Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.

Either they aren't bombing the best targets, there are way more ISIS members than they claimed or this JV terrorist group are really pros. Or all of the above. Wasn't the rule that Obama had to personally approve of all targets?
When the Sunni turned on Bush's puppet Maliki & his Shia controlled Iraq, the shit got real in that moment. We trained, equipped, funded & battle hardened the Sunni. The Sunni joined ISIL making them battle hardened terror army & no longer just a JV terrorist group. Bush never won in Iraq, he just paid off the Sunni & told them they had power.

Bush hand picked Maliki & personally mentored him in many long sessions on governing Iraq. Maliki caused the Sunni to turn on Iraq & join ISIL. There never was any military solution to Iraq or ISIL. Repubtards drool at the opportunity to send US troops back in so we can resume suffering 10,000 casualties a year. They love spending another $Trillion of tax payers wealth to wealthy military contractors, veterans services & campaign contributors.

I'll wait to see if the new Iraq government can re-unite Iraq.
The USA won't send in heavy combat units.

Even if it required us on the ground to break ISIS ISIL, the American public opinion will not permit the units to stay.

The neo-cons have so mismanaged this chapter of US-ME relations that we will have trouble getting getting public opinion to intervene massively anywhere unless we are directly attacked.
Either they aren't bombing the best targets, there are way more ISIS members than they claimed or this JV terrorist group are really pros. Or all of the above. Wasn't the rule that Obama had to personally approve of all targets?
When the Sunni turned on Bush's puppet Maliki & his Shia controlled Iraq, the shit got real in that moment. We trained, equipped, funded & battle hardened the Sunni. The Sunni joined ISIL making them battle hardened terror army & no longer just a JV terrorist group. Bush never won in Iraq, he just paid off the Sunni & told them they had power.

Bush hand picked Maliki & personally mentored him in many long sessions on governing Iraq. Maliki caused the Sunni to turn on Iraq & join ISIL. There never was any military solution to Iraq or ISIL. Repubtards drool at the opportunity to send US troops back in so we can resume suffering 10,000 casualties a year. They love spending another $Trillion of tax payers wealth to wealthy military contractors, veterans services & campaign contributors.

I'll wait to see if the new Iraq government can re-unite Iraq.
Any proof Maliki was Bush's handpicked puppet?
No, of course not. Why dont you post a chart so I can have another good laugh at your expense?
The USA won't send in heavy combat units.

Even if it required us on the ground to break ISIS ISIL, the American public opinion will not permit the units to stay.

The neo-cons have so mismanaged this chapter of US-ME relations that we will have trouble getting getting public opinion to intervene massively anywhere unless we are directly attacked.

I noticed you didn't answer my question. Why is that? You've begged to be taken seriously and have a respectful exchange, so why didn't you answer?

As for no heavy combat troops....it doesn't matter to most Americans whether they're LIGHT and NOT heavy. Most Americans know they ALL count as boots on the ground.

You have heard that Obama is NOW sending in 2300 Marines, right??
You have not made any comments worth answering.

You simply don't know what you are talking about from WMDs and American heavy units going back.
Personally I could care about Iraq.

We left thee three years ago . We left them with an army, politicians and a chance to remake their country.

Iraq can sink or swim on its own and we certainly don't need to lose anymore men or woman in that shithole.
The new task force would reportedly be based in Kuwait.

The US Marine Corps has already set up a similar unit in Moron, Spain, which is assigned to the Africa region. PressTV - US plans to deploy 2 300 Marines to Middle East

It is to be set up as a RRF, part of a naval and air shield, not for deployment into Iraq on a long term basis.

You do know the term RRF, EC.
Obviously he'll blame anyone but himself. That's been his pattern of behavior from day one. It's a common behavioral trait with Megalomaniacs. But that being said, let em have Iraq. It's time for us to withdraw from the Middle East. We don't belong there. Never did. Time to stop all the meddling and come home.
You have not made any comments worth answering.

You simply don't know what you are talking about from WMDs and American heavy units going back.

Well you're even more uninformed than I thought.

You couldn't admit I was right on WMD if you wanted because all your posts for all these years would've been wrong. Your trying to pretend there's no chem WMD in Syria is more than laughable.

