Who will benefit from Gary Johnson's disqualifying ignorance?

I heard that this morning and it reminded me at how critical some people are about something like Aleppo but Trump does this ignorant display everyday and his supporters just say "thats ok, he's learning" like huh?

Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person.

"Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person."

Wasn't that same joke used for Obama in 'o8? :badgrin: Community organizer. . . :cool-45:
I heard that this morning and it reminded me at how critical some people are about something like Aleppo but Trump does this ignorant display everyday and his supporters just say "thats ok, he's learning" like huh?

Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person.

"Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person."

Wasn't that same joke used for Obama in 'o8? :badgrin: Community organizer. . . :cool-45:

IDK but now the GOP is down with on the job training and hope and change. Role reversal
I heard that this morning and it reminded me at how critical some people are about something like Aleppo but Trump does this ignorant display everyday and his supporters just say "thats ok, he's learning" like huh?

Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person.

You're correct.....However, Trump has made his ENTIRE platform on "...elect me, I may be an idiot but I'm the anti-establishment idiot...."
The media is all a-buzz about Johnson's response to a question on Syria's civil war with, "..what is Aleppo"?

The dream of many libertarians to make inroads in a field dominated by the unpopularity of BOTH major parties candidates, has been shattered. We can all speculate that a Libertarian ticket would have been better off had it been Weld as president and Johnson as VP......but that wasn't the case and the consequences of Johnson's ignorance on Syria seals the downfall of his short run

So, the question remains as to whether Johnson's failure will benefit Trump or Clinton?

This lame assed contention that to be qualified as president you must have encyclopedic knowledge of every possible subject is pure stupidity. We hire people to be president, not fucking computers and no one is qualified to do the job on their first day when only 44 people have had the job before, over almost 250 years. So here's a clue for the OP, take your little regressive elitist attitude and shove it.
You mean to tell me a non-interventionist Libertarian doesn't know the name of a town in Syria, and that's supposed to be a big fucking deal? This is somehow a catastrophe compared to Trump who wants to commit war crimes?

Well, in fairness, ANYONE who wants the oval office must be aware of not only internal issues but world-wide ones as well. Syria's civil war IS important. Johnson's running mate, Weld, would have well known as to how to address that question.
You mean to tell me a non-interventionist Libertarian doesn't know the name of a town in Syria, and that's supposed to be a big fucking deal? This is somehow a catastrophe compared to Trump who wants to commit war crimes?

Well, in fairness, ANYONE who wants the oval office must be aware of not only internal issues but world-wide ones as well. Syria's civil war IS important. Johnson's running mate, Weld, would have well known as to how to address that question.
I'd probably vote for Weld.
The media is all a-buzz about Johnson's response to a question on Syria's civil war with, "..what is Aleppo"?

The dream of many libertarians to make inroads in a field dominated by the unpopularity of BOTH major parties candidates, has been shattered. We can all speculate that a Libertarian ticket would have been better off had it been Weld as president and Johnson as VP......but that wasn't the case and the consequences of Johnson's ignorance on Syria seals the downfall of his short run

So, the question remains as to whether Johnson's failure will benefit Trump or Clinton?
Johnson is NOT a libertarian. He is a progressive, which explains his stupidity.

You are wrong. Johnson is progressive on social issues and conservative on economic issues. You know....like libertarians tend to be. Just compare Bernie Sanders' economic agenda to Johnson's: Sanders-progressive. Johnson-libertarian.
That makes him a prog, in my book.

Your book isn't reality.
It is one man's opinion...and since I have attained multiple PhD's...you better take it and learn from it.
first day when only 44 people have had the job before, over almost 250 years. So here's a clue for the OP, take your little regressive elitist attitude and shove it.

You're funny when you get pissed.....LOL

Given your "assessment" as to on-the-job-training for a wanna-be president, lets even skip any knowledge of the Constitution....after all, in time this genre of president would learn, right?
He was a guest this morning on Morning Joe.
All the pundits were aghast when he needed to be informed on Aleppo.
Admittedly, I've heard of it, and many Americans may have heard the word/name, but not many people have events in the Middle East at the top of their reading list.
They all considered it disqualifying for a presidential candidate.
To be honest, I didn't know that that was the name of the main city in Syria, as well-informed as I try to be. With that said, I'm not out there running for President either. I haven't watched today's "Morning Joe" as yet, will watch later, but I did watch the clip...it's not looking good. And I actually like the guy. More and more as he's been making more appearances in the media. I think any chance he had to make a dent is toast.

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The media is all a-buzz about Johnson's response to a question on Syria's civil war with, "..what is Aleppo"?

The dream of many libertarians to make inroads in a field dominated by the unpopularity of BOTH major parties candidates, has been shattered. We can all speculate that a Libertarian ticket would have been better off had it been Weld as president and Johnson as VP......but that wasn't the case and the consequences of Johnson's ignorance on Syria seals the downfall of his short run

So, the question remains as to whether Johnson's failure will benefit Trump or Clinton?
Trump wouldn't know what it was. He might think it's a new flavor of Italian Ice.
I heard that this morning and it reminded me at how critical some people are about something like Aleppo but Trump does this ignorant display everyday and his supporters just say "thats ok, he's learning" like huh?

Job Opening: POTUS. On the job training for right person.
The bar is set so low for Amnesty Don, but...consider his supporters. Not too bright a bunch.


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The problem with these third party types like Johnson and Stein,

they run for offices they can't win, and know they can't win, when if they really cared about the causes and principles they profess to believe in,

they'd go out and run for offices they could win. Both have done that in the past. Now, instead of serving, they choose to fuck around.
They should run.

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To be honest, I didn't know that that was the name of the main city in Syria, as well-informed as I try to be. With that said, I'm not out there running for President either. I haven't watched today's "Morning Joe" as yet, will watch later, but I did watch the clip...it's not looking good. And I actually like the guy. More and more as he's been making more appearances in the media. I think any chance he had to make a dent is toast.

yes, my friend, I'd agree that some lack of knowledge should not be a dis-qualifier...However, Aleppo is the focal venue of where the Syrian civil war is currently centered...where Assad is making a considerable thrust, where the Russians, Americans,Iranians, Kurds AND ISIS are all making a stand.......(and not to mention that if we want LESS Syrian refugees, Aleppo must be freed of all outsiders.) In my humble opinion, Aleppo will be the Damascus of a separated northern Syria.

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