Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.

Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
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I hate to have to keep reminding some of this but there was no ISIS in Iraq when George Bush left office. Bush made his mistakes and yes going into Iraq was one as were the decisions that lead to original insurgency but by the time he left office they had the Sunnis on broad and that insurgency had been quelled. The situations in Iraq and Syria today are in no small part due to the decisions of President Obama Bush was responsible for the mess his decisions made he is not responsible for the mess Obama's have made.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

A factual error known by you and expressed as an opinion by you.
Newsflash: Bush has not been president since 2009.
Obama has had 6 years to do something about Iraq, other than take credit for others' work. Instead he has golfed and attended fundraisers.
When will Democrats admit Obama is a gross failure? When?
oh but Iraq isnt just the past 6 years you hack.
You're right. Iraq is a country in the middle east.
Iraq policy under this president is 6 years old. And it is a dismal failure. Thanks for pointing that out.
the policy has to let it govern itself, which is what everyone wanted.
If you have a problem with that, then you should write some letters too Bush, Obama and Maliki.. Im sure they will give a shit about your opinion.
Is English not your first language? That would explain your bizarre syntax and word usage. Either that or you're stoned out of your mind. Which would explain the quality of your posts.
Self-government is not antithetical to keeping a reaction force close by.
whelp, had my fill of you and your nothing....enjoy your evening telling lies.
Translation: I've been pwned.
Or: I'm soooo stoned, dude.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

A factual error known by you and expressed as an opinion by you.
Did Obama not end the war in Iraq? A yes or no question.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.

You need to stop smoking that cheap stuff, Fakey. Your analysis is beyond silly. No, it's non existent.
I hate to have to keep reminding some of this but there was no ISIS in Iraq when George Bush left office. Bush made his mistakes and yes going into Iraq was one as were the decisions that lead to original insurgency but by the time he left office they had the Sunnis on broad and that insurgency had been quelled. The situations in Iraq and Syria today are in no small part due to the decisions of President Obama Bush was responsible for the mess his decisions made he is not responsible for the mess Obama's have made.

I agree with almost all you've said, Blackhawk, and yes Bush made mistakes going in, but one of these days I'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Not one of these libs or members of the corrupt press can say they weren't moved.

But to your greater point, we left it in relatively good shape.
It's fun because it pokes nonsense at you fools, EconChick. Your time is over.
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.
It's fun because it pokes nonsense at you fools, EconChick. Your time is over.

LOL, your posts are like listening to a severe alcoholic ramble. U really need to stay out of these ME threads. U know nothing about any of it.
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

They were never found in Iraq. Did the liberal press, or did anyone else verify they were NOT moved elsewhere?

Noooooooooooooooooope. But you'll hear people say it as if they did.
Now wait just a minute there Slick, When the Right wanted to say Al Qaeda had not been decimated they were saying ISIL began as Al Qaeda In Iraq (AQI), now all of a sudden ISIL is not Iraqi.

The Right is always on both sides of every issue depending on what lie is needed for the moment.

Your argument makes no sense at all. ISIS began in Syria. Its roots are in the AQI and definitely they've had more name changes than Prince.

On any given day we could call them IS formerly known as............

But ISIS under the leadership of Baghdadi "became" in Syria.

There is no argument to be had. This is just simply a fact. Not opinion. There is no debate. There is no grey.

Just a fact.
There is no "Baghdadi." Every time one "Baghdadi" gets killed another takes on the name. ISIL/ISIS/IS began in Iraq under Bush as Al Qaeda In Iraq, Not Al Qaeda In Syria.

Bush destabilized Iraq and owns everything that has happened there since.
But, but obama bragged about ending a successful war, and y'all Obama flufflers bragged about how he ended the war successfully. Well now Obama screwed it up, all of a sudden it's Bush's fault.
He did! Bush said his goal was to establish a Democratic government in Iraq that would spread the seeds of Democracy throughout the Middle East. And Obama gave Iraq the stable Democracy Bush sacrificed American blood and treasure for. The problem is Bush's imposed Democratic rule does not work in Iraq. The democratically elected Maliki is proof of Bush's folly.

"The reason we are in Iraq is to plant the seeds of democracy so they flourish there and spread to the entire region of authoritarianism."
- George W Bush

Oh as if Obama is an angel. He's spread such stability. Peace, love, dove with your Nobel Peace Prize winner.

:lmao: I honest to God don't see how you can type your anti Bush bullshit with a straight face.

Obama's success with regime change in Egypt


Obama's success with regime change in Libya


Obama's success with regime change in the Ukraine is just remarkable. By backing that coup Obama helped start a true civil war.
I believe there are over 3,000 dead civilians and pro Russian rebels now killed by the thugs in Kiev.


And by Obama backing this faux civil war in Syria aka regime change he gave us ISIS. Your guy's a real freaking champ isn't he?

'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

And let me remind you, genius. I worked at the highest levels of intelligence. You worked at NO levels of intelligence..............or of the military....or of anything to do with the Iraq War.
No, you did not. You were a gopher at the lowest levels in the outer offices if you were even there. Your personal opinion is worthless.

The fact is that WMDs as described by the Bushies as cause for war was never discovered.
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

And let me remind you, genius. I worked at the highest levels of intelligence. You worked at NO levels of intelligence..............or of the military....or of anything to do with the Iraq War.
im superman.
Looks like they are going to take key town on the edge of the Turkish border as well.

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign

"For almost two months now, Tomahawk missiles and F22 Raptor jet fighters have bombarded the bases, strategic assets and front-line positions of ISIS.

But the group’s encroachment on Baghdad is steadily progressing and it is also close to seizing a key Kurdish town on the Syria-Turkey border.

In Iraq, ISIS gunmen were reported to be only 10 kilometres from some points of the capital Baghdad and were holding their ground at a front line on the major northern highway to Fallujah. In Syria, its fighters were closing in on Kobani on the Turkish border."

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign National Post

Lets see, so since Obama has reportedly only appeared for 41 % of his whitehouse briefings as reported, he gets some of the blame for sure. Also the fact that he telegraphs our every move to ISIS... of course our air strikes are not as damaging as they could have been. We never should have let them know it was comming, he also lets them know we dont have the will to put troops on the ground, why not at least keep them guessing. Yeah yeah Bushes fault but Bush still got approval from congress. IN WW2 it would have been unimaaginable to give our enemy the heads up about the timing and intensity of our attacks. My feeling is he is tailoring the attacks we make to suit the next upcoming election cycle
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.
Bush's "training" of the Iraqi security forces is solely to blame and then lying about their readiness.

Defense.gov News Article Petraeus Touts Enormous Progress Fielding Iraqi Forces

Petraeus Touts 'Enormous Progress' Fielding Iraqi Forces
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2005 – The chief of the coalition command charged with training Iraqi security forces said "enormous progress" has been made in the effort.

Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, who commands Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq, told National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" that more than 105 police and army combat battalions are "in the fight."

This breaks down to more than 93,800 members of the Iraqi police and 77,700 Iraqi service members. The total number of forces "trained and equipped" is 171,500. This time last year, only one battalion was trained and equipped well enough to assist coalition forces, Pentagon officials said. ...

Thank you for admitting that Bush is an unbelievable lying POS. :rofl::lmao:
The source for that "PROPAGANDA" info was the BUSH Department of Defense!!!!!!! That was just a sample of the LIES Bush would tell when asked about the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves.
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