Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.

Either they aren't bombing the best targets, there are way more ISIS members than they claimed or this JV terrorist group are really pros. Or all of the above. Wasn't the rule that Obama had to personally approve of all targets?
i never knew you were a general as well!
how many wars have you fought in?
Looks like they are going to take key town on the edge of the Turkish border as well.

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign

"For almost two months now, Tomahawk missiles and F22 Raptor jet fighters have bombarded the bases, strategic assets and front-line positions of ISIS.

But the group’s encroachment on Baghdad is steadily progressing and it is also close to seizing a key Kurdish town on the Syria-Turkey border.

In Iraq, ISIS gunmen were reported to be only 10 kilometres from some points of the capital Baghdad and were holding their ground at a front line on the major northern highway to Fallujah. In Syria, its fighters were closing in on Kobani on the Turkish border."

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign National Post

so much for containing them with airstrikes

Islamic State fighters seized two towns in western Iraq, after besieging hundreds of soldiers, according to a regional official.

The militant group has captured Albu Etha and al-Hamdhiya, Faleh al-Issawi, deputy head of Anbar provincial council, said by phone today. He said some Iraqi troops were killed and others deserted their posts, without giving details.

Earlier the head of the Anbar council, Sabah Karhout, had said that at least two battalions of the Iraqi army, or 260 men, were trapped near Albu Etha, and that efforts were being made to send reinforcements and enable them to break the siege.

The clashes are taking place in a region where U.S.-led airstrikes are seeking to roll back the insurgents’ advance.

Islamic State Overruns Iraq Army to Seize Towns Official Says - Bloomberg

It's all for show. Airstrikes can't do shit. Just as a number of us have been warning for couple weeks now.
Do tell. How did GWB destabilize Syria and create a vacuum for Baghdadi to bring his team to such dizzying heights of power and wealth seizing great swathes of Syria before invading Iraq?

You do understand that ISIS INVADED Iraq don't you? They "became" the powerhouse rock stars of jihad in Syria.

Please. I'm all ears to hear how GW backed paid mercenaries to overthrow Assad and destabilized Syria so that ISIS could become.

No, they didn't "invade" Iraq, they are Iraqis. Or a lot of them are. and most of them are the same Sunni Tribes we've been fighting for years over there. The Ones Bush and Petreaus had to bribe because they couldn't defeat them.

Wow, you are one simple minded moron. You can't understand the strategy by reading comic books.
The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.
Newsflash: Bush has not been president since 2009.
Obama has had 6 years to do something about Iraq, other than take credit for others' work. Instead he has golfed and attended fundraisers.
When will Democrats admit Obama is a gross failure? When?

News flash you stupid fucking rabbit. In two years Obama will be gone. There will be other Presidents.
But the Iraq War and George Bush will forever be linked together. No matter how many fucking times assholes like you want to blame Obama, Iraq is Bush's war. Forever and ever.

Own it (Iraq) be proud of it. You were so glad when Bush invaded. Remember that good feeling you had when you found out Bush was gonna invade Iraq and show the world what a bad ass he was? Get that good feeling back.
Obama is gonna do something almost as stupid. But he still won't "own" the war in Iraq like Bush does.

I was there near the end. We handed over a relatively stable Iraq, idiot. You own Obama's screw up. Or not. Nobody believes your shit. Now that he's thrown the intel comm under the bus....expect people to come out of the fucking woodwork to expose all you pathetic liberal liars.

Karma's a bitch.
I do not understand how the most powerful nation on earth is impotent to stop these savages from ISIS? Can't we even put together effective air strikes? Who is going to stop them on the ground? Kurds have been begging for more military hardware. Something is wrong, and that something is sitting in the White House.
The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.
Newsflash: Bush has not been president since 2009.
Obama has had 6 years to do something about Iraq, other than take credit for others' work. Instead he has golfed and attended fundraisers.
When will Democrats admit Obama is a gross failure? When?
oh but Iraq isnt just the past 6 years you hack.
I blame Iraq

If only they had treated us as liberators, none of this would have happened
Do tell. How did GWB destabilize Syria and create a vacuum for Baghdadi to bring his team to such dizzying heights of power and wealth seizing great swathes of Syria before invading Iraq?