AS for heavy units.....it doesn't matter whether they're going back in or not. Doesn't matter. Obama has screwed it up.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

So when President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA in 2008 that effectively set the end date for the US occupation of Iraq, that was somehow President Obama ending it? Since the end of occupation President Obama is responsible for supporting Maliki even though there were many reports of the Maliki government suppressing and persecuting Sunnis political opponents. Nothing was really done until the IS\Sunnis coalition was knocking on the door.

Where is Congress?
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

So when President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA in 2008 that effectively set the end date for the US occupation of Iraq, that was somehow President Obama ending it? Since the end of occupation President Obama is responsible for supporting Maliki even though there were many reports of the Maliki government suppressing and persecuting Sunnis political opponents. Nothing was really done until the IS\Sunnis coalition was knocking on the door.

Where is Congress?
I posted a video wth Obama saying over and over he ended the war in Iraq. Was he lying?
The new task force would reportedly be based in Kuwait.

The US Marine Corps has already set up a similar unit in Moron, Spain, which is assigned to the Africa region. PressTV - US plans to deploy 2 300 Marines to Middle East

It is to be set up as a RRF, part of a naval and air shield, not for deployment into Iraq on a long term basis.

You do know the term RRF, EC.

You think they're going to stay put? You're not paying attention to what's happening around Baghdad?
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.
Bush's "training" of the Iraqi security forces is solely to blame and then lying about their readiness.

Defense.gov News Article Petraeus Touts Enormous Progress Fielding Iraqi Forces

Petraeus Touts 'Enormous Progress' Fielding Iraqi Forces
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2005 – The chief of the coalition command charged with training Iraqi security forces said "enormous progress" has been made in the effort.

Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, who commands Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq, told National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" that more than 105 police and army combat battalions are "in the fight."

This breaks down to more than 93,800 members of the Iraqi police and 77,700 Iraqi service members. The total number of forces "trained and equipped" is 171,500. This time last year, only one battalion was trained and equipped well enough to assist coalition forces, Pentagon officials said. ...

Thank you for admitting that Bush is an unbelievable lying POS. :rofl::lmao:
The source for that "PROPAGANDA" info was the BUSH Department of Defense!!!!!!! That was just a sample of the LIES Bush would tell when asked about the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves.

Look, the argument's over with you apologists. The gig is up. LOL. Keep lying.....the dummies out there that once believed your shit have tuned you idiot libs out.

But keep lying on these threads....it just bumps the threads to keep obvious lib lies in the forefront, LMAO. I'm lovin' it.

Just click on the link! It takes you to the lies in the 2005 BUSH Defense Dept press release which you yourself have admitted is nothing but propaganda from liars.
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

Does anyone know why the Obama supporters are calling Sarin Gas in Syria a WMD but still claim there were not any WMDs in Iraq when several thousand pounds of Sarin along with Mustard gas was found?

Look, Fakey, you dumb ass. No one doubts the sarin gas in Syria at this point. The fact it came from Iraq is all over open source.

So you've just shit all over yourself on that statement that THERE WAS NO WMD.

Chem WMD is not even debatable anymore. Nuke WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ (other than 500 tons of yellowcake in Tuwaitha ) but that statement has nothing to do with where it may have been moved to, IDIOT.
Because to be a WMD it has to be able to kill someone and the Reagan gas was sooooo degraded from age that when one went off by accident when our troops were removing them, no one died!!!! And yellowcake isn't even useful for a dirty bomb!
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

Does anyone know why the Obama supporters are calling Sarin Gas in Syria a WMD but still claim there were not any WMDs in Iraq when several thousand pounds of Sarin along with Mustard gas was found?

Look, Fakey, you dumb ass. No one doubts the sarin gas in Syria at this point. The fact it came from Iraq is all over open source.

So you've just shit all over yourself on that statement that THERE WAS NO WMD.

