Who will be blamed by the WILLING victims of the upcoming hurricane?

It is not really as easy as you make it out to be. Many people have no where to go and do not have the extra cash lying around for a week in a hotel 100 miles inland.

Who do you believe bears the responsibility for planning and putting aside the necessary resources for evacuation in the event of impending disaster (i.e. hurricane bearing down), The person that lives in a high risk disaster area or the rest of society?

"Failure to plan is planning to fail" -- Alan Lakein

My point was that it is not as black and white as the OP tried to make it out to be. Everyone should be prepared for an emergency, but some events are larger than others and do more damage than others, that is where society steps in.
Doesn't answer the question regarding who bears the responsibility for planning for and having the resources set aside for evacuating in the event of impending disaster, the individual that chose to live in the disaster zone or society.

At it's core , it is a simple question, who should bear responsibility for an individual getting the out of the way of an oncoming disaster the can be seen well in advance, the individual or the rest of society? Personally I think if you're too irresponsible to plan for your own safety in the event of a disaster and you live in an area that is prone to disasters, you deserve whatever you get......

We (meaning all of us that DON'T live in disaster prone areas) already subsidize the risk for of living in these areas at the federal level, why should we also take responsibility for getting those people out of the way of an oncoming disaster who don't take any responsibility for themselves?

My daughter lives in Jax, she is an ER nurse, she cannot evacuate as she will be expected to be on duty, thus she has made other preparations.

"She has made other preparations" ... in other words she has taken responsibility for her own safety in the event of the disaster, why should she have to do this while others get off the hook?

Why would they go anywhere... It is just scientists telling them of the impending disaster... Those guys are in a conspiracy with the hotel companies and flooding device lobby...

You must be some fool to believe them...
Ask Obama if he believes all the gloBULL nonsense. His recent purchase of a 15 million dollar estate along the ocean says you wouldn't like the answer were he to be honest.
Why does Trump live in a penthouse ?
Who do you believe bears the responsibility for planning and putting aside the necessary resources for evacuation in the event of impending disaster (i.e. hurricane bearing down), The person that lives in a high risk disaster area or the rest of society?

"Failure to plan is planning to fail" -- Alan Lakein

My point was that it is not as black and white as the OP tried to make it out to be. Everyone should be prepared for an emergency, but some events are larger than others and do more damage than others, that is where society steps in.
Doesn't answer the question regarding who bears the responsibility for planning for and having the resources set aside for evacuating in the event of impending disaster, the individual that chose to live in the disaster zone or society.

At it's core , it is a simple question, who should bear responsibility for an individual getting the out of the way of an oncoming disaster the can be seen well in advance, the individual or the rest of society? Personally I think if you're too irresponsible to plan for your own safety in the event of a disaster and you live in an area that is prone to disasters, you deserve whatever you get......

We (meaning all of us that DON'T live in disaster prone areas) already subsidize the risk for of living in these areas at the federal level, why should we also take responsibility for getting those people out of the way of an oncoming disaster who don't take any responsibility for themselves?

My daughter lives in Jax, she is an ER nurse, she cannot evacuate as she will be expected to be on duty, thus she has made other preparations.

"She has made other preparations" ... in other words she has taken responsibility for her own safety in the event of the disaster, why should she have to do this while others get off the hook?

Why would they go anywhere... It is just scientists telling them of the impending disaster... Those guys are in a conspiracy with the hotel companies and flooding device lobby...

You must be some fool to believe them...
Ask Obama if he believes all the gloBULL nonsense. His recent purchase of a 15 million dollar estate along the ocean says you wouldn't like the answer were he to be honest.
Why does Trump live in a penthouse ?
To trigger you?
Trump is to blame for this hurricane and all future hurricanes

Happy with more frequent and more severe hurricanes?
Thank Trump
We go through this shit EVERY YEAR. Who will be at fault this time?

People and News outlets will inevitably pin whatever happens on politicians and Trump. Even with NEARLY TWO WEEKS NOTICE there will be fools who defy common sense and risk life and limb. You choose to live in the path of yearly hurricanes yet if the worst happens many will blame someone else for the consequences of that decision.

If this storm makes landfall I am dreading the nonstop coverage of the blame game.
It is a good thing to hold our government accountable and point out errors and things it can do better. That is how we improve.
Without hesitation ....we can blame Donald J Trump

He has maintained a steady crusade to mock global warming as a hoax.
He has reversed the Paris Climate Accord
He has ordered his administration to do nothing to reduce climate change
He has blocked funding for climate research
He has fired climate scientists

So as hurricanes get worse and worse......we can blame TRUMP
They aren't getting worse, dumbass.


Actually they are
So are floods, famine and wildfires

We can blame our president for making matters worse

The experts say they aren't.
Maybe FoxNews experts
We go through this shit EVERY YEAR. Who will be at fault this time?