You do understand that ISIS INVADED Iraq don't you? They "became" the powerhouse rock stars of jihad in Syria.

Please. I'm all ears to hear how GW backed paid mercenaries to overthrow Assad and destabilized Syria so that ISIS could become.

No, they didn't "invade" Iraq, they are Iraqis. Or a lot of them are. and most of them are the same Sunni Tribes we've been fighting for years over there. The Ones Bush and Petreaus had to bribe because they couldn't defeat them.

Wow, you are one simple minded moron. You can't understand the strategy by reading comic books.
The comic books are classified for Obama's PDB.
The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.
Newsflash: Bush has not been president since 2009.
Obama has had 6 years to do something about Iraq, other than take credit for others' work. Instead he has golfed and attended fundraisers.
When will Democrats admit Obama is a gross failure? When?
oh but Iraq isnt just the past 6 years you hack.
You're right. Iraq is a country in the middle east.
Iraq policy under this president is 6 years old. And it is a dismal failure. Thanks for pointing that out.
The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.

What a load of horseshit.

Bush hasn't been POTUS for six years.

Barry pulled out troops out of Iraq and declared that war over.

We left Iraq with an army of its own, politicians of its own and the ability to make their country anything they wanted to.

They failed. ISIS waltzed in and the Iraqi army folded.

If your gonna spout horseshit then make it honest horse shit.
who appointed the leader who controlled that army......go on....
Now wait just a minute there Slick, When the Right wanted to say Al Qaeda had not been decimated they were saying ISIL began as Al Qaeda In Iraq (AQI), now all of a sudden ISIL is not Iraqi.

The Right is always on both sides of every issue depending on what lie is needed for the moment.

Your argument makes no sense at all. ISIS began in Syria. Its roots are in the AQI and definitely they've had more name changes than Prince.

On any given day we could call them IS formerly known as............

But ISIS under the leadership of Baghdadi "became" in Syria.

There is no argument to be had. This is just simply a fact. Not opinion. There is no debate. There is no grey.

Just a fact.
There is no "Baghdadi." Every time one "Baghdadi" gets killed another takes on the name. ISIL/ISIS/IS began in Iraq under Bush as Al Qaeda In Iraq, Not Al Qaeda In Syria.

Bush destabilized Iraq and owns everything that has happened there since.
But, but obama bragged about ending a successful war, and y'all Obama flufflers bragged about how he ended the war successfully. Well now Obama screwed it up, all of a sudden it's Bush's fault.
He did! Bush said his goal was to establish a Democratic government in Iraq that would spread the seeds of Democracy throughout the Middle East. And Obama gave Iraq the stable Democracy Bush sacrificed American blood and treasure for. The problem is Bush's imposed Democratic rule does not work in Iraq. The democratically elected Maliki is proof of Bush's folly.

"The reason we are in Iraq is to plant the seeds of democracy so they flourish there and spread to the entire region of authoritarianism."
- George W Bush
Then why did OBAMA BRAG ABOUT ENDING A SUCCESSFUL WAR? He owns his new war, and so do you.
The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.
Newsflash: Bush has not been president since 2009.
Obama has had 6 years to do something about Iraq, other than take credit for others' work. Instead he has golfed and attended fundraisers.
When will Democrats admit Obama is a gross failure? When?

News flash you stupid fucking rabbit. In two years Obama will be gone. There will be other Presidents.
But the Iraq War and George Bush will forever be linked together. No matter how many fucking times assholes like you want to blame Obama, Iraq is Bush's war. Forever and ever.

Own it (Iraq) be proud of it. You were so glad when Bush invaded. Remember that good feeling you had when you found out Bush was gonna invade Iraq and show the world what a bad ass he was? Get that good feeling back.
Obama is gonna do something almost as stupid. But he still won't "own" the war in Iraq like Bush does.

You stupid fuck, Obama bragged how he ended the war in iraq successfully, and your kind also bragged how well he handled it. Now it has blown up in your face and you want to blame Bush again. Grow up and take some responsibility. Liberals are nothing but pussies.

"You stupid fuck, Obama bragged how he ended the war in iraq successfully, and your kind also bragged how well he handled it."


