Who will benefit from Gary Johnson's disqualifying ignorance?

And it is embarrassing. But it's not critical for a Commander in Chief that doesn't plan to occupy or evacuate or bomb Aleppo anytime soon.

NO, the issue was not whether Johnson planned to occupy or evacuate or bomb Aleppo...the issue was and is that Johnson didn't even seem to know that the city existed or if it was relevant.
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I heard that this morning and it reminded me at how critical some people are about something like Aleppo but Trump does this ignorant display everyday and his supporters just say "thats ok, he's learning" like huh?

Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person.

This cycle the RWnuts are going with the theme that the less you know about the presidency, the better choice you are.

In 2008, remember, they went so far as to claim that Sarah Palin had more executive experience than Obama.

These nuts simply switch positions based on who they're up against.

That was pretty dumb. Everybody knows being a community organizer gives one vastly more executive experience than being the Governor of a state. LOL
Not a Johnson supporter, but who the fuck ever heard of Alleppo before this breaking crises of not knowing sand-****** geography?

This other right wing imbecile has the grasp of geography like someone who has never gotten out of his trailer park.
I heard that this morning and it reminded me at how critical some people are about something like Aleppo but Trump does this ignorant display everyday and his supporters just say "thats ok, he's learning" like huh?

Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person.

This cycle the RWnuts are going with the theme that the less you know about the presidency, the better choice you are.

In 2008, remember, they went so far as to claim that Sarah Palin had more executive experience than Obama.

These nuts simply switch positions based on who they're up against.

That was pretty dumb. Everybody knows being a community organizer gives one vastly more executive experience than being the Governor of a state. LOL

But by Trumptard standards, Obama's lack of executive experience in government made him the better choice.
I heard that this morning and it reminded me at how critical some people are about something like Aleppo but Trump does this ignorant display everyday and his supporters just say "thats ok, he's learning" like huh?

Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person.

This cycle the RWnuts are going with the theme that the less you know about the presidency, the better choice you are.

In 2008, remember, they went so far as to claim that Sarah Palin had more executive experience than Obama.

These nuts simply switch positions based on who they're up against.

That was pretty dumb. Everybody knows being a community organizer gives one vastly more executive experience than being the Governor of a state. LOL

But by Trumptard standards, Obama's lack of executive experience in government made him the better choice.

If you think managing a multi-billion dollar business isn't executive experience I feel sorry for you. On second thought..................
'disqualifying ignorance'

We have Trump running for office who didn't even know that Russia invaded Ukraine and Hillary who apparently does not know what classified information is or how to handle it and not knowing the name of a city in Syria is 'disqualifying.' The leaps of logic that supporters go through for the republican and democrat candidate to justify such asinine remarks is amazing.

It is not even like Johnson was unaware of what was happening (you know the information that actually MATTERS), he was just unaware of the name of the city in question (information that is rather meaningless).

If I were to place Johnson's ignorance on the specific name of this city, Trumps ignorance on Russia's actions in Ukraine and Hillary's inability to identify and handle classified information properly I can tell you which one wins by a fucking landslide. Gaffs and missteps like this are meaningless in the big picture anyway - what really should matter is policy and vision. No one cares about that anymore though - it is all about the 10 second clip of Gotcha in modern politics and you all wonder shy we end up with such shit candidates.
I heard that this morning and it reminded me at how critical some people are about something like Aleppo but Trump does this ignorant display everyday and his supporters just say "thats ok, he's learning" like huh?

Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person.

This cycle the RWnuts are going with the theme that the less you know about the presidency, the better choice you are.

In 2008, remember, they went so far as to claim that Sarah Palin had more executive experience than Obama.

These nuts simply switch positions based on who they're up against.

She did. That is not debatable - it is cold hard fact.

Experience does not mean better candidate though. It can, but it is not a given.
You mean to tell me a non-interventionist Libertarian doesn't know the name of a town in Syria, and that's supposed to be a big fucking deal? This is somehow a catastrophe compared to Trump who wants to commit war crimes?
Yes, because when politics devolves into voting for the 'lesser' of 2 evils all that matters is pointing out errors that the other guy makes.

What you actually stand for is irrelevant.
Johnson is pulling votes from Hillary in the polls. His inevitable slide as the election nears will favor Clinton about 2 to 1.
This. That's one of the things likely to benefit Clinton post-debate as that is when you see third party voters move back towards the major candidates. Both Johnson and Stein are pulling from Hillary right now.

