was started by Hillary supporters - fact.
Because whoever they are, they don't have the guts to come out and say they are racists. That is why.

Any sense of hypocrisy or gameplay from Trump after the 5+ year campaign he lead on the issue?

Nope. We know less about Obama to this day than we know about any other president in history.
Can you stop with the coy comments, if you have something to say then say it and save the needless back and forth. We are talking about the birther issue. Your comments seem to throw doubt on he being a legit citizen. Trump has finally admitted the game he has been playing, manipulating puppets like you and Stevie... So simple question, do you accept Trumps newest flip flop staying that Obama was born in the US or not? If not then why?
Perhaps for some but I think the race card gets played too much and this arguement can be easily win without playing it. While there are definite racial implications it is simply people who don't like or support Obama trying to demonize and spread baseless doubt and speculation. Trump did it to Cruz too. Again, he is just playing his normal games. A little food for the racists to chew on... A little food for the right wing nut jobs to chew on...

It's all just a diversion from real issues

Is that why you loons from the left toss out racist at every turn? That and bigot and homophobic....and of course the increasingly popular Islamophobe. You all done and went and wore them out, there is no bite or sting anymore
I write a statement saying we don't need to play the race card to win this argument despite the obvious racial implications then you try and dog on me for playing the race card? I Think you need to read slower and work on comprehension
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"

Ask hilary...she is the one who used it against obama....then he refused to put the suspicions to rest by just releasing his birth certificate...since the democrats demanded John McCain prove he was a citizen since he was born in the canal zone....it was only right of obama to produce his birth certificate instead of refusing to do so...

Fortunately, Trump put pressure on him and he was forced to release it...we can thank Trump for putting that issue to rest.
Nice try... Don't get too dizzy from that spin. 1. If you think Hillary started or promoted the birther movement then provide a link and show evidence 2. Obama did produce his birth certificate and trump promoted the idea that it was fake 3. Let's be honest and not ignore the obvious motive to delegitimize the president with this BS movement... He is playing, manipulating and instigating the "deplorables"

The link was provided above....hilary used this line of attack in 2008.....and obama used it against McCain when he ran......
Nothing in the link proves anything, it's all speculation linking Clintons campaign or an unknown Clinton supporter to an anonymous email. Everything Trump has done through his statements, actions and even funding has promoted this movement. Everything out of Clintons mouth has denied the birther talk and accepted what Obama is, a US citizen
It takes more than a Citizen to be President.
Did you even read the article? It admits that the Washington post stated that Clintons campaign didn't start the birther Rumors... The headline you posted is a complete lie. It's Breitbart that called the Post and the Clinton campaign liars. Try a different media source Stevie... These guys are a joke

LOL Nobody believes WAPO...well outside of the left loons
Then why are Stevie and Breitbart trying to use it as evidence linking Clinton to the birthers
Ha, the Clintons are the original 'Birthers.' God, their Bootlickers are so damn dumb. I guess ya gotta live in denial when you're supporting the corrupt witch and her serial rapist husband.
Did you even read the article? It admits that the Washington post stated that Clintons campaign didn't start the birther Rumors... The headline you posted is a complete lie. It's Breitbart that called the Post and the Clinton campaign liars. Try a different media source Stevie... These guys are a joke

LOL Nobody believes WAPO...well outside of the left loons
Then why are Stevie and Breitbart trying to use it as evidence linking Clinton to the birthers

It's a non issue and I don't know why the left is even pushing it....well of course the desperation is showing as the Hildabeast's numbers collapse and the Trump train picks up steam
Off topic, and not a real question

Off topic? :eek:

You moron dims were OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I tells ya, that Trump believed Hillary and questioned the birth place of your messiah. That is the point of this thread. So we agree that Obama was born in America, just like Hill Side Strangler was....
That hamster in your head is running the wrong way today buddy. We are talking about the birther movement simple two sided discussion where on side claims Obama was not born in the US and the other lives in reality.

You bringing up serial killers has nothing to do with this discussion... I guess through your lame point trying to compare Obama to killers we can decipher the acceptance on your part that Obama in deed was born in the US
Did you even read the article? It admits that the Washington post stated that Clintons campaign didn't start the birther Rumors... The headline you posted is a complete lie. It's Breitbart that called the Post and the Clinton campaign liars. Try a different media source Stevie... These guys are a joke

You're lying of course - democrat.

The Hillary campaign's WaPo wrote;

But the Clinton campaign never pursued the idea that Obama was literally not American, and therefore ineligible for the presidency. A small group of hardcore Clinton supporters did. Specifically, anyone reading the fringe Web in the summer of 2008 could find the now-defunct blog called TexasDarlin, the now-defunct blog PUMAParty, and the now-conservative blog HillBuzz posting updates on the hunt for a birth certificate. It was a thin reed, and they knew it.

“It looks like Obama was born in Hawaii, based on a recently discovered birth announcement found in a Hawaiian newspaper,” one HillBuzz blogger wrote in July 2008. “It also looks like the reason Obama refuses to produce his actual birth certificate is that it very likely records dual Kenyan and U.S. citizenship at Obama’s birth.”}

The Birther movement was started by Hillary supporters - fact.
I'm not a democrat

Ok a group of Clinton supporters, that could very well be true... And what did Hillary say when asked about it? That of course he was born in the US and her CAMPAIGN had nothing to do with the rumors. What did Trump do? It's a silly deflection to bring up Hillary when Trump is the obvious leader of the movement. Why can't you all just talk about that without the gear shift to Hillary?
What will we do? Like we have always done - not give a shit.

