Who will kneel when it comes time to defend the Nation?

The president is not a corporation. The issue is a gov official (THE gov official ) calling for firing .

There is no issue here other than the players spitting on the fans, America, and pissing on the flag.

Well, if you are a fan, than you got one out of three right.

I'm not a fan and all three are correct. These players are a disgrace.

Yes,I know that the authoritarian RW would love to repeal the Bill of Rights, including freedom of speech, but I guess that it just isn't going to happen.
Name a left wing speaker who had their speech canceled because of riots.

The Right does not stop speakers. They just run them over with cars.
Rest assured it will not be tRumps family or most any rethuglian.

When, and I do mean WHEN the shooting starts, it will be people like me who are fighting back against you Khmer Rouge scum. You think your going to win, you're not. You think it will be easy to end civil rights and the United States Constitution, it will not.
You have it all wrong as my side is the one with constitution in hand and the winning team.
You have it all wrong as my side is the one with constitution in hand and the winning team.

I said the United States Constitution, Stalinist. Your side is a bunch of scummy Communists who have plenty of violence and a willingness to engage in terrorism. But you're stupid - and lazy. You are no match for we normals.

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