That's actually a shame though. I like Johnson and I don't see Aleppo as being a dis qualifier. I'm reasonably well read and I had to do a double take on what was being asked when Aleppo came up. If he'd been asked about Syria he'd have likely been fine.
Is there any actual data to back this assertion up (Johnson pulls more from Hillary than Trump).

The fact that this is all about the cities name is why this is so asinine. I think you are right, had they asked the question without stating Aleppo there would have been no issue. I don't really care if he knows the name of the city they are fighting in at any given moment - just that he has a plan to deal with current events and has a basic grasp of what is actually going on.

You mean to tell me a non-interventionist Libertarian doesn't know the name of a town in Syria, and that's supposed to be a big fucking deal? This is somehow a catastrophe compared to Trump who wants to commit war crimes?

Well, in fairness, ANYONE who wants the oval office must be aware of not only internal issues but world-wide ones as well. Syria's civil war IS important. Johnson's running mate, Weld, would have well known as to how to address that question.

He was aware.
I'm no Johnson fan, but I wouldn't say this disqualifies him. I am looking for someone with common sense who wants to do the right thing. They don't have to be an expert about everything, that's why they have thousands of other highly paid experts to advise them. That being said, that person hasn't come along yet.
Most people are not well informed about events outside their communities let alone half way around the would in a desert.
Admitting you dont know and then becoming informed after the fact is a quality that should be admired rather than bluffing ones way through it.
But we'd much rather people LIE.
The pathetic truth.

If you think managing a multi-billion dollar business isn't executive experience I feel sorry for you. On second thought..................

Now THAT is very true........Just think of the successes of Trump. U. Trump Casinos, Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump Wines, Trump Magazine.....LOL

(expect the same level of great business skills in running our nation....)
The media is all a-buzz about Johnson's response to a question on Syria's civil war with, "..what is Aleppo"?

The dream of many libertarians to make inroads in a field dominated by the unpopularity of BOTH major parties candidates, has been shattered. We can all speculate that a Libertarian ticket would have been better off had it been Weld as president and Johnson as VP......but that wasn't the case and the consequences of Johnson's ignorance on Syria seals the downfall of his short run

So, the question remains as to whether Johnson's failure will benefit Trump or Clinton?
Let's be honest. Just like I didn't know what brexit was when people first started talking about it, I didn't know what allepo was till Gary Johnson got busted.
Let's be honest. Just like I didn't know wh.at brexit was when people first started talking about it, I didn't know what allepo was till Gary Johnson got busted.

The ONE good thing about Johnson's gaffe is that it has NOW placed that poor besieged city back in the headlines.
From what I've seen on FOX and CNN, as well as polls, Johnson is taking more votes from Clinton than Trump.
The media is all a-buzz about Johnson's response to a question on Syria's civil war with, "..what is Aleppo"?

The dream of many libertarians to make inroads in a field dominated by the unpopularity of BOTH major parties candidates, has been shattered. We can all speculate that a Libertarian ticket would have been better off had it been Weld as president and Johnson as VP......but that wasn't the case and the consequences of Johnson's ignorance on Syria seals the downfall of his short run

So, the question remains as to whether Johnson's failure will benefit Trump or Clinton?

Yes, if he can't name every city in the middle east, he can't be President. You're really a mindless little troll.

Now Hillary not remembering what she ate for breakfast, no concern there, huh?


Hillary also can't remember being trained on confidential document markings and she doesn't remember what (c) means. It means ... confidential ...

35 times Hillary Clinton 'could not recall' when the FBI asked about her emails | Fox News
In a normal election cycle, someone would probably benefit from Johnson's gaffe.

But at this unique time in history, our two "major" parties' candidates are so flawed and unappealing that I wouldn't be stunned to see him get more electoral support, out of pure sympathy. In fact, the publicity and attacks could help him, too.

And Trump and his staff are thanking their lucky stars that no one asked him the same question.
Yes, if he can't name every city in the middle east, he can't be President. You're really a mindless little troll.

Hey, fuck head, Aleppo is NOT just any city in the ME, like Berlin was not just another city in East Germany...
You've heard of Berlin,haven't you, moron?
Yes, if he can't name every city in the middle east, he can't be President. You're really a mindless little troll.

Hey, fuck head, Aleppo is NOT just any city in the ME, like Berlin was not just another city in East Germany...
You've heard of Berlin,haven't you, moron?

Comparing Aleppo to Berlin is retarded. Your attacks just get lamer and lamer

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