The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.
Newsflash: Bush has not been president since 2009.
Obama has had 6 years to do something about Iraq, other than take credit for others' work. Instead he has golfed and attended fundraisers.
When will Democrats admit Obama is a gross failure? When?
oh but Iraq isnt just the past 6 years you hack.
You're right. Iraq is a country in the middle east.
Iraq policy under this president is 6 years old. And it is a dismal failure. Thanks for pointing that out.
the policy has to let it govern itself, which is what everyone wanted.
If you have a problem with that, then you should write some letters too Bush, Obama and Maliki.. Im sure they will give a shit about your opinion.
The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.
Newsflash: Bush has not been president since 2009.
Obama has had 6 years to do something about Iraq, other than take credit for others' work. Instead he has golfed and attended fundraisers.
When will Democrats admit Obama is a gross failure? When?
oh but Iraq isnt just the past 6 years you hack.
You're right. Iraq is a country in the middle east.
Iraq policy under this president is 6 years old. And it is a dismal failure. Thanks for pointing that out.
the policy has to let it govern itself, which is what everyone wanted.
If you have a problem with that, then you should write some letters too Bush, Obama and Maliki.. Im sure they will give a shit about your opinion.
Is English not your first language? That would explain your bizarre syntax and word usage. Either that or you're stoned out of your mind. Which would explain the quality of your posts.
Self-government is not antithetical to keeping a reaction force close by.
Looks like they are going to take key town on the edge of the Turkish border as well.

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign

"For almost two months now, Tomahawk missiles and F22 Raptor jet fighters have bombarded the bases, strategic assets and front-line positions of ISIS.

But the group’s encroachment on Baghdad is steadily progressing and it is also close to seizing a key Kurdish town on the Syria-Turkey border.

In Iraq, ISIS gunmen were reported to be only 10 kilometres from some points of the capital Baghdad and were holding their ground at a front line on the major northern highway to Fallujah. In Syria, its fighters were closing in on Kobani on the Turkish border."

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign National Post

ISIS will not be allowed to take Baghdad.

Not true, darling. Have u ever been there? It doesn't take much for Baghdad to at all. It could happen over night in fact.
I blame Iraq

If only they had treated us as liberators, none of this would have happened
Obama ended the successful war, he said it himself, you even bragged about it. So you got a blame in it too. The failure of the success.
The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.
Newsflash: Bush has not been president since 2009.
Obama has had 6 years to do something about Iraq, other than take credit for others' work. Instead he has golfed and attended fundraisers.
When will Democrats admit Obama is a gross failure? When?
oh but Iraq isnt just the past 6 years you hack.
You're right. Iraq is a country in the middle east.
Iraq policy under this president is 6 years old. And it is a dismal failure. Thanks for pointing that out.
the policy has to let it govern itself, which is what everyone wanted.
If you have a problem with that, then you should write some letters too Bush, Obama and Maliki.. Im sure they will give a shit about your opinion.
Is English not your first language? That would explain your bizarre syntax and word usage. Either that or you're stoned out of your mind. Which would explain the quality of your posts.
Self-government is not antithetical to keeping a reaction force close by.
whelp, had my fill of you and your nothing....enjoy your evening telling lies.
ISIS started in Syria where Obozo drew his red line, remember?
Now wait just a minute there Slick, When the Right wanted to say Al Qaeda had not been decimated they were saying ISIL began as Al Qaeda In Iraq (AQI), now all of a sudden ISIL is not Iraqi.

The Right is always on both sides of every issue depending on what lie is needed for the moment.

Your argument makes no sense at all. ISIS began in Syria. Its roots are in the AQI and definitely they've had more name changes than Prince.

On any given day we could call them IS formerly known as............

But ISIS under the leadership of Baghdadi "became" in Syria.

There is no argument to be had. This is just simply a fact. Not opinion. There is no debate. There is no grey.

Just a fact.
There is no "Baghdadi." Every time one "Baghdadi" gets killed another takes on the name. ISIL/ISIS/IS began in Iraq under Bush as Al Qaeda In Iraq, Not Al Qaeda In Syria.

It takes a real idiot to believe that. They've been around for a long time, just different names. Anyone with a brain knows that.

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