People and News outlets will inevitably pin whatever happens on politicians and Trump. Even with NEARLY TWO WEEKS NOTICE there will be fools who defy common sense and risk life and limb. You choose to live in the path of yearly hurricanes yet if the worst happens many will blame someone else for the consequences of that decision.

If this storm makes landfall I am dreading the nonstop coverage of the blame game.
It is a good thing to hold our government accountable and point out errors and things it can do better. That is how we improve.
It doesn't seem to be working.
We go through this shit EVERY YEAR. Who will be at fault this time?

People and News outlets will inevitably pin whatever happens on politicians and Trump. Even with NEARLY TWO WEEKS NOTICE there will be fools who defy common sense and risk life and limb. You choose to live in the path of yearly hurricanes yet if the worst happens many will blame someone else for the consequences of that decision.

If this storm makes landfall I am dreading the nonstop coverage of the blame game.
It is a good thing to hold our government accountable and point out errors and things it can do better. That is how we improve.
It doesn't seem to be working.
By what measure? We learned a lot of lessons from the failures at the state and federal level during the katrina disaster.
We go through this shit EVERY YEAR. Who will be at fault this time?

People and News outlets will inevitably pin whatever happens on politicians and Trump. Even with NEARLY TWO WEEKS NOTICE there will be fools who defy common sense and risk life and limb. You choose to live in the path of yearly hurricanes yet if the worst happens many will blame someone else for the consequences of that decision.

If this storm makes landfall I am dreading the nonstop coverage of the blame game.

It is not really as easy as you make it out to be. Many people have no where to go and do not have the extra cash lying around for a week in a hotel 100 miles inland.

Who do you believe bears the responsibility for planning and putting aside the necessary resources for evacuation in the event of impending disaster (i.e. hurricane bearing down), The person that lives in a high risk disaster area or the rest of society?

"Failure to plan is planning to fail" -- Alan Lakein

My point was that it is not as black and white as the OP tried to make it out to be. Everyone should be prepared for an emergency, but some events are larger than others and do more damage than others, that is where society steps in.
Doesn't answer the question regarding who bears the responsibility for planning for and having the resources set aside for evacuating in the event of impending disaster, the individual that chose to live in the disaster zone or society.

At it's core , it is a simple question, who should bear responsibility for an individual getting the out of the way of an oncoming disaster the can be seen well in advance, the individual or the rest of society? Personally I think if you're too irresponsible to plan for your own safety in the event of a disaster and you live in an area that is prone to disasters, you deserve whatever you get......

We (meaning all of us that DON'T live in disaster prone areas) already subsidize the risk for of living in these areas at the federal level, why should we also take responsibility for getting those people out of the way of an oncoming disaster who don't take any responsibility for themselves?

My daughter lives in Jax, she is an ER nurse, she cannot evacuate as she will be expected to be on duty, thus she has made other preparations.

"She has made other preparations" ... in other words she has taken responsibility for her own safety in the event of the disaster, why should she have to do this while others get off the hook?

Basic premise is wrong.
Hurricanes are NOT generally disasters.
They can cause enough damage to add up to a lot of inconvenience, but in general they are not very deadly.
The question is more who foots the bill for repairing all the downed power lines.
And every where IS about as much of a disaster zone, with the north having snowstorms that cause accidents and need
We go through this shit EVERY YEAR. Who will be at fault this time?

People and News outlets will inevitably pin whatever happens on politicians and Trump. Even with NEARLY TWO WEEKS NOTICE there will be fools who defy common sense and risk life and limb. You choose to live in the path of yearly hurricanes yet if the worst happens many will blame someone else for the consequences of that decision.

If this storm makes landfall I am dreading the nonstop coverage of the blame game.
It is a good thing to hold our government accountable and point out errors and things it can do better. That is how we improve.
It doesn't seem to be working.
By what measure? We learned a lot of lessons from the failures at the state and federal level during the katrina disaster.

Actually I don't think we learned anything.
I think the disaster was from deliberately faulty construction of canals, and deliberate delay of aid so that poor Blacks would move out. (The wealthy were on high ground, and never at risk.)

If you would have seen how the National Guard was used to point full auto guns at people and force them to leave, you would not agree anything good came out of Katrina. It was some of the worst violations of the Posse Comitatus Act I have ever seen.
...That is totally wrong. Hurricanes are slow, infrequent, and easily survivable compared to things like tornadoes or fires.
There are tens of thousands of tornadoes and fires a year in the US, none of which you can prepare for at all because they come up too fast and there is no safe means of protection from them. Hurricanes in comparison, are trivial to protect from since they are only like 80 mph winds. Tornadoes can reach 250 mph winds.
Thank you for your feedback.
Have you seen the Hurricane's path. It is forecasted to come very close to the coast of Florida, then to take a hard right turn north and out to sea. Clearly, there is a force field in place to protect Mara logo and Trumps real estate developments.
Well, there's always the old standby to blame...

I was on another political debate site years ago when someone posted a "no more Bush" link. I clicked and went to a site that didn't talk about political issues, it just had pictures of women with razors and shaving cream.

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