Chem WMD is not even debatable anymore. Nuke WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ (other than 500 tons of yellowcake in Tuwaitha ) but that statement has nothing to do with where it may have been moved to, IDIOT.
Because to be a WMD it has to be able to kill someone and the Reagan gas was sooooo degraded from age that when one went off by accident when our troops were removing them, no one died!!!! And yellowcake isn't even useful for a dirty bomb!
It doesn't matter. It's good and useful misinformation.
Simple fact remains no WMDs as described by the Bushies as the cause for war have never been found.
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

Does anyone know why the Obama supporters are calling Sarin Gas in Syria a WMD but still claim there were not any WMDs in Iraq when several thousand pounds of Sarin along with Mustard gas was found?

Look, Fakey, you dumb ass. No one doubts the sarin gas in Syria at this point. The fact it came from Iraq is all over open source.

So you've just shit all over yourself on that statement that THERE WAS NO WMD.

Chem WMD is not even debatable anymore. Nuke WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ (other than 500 tons of yellowcake in Tuwaitha ) but that statement has nothing to do with where it may have been moved to, IDIOT.

Because none of the WMD alleged by the Bush Administration were ever found.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

So when President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA in 2008 that effectively set the end date for the US occupation of Iraq, that was somehow President Obama ending it? Since the end of occupation President Obama is responsible for supporting Maliki even though there were many reports of the Maliki government suppressing and persecuting Sunnis political opponents. Nothing was really done until the IS\Sunnis coalition was knocking on the door.

Where is Congress?
I posted a video wth Obama saying over and over he ended the war in Iraq. Was he lying?

Of course he wasn't lying. He ended it on the timetable that President Bush committed us to. Do you expect him to say that in the heat of a campaign?
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

Does anyone know why the Obama supporters are calling Sarin Gas in Syria a WMD but still claim there were not any WMDs in Iraq when several thousand pounds of Sarin along with Mustard gas was found?

Look, Fakey, you dumb ass. No one doubts the sarin gas in Syria at this point. The fact it came from Iraq is all over open source.

So you've just shit all over yourself on that statement that THERE WAS NO WMD.

Chem WMD is not even debatable anymore. Nuke WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ (other than 500 tons of yellowcake in Tuwaitha ) but that statement has nothing to do with where it may have been moved to, IDIOT.

Because none of the WMD alleged by the Bush Administration were ever found.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

So when President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA in 2008 that effectively set the end date for the US occupation of Iraq, that was somehow President Obama ending it? Since the end of occupation President Obama is responsible for supporting Maliki even though there were many reports of the Maliki government suppressing and persecuting Sunnis political opponents. Nothing was really done until the IS\Sunnis coalition was knocking on the door.

Where is Congress?
I posted a video wth Obama saying over and over he ended the war in Iraq. Was he lying?

Of course he wasn't lying. He ended it on the timetable that President Bush committed us to. Do you expect him to say that in the heat of a campaign?
So at the end where he says he didnt end the war, was he lying there? Because they can't both be true.
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

Does anyone know why the Obama supporters are calling Sarin Gas in Syria a WMD but still claim there were not any WMDs in Iraq when several thousand pounds of Sarin along with Mustard gas was found?

Look, Fakey, you dumb ass. No one doubts the sarin gas in Syria at this point. The fact it came from Iraq is all over open source.

So you've just shit all over yourself on that statement that THERE WAS NO WMD.

Chem WMD is not even debatable anymore. Nuke WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ (other than 500 tons of yellowcake in Tuwaitha ) but that statement has nothing to do with where it may have been moved to, IDIOT.

Because none of the WMD alleged by the Bush Administration were ever found.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

So when President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA in 2008 that effectively set the end date for the US occupation of Iraq, that was somehow President Obama ending it? Since the end of occupation President Obama is responsible for supporting Maliki even though there were many reports of the Maliki government suppressing and persecuting Sunnis political opponents. Nothing was really done until the IS\Sunnis coalition was knocking on the door.

Where is Congress?
I posted a video wth Obama saying over and over he ended the war in Iraq. Was he lying?

Of course he wasn't lying. He ended it on the timetable that President Bush committed us to. Do you expect him to say that in the heat of a campaign?
So at the end where he says he didnt end the war, was he lying there? Because they can't both be true.

Possibly like in Vietnam the war didn't end when we ending our war with the North Vietnamese. Their civil war didn't end when we left.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.

Oh look, the moron is back.

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