This was a BS issue when Hillary's surrogates 1st desperately threw this out to try to prevent Barry from beating her in 2008. It's a BS issue now. A distraction.

I care a LOT about what the candidates think - about the economy, about illegal immigration, about terrorism, etc....what any one of them thinks about where Barry was born or not born doesn't even come up as a blip on what is truly significant in regards to moving forward and the direction this nation is heading. SERIOUS people simply ignore this distraction and move forward.
Did you even read the article? It admits that the Washington post stated that Clintons campaign didn't start the birther Rumors... The headline you posted is a complete lie. It's Breitbart that called the Post and the Clinton campaign liars. Try a different media source Stevie... These guys are a joke

You're lying of course - democrat.

The Hillary campaign's WaPo wrote;

But the Clinton campaign never pursued the idea that Obama was literally not American, and therefore ineligible for the presidency. A small group of hardcore Clinton supporters did. Specifically, anyone reading the fringe Web in the summer of 2008 could find the now-defunct blog called TexasDarlin, the now-defunct blog PUMAParty, and the now-conservative blog HillBuzz posting updates on the hunt for a birth certificate. It was a thin reed, and they knew it.

“It looks like Obama was born in Hawaii, based on a recently discovered birth announcement found in a Hawaiian newspaper,” one HillBuzz blogger wrote in July 2008. “It also looks like the reason Obama refuses to produce his actual birth certificate is that it very likely records dual Kenyan and U.S. citizenship at Obama’s birth.”}

The Birther movement was started by Hillary supporters - fact.
Alrighty then.

Trump is responsible for what his supporters - like David Duke and the chump humpers at Stormfront do and say.

Glad we put that to rest.

While I am not Jewish, I wear yarmulkes all the time....they are just comfortable.

Apparently Obama feels the same way about turbans. Just because you are not of a certain religion does not mean you can't dress in their clothing. it's not what you ARE....it's what you IDENTIFY with.
Did you even read the article? It admits that the Washington post stated that Clintons campaign didn't start the birther Rumors... The headline you posted is a complete lie. It's Breitbart that called the Post and the Clinton campaign liars. Try a different media source Stevie... These guys are a joke

LOL Nobody believes WAPO...well outside of the left loons
Then why are Stevie and Breitbart trying to use it as evidence linking Clinton to the birthers

It's a non issue and I don't know why the left is even pushing it....well of course the desperation is showing as the Hildabeast's numbers collapse and the Trump train picks up steam
It's a lame issue I agree but it is being supported because it makes Trump look like a flip flopping conspiracy theorist and this election has moved away from real issues an into the gutter where most things said and reported are geared towards trying to delegitimize each candidate. A race to the bottom as they call it. Pretty pathetic
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"

Birtherism: Where it all began
Thank you fo r that link.

A brief history of birtherism

"Birtherism is the latest and most enduring version of a theory in search of facts.

The original smear against Obama was that he was a crypto-Muslim, floated in 2004 by perennial Illinois political candidate and serial litigant Andy Martin. Other related versions of this theory alleged that Obama was educated in an Indonesian “madrassa” or steeped in Islamist ideology from a young age, and the theories began to spread virally after Obama appeared on the national stage – to the casual observer, from nowhere – with his early 2007 presidential campaign announcement. (See: Obama kin: Birther rumors 'a shame')"

Read more: Birtherism: Where it all began

Goes back to Andy Martin.
We DEPLORABLES love the TRUMP Nat !!

yeah....you're looking for "love" in all the wrong places...LOL
--------------------------------------------------- here you go , and this article illustrates part ofthe reason that he TRUMP is well loved Nat !! --- BRILLIANT! Trump Snookers Media Into Holding 30 Minutes Coverage of Nation's Heroes Praising Trump ---
------------------------------------------------------- and MORE for you Nat . --- Media Outraged After Trump Tricks Them Into Covering Military Endorsements --- its why we Deplorables love the TRUMP Nat !!
Did you even read the article? It admits that the Washington post stated that Clintons campaign didn't start the birther Rumors... The headline you posted is a complete lie. It's Breitbart that called the Post and the Clinton campaign liars. Try a different media source Stevie... These guys are a joke

LOL Nobody believes WAPO...well outside of the left loons
Then why are Stevie and Breitbart trying to use it as evidence linking Clinton to the birthers

It's a non issue and I don't know why the left is even pushing it....well of course the desperation is showing as the Hildabeast's numbers collapse and the Trump train picks up steam
It's a lame issue I agree but it is being supported because it makes Trump look like a flip flopping conspiracy theorist and this election has moved away from real issues an into the gutter where most thing said and reported are geared towards trying to delegitimize each candidate. A race to the bottom as they call it. Pretty pathetic

I completely agree.

How often does Hillary lay out SPECIFICALLY what she has accomplished and what her specific plans are? What are her SPECIFIC plans for corporate taxes? She says they have to pay her fair share. What is that, SPECIFICALLY? What is the tax rate that should be charged to corporations?

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