Who will benefit from Gary Johnson's disqualifying ignorance?

I heard that this morning and it reminded me at how critical some people are about something like Aleppo but Trump does this ignorant display everyday and his supporters just say "thats ok, he's learning" like huh?

Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person.

You're correct.....However, Trump has made his ENTIRE platform on "...elect me, I may be an idiot but I'm the anti-establishment idiot...."
LoL! I'm going to have to use that.

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first day when only 44 people have had the job before, over almost 250 years. So here's a clue for the OP, take your little regressive elitist attitude and shove it.

You're funny when you get pissed.....LOL

Given your "assessment" as to on-the-job-training for a wanna-be president, lets even skip any knowledge of the Constitution....after all, in time this genre of president would learn, right?

Which Constitution would that be, the one that was written by the founders and amended by the States, or the one amended by the courts? I guess you applauded your queen bitch wanting to violate Americans constitutional rights last night?
I guess you applauded your queen bitch wanting to violate Americans constitutional rights last night?

I guess that might have been a "dog whistle" violation of the Constitution, only heard by the hate-filled ears of conservative morons.
Go back to what the thread's title is addressing....or, of course, go back to bed.
I guess you applauded your queen bitch wanting to violate Americans constitutional rights last night?

I guess that might have been a "dog whistle" violation of the Constitution, only heard by the hate-filled ears of conservative morons.
Go back to what the thread's title is addressing....or, of course, go back to bed.
Leftists don't believe in the Constitution as it is written. They much prefer rule by elite, even though all of civilized history shouts that this dangerous. The thing is many of them are too dumb to know what they believe or the consequences of their idiotic beliefs.
I guess you applauded your queen bitch wanting to violate Americans constitutional rights last night?

I guess that might have been a "dog whistle" violation of the Constitution, only heard by the hate-filled ears of conservative morons.
Go back to what the thread's title is addressing....or, of course, go back to bed.

Isn't the thread about disqualifiers for president? And didn't YOU bring up the Constitution? Supporting IDIOTS that think nothing about violating constitutional rights, and your not noticing that, just tells everyone how serious your BS should be taken.
sn't the thread about disqualifiers for president? And didn't YOU bring up the Constitution? Supporting IDIOTS that think nothing about violating constitutional rights, and your not noticing that, just tells everyone how serious your BS should be taken.

Fine, Tigger....you run the conservative agenda on the mantra that Hillary is a TRAITOR to the Constitution, and see how far that will get your side of the aisle.....Let's see, that "strategy" is on par with your ilk's strategy that Hillary is living on borrowed time and that she will die before being sworn in.....
sn't the thread about disqualifiers for president? And didn't YOU bring up the Constitution? Supporting IDIOTS that think nothing about violating constitutional rights, and your not noticing that, just tells everyone how serious your BS should be taken.

Fine, Tigger....you run the conservative agenda on the mantra that Hillary is a TRAITOR to the Constitution, and see how far that will get your side of the aisle.....Let's see, that "strategy" is on par with your ilk's strategy that Hillary is living on borrowed time and that she will die before being sworn in.....

So where did I say it was confined to just the hildabitch? I just cited the latest example and the fact that you support it, as do most regressives. You folks don't consider constitutional adherence a necessary qualification for any office.
I'm no Johnson fan, but I wouldn't say this disqualifies him. I am looking for someone with common sense who wants to do the right thing. They don't have to be an expert about everything, that's why they have thousands of other highly paid experts to advise them. That being said, that person hasn't come along yet.
I'm no Johnson fan, but I wouldn't say this disqualifies him. I am looking for someone with common sense who wants to do the right thing. They don't have to be an expert about everything, that's why they have thousands of other highly paid experts to advise them. That being said, that person hasn't come along yet.
Most people are not well informed about events outside their communities let alone half way around the would in a desert.
Admitting you dont know and then becoming informed after the fact is a quality that should be admired rather than bluffing ones way through it.
But we'd much rather people LIE.
Who will benefit? Why, the rapists wife, of course.

Well, "thanks" (I guess)....and its MADAM PRESIDENT to you.

the rapists wife.jpg
The media is all a-buzz about Johnson's response to a question on Syria's civil war with, "..what is Aleppo"?

The dream of many libertarians to make inroads in a field dominated by the unpopularity of BOTH major parties candidates, has been shattered. We can all speculate that a Libertarian ticket would have been better off had it been Weld as president and Johnson as VP......but that wasn't the case and the consequences of Johnson's ignorance on Syria seals the downfall of his short run

So, the question remains as to whether Johnson's failure will benefit Trump or Clinton?

There is no lack of policy on Syria. The LParty has had the SAME POLICY on Syria since Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya... We've been absolutely correct on MEast policy for decades while being called traitors and doves and isolationists. Now thru 4 or 5 admins both Dem and Rep -- the STUPIDITY, callousness, and retardation becomes apparent.

And you think Libertarians are the CLUELESS ones?
Johnson never had a prayer to start with

And neither would the OTHER 2 candidates if the American people chose humility and public service, principles and integrity over lying, cheating,, cross-blaming, arrogance and meglomania.....
And you think Libertarians are the CLUELESS ones?

Nitwit, I never stated that "Libertarians are the clueless ones"....I stated that THIS libertarian (Johnson) is clueless, Had Weld been at the top of the ticket, the party would have had a much better impact.
Johnson's ignorance of Aleppo disqualifies him for president, for those on Morning Joe. Like foreign policy is the most important issue in this country.
It is the most important job of the office of PRESIDENT, dumbass.
And you think Libertarians are the CLUELESS ones?

Nitwit, I never stated that "Libertarians are the clueless ones"....I stated that THIS libertarian (Johnson) is clueless, Had Weld been at the top of the ticket, the party would have had a much better impact.

Yeah. I am a nitwit. But Johnson is not.

Johnson has a better grasp of what our role in Syria should be and should have been --- than either of the other candidates. THere's no need to consider one bombed out city over another. You probably know that. And it is embarrassing. But it's not critical for a Commander in Chief that doesn't plan to occupy or evacuate or bomb Aleppo anytime soon.
Had Weld been at the top of the ticket, the party would have had a much better impact.

I think this may be true. However, I don't think it has to do with knowledge or policy, instead I think Weld probably has a personality better suited to running for president. I don't know that he has a personality better suited to being president, but you have to win the election first.
Not a Johnson supporter, but who the fuck ever heard of Alleppo before this breaking crises of not knowing sand-****** geography?
To speak directly to the issue of Johnson's inability to answer the question about Aleppo, yes, it was a bad flub. He didn't get tied up by a fluff question, this was a serious question directly related to US foreign policy, and Johnson was not on the ball.

That said, I don't think this is a disqualifying error. That Johnson didn't recognize the name is a mistake, potentially a bad one if it wasn't simply an inability to bring knowledge to the surface of his mind and instead was a lack of knowledge, but it isn't as though the two main candidates haven't had gaffs of their own. If there is a pattern of ignorance, that is where it becomes an issue.

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