Who will be able to lead the Republican party after Trump is gone?


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2020
I think we can all at least agree that Trump has a very big and polarizing personality. Who could possibly fill his shoes after he's gone? Will Republicans really be able to go back to the same old same old, or has Donald changed things?
I think we can all at least agree that Trump has a very big and polarizing personality. Who could possibly fill his shoes after he's gone? Will Republicans really be able to go back to the same old same old, or has Donald changed things?
considering the republicans are just leftwing hacks maybe biden can lead them,,,
considering the republicans are just leftwing hacks maybe biden can lead them,,,
I hope you show them how much you disapprove of them by opting not to vote for them next election. They need to learn!

You didn't show the rabid left how vile they have become when you voted. So...............what are we to glean from your sage advice?
You didn't show the rabid left how vile they have become when you voted. So...............what are we to glean from your sage advice?
Democrats weren't running around ignoring reality to bash their politicians.

So there's that.
I think we can all at least agree that Trump has a very big and polarizing personality. Who could possibly fill his shoes after he's gone? Will Republicans really be able to go back to the same old same old, or has Donald changed things?

Liz Cheney is the rising "star".
And anyone else with clean hands that kept their distance from personality-cult Orange Whizzo. McConnell is toast. Graham sinks like a stone. Nikki Haley comes out relatively unscathed but has been invisible.
I think we can all at least agree that Trump has a very big and polarizing personality. Who could possibly fill his shoes after he's gone? Will Republicans really be able to go back to the same old same old, or has Donald changed things?
Who cares. The GOP has proven it is spinless and dickless.

Trump has effectively de-nutted both Cruz and Rubio.
Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Ben Sasse would be the most viable right now off the top of the list.
No one wants to see Kasich or Bush (Jeb) again.
I think we can all at least agree that Trump has a very big and polarizing personality. Who could possibly fill his shoes after he's gone? Will Republicans really be able to go back to the same old same old, or has Donald changed things?
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I think we can all at least agree that Trump has a very big and polarizing personality. Who could possibly fill his shoes after he's gone? Will Republicans really be able to go back to the same old same old, or has Donald changed things?

Liz Cheney is the rising "star".
And anyone else with clean hands that kept their distance from personality-cult Orange Whizzo. McConnell is toast. Graham sinks like a stone. Nikki Haley comes out relatively unscathed but has been invisible.

Both McConnell and Graham schlonged the opposition convincingly last month in their quests for reelection.

In the case of Sen. Graham, the Far Left spent more money and told more lies about him than anyone else in senatorial history.

Both are in tremendous shape politically.
So far, Cruz has impressed me alot. He seems the only one that has had Trumps back abd has said so publicly.
Cruz may have played it well in that he can ignore the Trumpian issues of a wall and using children as consequences for illegal immigration, and the inflammatory rhetoric and even targeting political opponents with his political office, while still saying Trump was "done wrong." But problem is that he is thoroughly disliked in his won party.

The next presidential election cycle doesn't start for at least two years. So my guess is that people will wait to see how much influence Trump really carries. It's not secret he lost in places the gop carried in congress.
I think we can all at least agree that Trump has a very big and polarizing personality. Who could possibly fill his shoes after he's gone? Will Republicans really be able to go back to the same old same old, or has Donald changed things?
Who cares. The GOP has proven it is spinless and dickless.
People will not forget how republican leaders stood by and stood silent, even supported Trump while he attacked our system of democracy for self gain.

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