Who will benefit from Gary Johnson's disqualifying ignorance?

And Trump and his staff are thanking their lucky stars that no one asked him the same question.

Indeed.........Johnson's mistake is that he looked like a deer in headlights.....But the Trump would have responded with some idiotic quip that he was planning to build one of his golf courses in Aleppo, where ever that city may have been .
Comparing Aleppo to Berlin is retarded. Your attacks just get lamer and lamer

Fine, moron....go back to bed or go play with yourself. LOL

Aleppo is like Berlin! You're the one with your hand down your pants.

Yes, it's a well known city in Syria due to what's going on over there. But like Berlin? You're a comic. Though apparently you weren't aware the idea of comedy is to get people to laugh with you, not at you
Johnson's ignorance of Aleppo disqualifies him for president, for those on Morning Joe. Like foreign policy is the most important issue in this country.

Well foreign policy IS the cause of most of the national debt. U.S. foreign intervention around the world IS the cause of most of the world's problems. The U.S. intervention in Korea has been a 65 year disaster. U.S. intervention in Vietnam was a disaster. Intervention in the Iran/Iraq war sold chemical weapons to Iraq, and missiles to Iran. The Building of U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia caused Bin Laden to do 9/11. The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan has cost $5 trillion, and has created ISIS. Twenty veterans per day are committing suicide. And this is just the tip of the problem with U.S. foreign policy.

Maybe it's time to let some other country be the world police.
Even I know what Aleppo is. That's not saying much. When/if we pull out of the M.E., we should do it so it doesn't create another vipers nest.
U.S. meddling in the Muslim world is just beating a dead horse....it can't be fixed.
Johnson's ignorance of Aleppo disqualifies him for president, for those on Morning Joe. Like foreign policy is the most important issue in this country.
It is the most important job of the office of PRESIDENT, dumbass.
Read the rest of the post. Why it isn't clear to you that foreign policy in this country has been a total failure, leaves no doubt that you are the dumb ass.
Wow, the OP is quite judgy.

If we were not on the internet, I would bring out the geopolitical encyclopedia that is in my head and start running trials on all you smart folk.
For the record, non-interventionism is still foreign policy.

You could get a job writing those little quips one finds in Chinese fortune cookies....

Non-interventionism is NOT an excuse for ignorance as to what is happening on the rest of the planet.
Non-interventionism is NOT an excuse for ignorance as to what is happening on the rest of the planet.

We are talking about a city that neither has the most fighting at present or is the largest in Syria. The media machine has you grasping at straws.

Ask either candidate who the KIO, Nuer White Army, BRN, or the Caucasus Emirate are. I guarantee you they wont know without their adviser whispering in their ear.
We are talking about a city that neither has the most fighting at present or is the largest in Syria.

Actually, Aleppo IS the biggest city in Syria by population....and why (AT THE VERY LEAST) knowledge that the city exists, read below.....

The Siege of Aleppo Could Spell Disaster for Rebels Fighting Syria’s Bashar Assad

The opposition-held section of the Syrian city of Aleppo is now effectively under siege, with potentially disastrous consequences for the five-year-old rebellion against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Forces loyal to Assad captured a key area overlooking the last remaining road into the eastern section of Aleppo on June 7, meaning they can cut the only supply route into the city with sniper or artillery fire. Rebel authorities have stockpiled food and other supplies for months, but if the siege continues, opposition figures say 300,000 people could be at risk of starvation. “

The Siege of Aleppo Could Spell Disaster for Rebels Fighting Syria's Bashar Assad
From what I've seen on FOX and CNN, as well as polls, Johnson is taking more votes from Clinton than Trump.
Not a chance. He's a conservative silly. All you have to know is who here is pushing Johnson? WHO? It's right wingers.

Trumps going to need all the votes he can get. You'll see.
From what I've seen on FOX and CNN, as well as polls, Johnson is taking more votes from Clinton than Trump.
Not a chance. He's a conservative silly. All you have to know is who here is pushing Johnson? WHO? It's right wingers.

Trumps going to need all the votes he can get. You'll see.

Johnson is a socially liberal, economically conservative type.
From what I've seen on FOX and CNN, as well as polls, Johnson is taking more votes from Clinton than Trump.
Not a chance. He's a conservative silly. All you have to know is who here is pushing Johnson? WHO? It's right wingers.

Trumps going to need all the votes he can get. You'll see.

Wrong. Pretty much widely reported from both sides that Gary Johnson is helping Trump.

Data: Gary Johnson pulling more votes away from Hillary than Trump...
From what I've seen on FOX and CNN, as well as polls, Johnson is taking more votes from Clinton than Trump.
Not a chance. He's a conservative silly. All you have to know is who here is pushing Johnson? WHO? It's right wingers.

Trumps going to need all the votes he can get. You'll see.

Wrong. Pretty much widely reported from both sides that Gary Johnson is helping Trump.

Data: Gary Johnson pulling more votes away from Hillary than Trump...
You hope. He's nader'ing Hillary!
I've been to Aleppo, and frankly it's easily forgettable, as is most of Syria.
From what I've seen on FOX and CNN, as well as polls, Johnson is taking more votes from Clinton than Trump.
Not a chance. He's a conservative silly. All you have to know is who here is pushing Johnson? WHO? It's right wingers.

Trumps going to need all the votes he can get. You'll see.

Wrong. Pretty much widely reported from both sides that Gary Johnson is helping Trump.

Data: Gary Johnson pulling more votes away from Hillary than Trump...
You hope. He's nader'ing Hillary!

He's hurting both of them both of them by offering a sane, adult alternative to their burlesque.
From what I've seen on FOX and CNN, as well as polls, Johnson is taking more votes from Clinton than Trump.
Not a chance. He's a conservative silly. All you have to know is who here is pushing Johnson? WHO? It's right wingers.

Trumps going to need all the votes he can get. You'll see.

Wrong. Pretty much widely reported from both sides that Gary Johnson is helping Trump.

Data: Gary Johnson pulling more votes away from Hillary than Trump...
You hope. He's nader'ing Hillary!
Jill Stein is taking Bernie voters from the Shrill.

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