Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.

Looks like they are going to take key town on the edge of the Turkish border as well.

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign

"For almost two months now, Tomahawk missiles and F22 Raptor jet fighters have bombarded the bases, strategic assets and front-line positions of ISIS.

But the group’s encroachment on Baghdad is steadily progressing and it is also close to seizing a key Kurdish town on the Syria-Turkey border.

In Iraq, ISIS gunmen were reported to be only 10 kilometres from some points of the capital Baghdad and were holding their ground at a front line on the major northern highway to Fallujah. In Syria, its fighters were closing in on Kobani on the Turkish border."

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign National Post

Well, I suppose you supporters of ISIS and Putin will be cheering.
Like the way you guys cheered Abu Ghraib, hitting 4000 on the KIA report, the crash of the stock market in 2008, mold and peeling paint at Walter Reed, Kanye West after Katrina, Bush not finding the WMDs, and anything else you could think of that looked bad for Republicans.
The Iraqi army did okay as long as they had training and supervision by Americans. When left to their own devices they reverted to type. obama will blame Bush because it has always worked before and he can trust democrats to keep it working today.
We were training them for over 12 years! How long do they need to become a self sufficient fighting force?
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

Does anyone know why the Obama supporters are calling Sarin Gas in Syria a WMD but still claim there were not any WMDs in Iraq when several thousand pounds of Sarin along with Mustard gas was found?

Look, Fakey, you dumb ass. No one doubts the sarin gas in Syria at this point. The fact it came from Iraq is all over open source.

So you've just shit all over yourself on that statement that THERE WAS NO WMD.

Chem WMD is not even debatable anymore. Nuke WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ (other than 500 tons of yellowcake in Tuwaitha ) but that statement has nothing to do with where it may have been moved to, IDIOT.
Because to be a WMD it has to be able to kill someone and the Reagan gas was sooooo degraded from age that when one went off by accident when our troops were removing them, no one died!!!! And yellowcake isn't even useful for a dirty bomb!

LOL, that was a pathetic attempt even at spin. It's obvious you don't have the first clue about the topic.
Simple fact remains no WMDs as described by the Bushies as the cause for war have never been found.

As prescribed by the Bushies????? LOL. How many times do you have to be reminded that Chem WMD in Syria -for starters - fits exactly into what Bush had warned.
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

Does anyone know why the Obama supporters are calling Sarin Gas in Syria a WMD but still claim there were not any WMDs in Iraq when several thousand pounds of Sarin along with Mustard gas was found?

Look, Fakey, you dumb ass. No one doubts the sarin gas in Syria at this point. The fact it came from Iraq is all over open source.

So you've just shit all over yourself on that statement that THERE WAS NO WMD.

Chem WMD is not even debatable anymore. Nuke WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ (other than 500 tons of yellowcake in Tuwaitha ) but that statement has nothing to do with where it may have been moved to, IDIOT.

Because none of the WMD alleged by the Bush Administration were ever found.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

So when President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA in 2008 that effectively set the end date for the US occupation of Iraq, that was somehow President Obama ending it? Since the end of occupation President Obama is responsible for supporting Maliki even though there were many reports of the Maliki government suppressing and persecuting Sunnis political opponents. Nothing was really done until the IS\Sunnis coalition was knocking on the door.

Where is Congress?
I posted a video wth Obama saying over and over he ended the war in Iraq. Was he lying?

Of course he wasn't lying. He ended it on the timetable that President Bush committed us to. Do you expect him to say that in the heat of a campaign?
So at the end where he says he didnt end the war, was he lying there? Because they can't both be true.

You worry about that. I am keep the far right toesies to the fire when they lie about WMDs being found.

You don't hold anyone to anything. You simply worked at too low a level to know anything.
The Iraqi army did okay as long as they had training and supervision by Americans. When left to their own devices they reverted to type. obama will blame Bush because it has always worked before and he can trust democrats to keep it working today.
Then there is this statement by Obama in 2011.

“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”

So the Iraqi's fucked us over...

Whose fault is that?

Since they" fucked us over" on Obama's watch, I suspect it is because they considered him a weak and ineffective leader. They can both be at fault if that snaps your garter.

So the massive Iraqi Army is fleeing in the face of the invasion of a handful of ISIS fighters just to spite Obama?


Obama already told them not to expect any 'boots on the ground' to aid them. Major fuck up on his part. Rule 101, NEVER tell the enemy what you won't do.
Why is it a major fuck up? If the Iraqi Army does not want to fight for their country why should the US Military do it for them!

The very fact that they assume at some point we'll come in and do the dirty work is a big factor. Why die for your country when someone across the ocean will come over and die for you?

Can't really blame them, if you think about it.
No, you did not. You were a gopher at the lowest levels in the outer offices if you were even there. Your personal opinion is worthless.

The fact is that WMDs as described by the Bushies as cause for war was never discovered.

Says Jake who NEVER spent a day in any other uniform than brownie uniform.

Says Antares who is going to lose his job because his industry got greedy. :lol:

Were the WMDs as the Bushies described them found in Iraq?

"as described them"....LOL you can drive a truck through that hole.

Yet you don't bother to call Obama on "I said I'd end the war in Iraq and I have."
The Iraqi army did okay as long as they had training and supervision by Americans. When left to their own devices they reverted to type. obama will blame Bush because it has always worked before and he can trust democrats to keep it working today.
We were training them for over 12 years! How long do they need to become a self sufficient fighting force?

Longer than that, obviously. They caved in without American supervision.
Thank you for admitting that Bush is an unbelievable lying POS. :rofl::lmao:
The source for that "PROPAGANDA" info was the BUSH Department of Defense!!!!!!! That was just a sample of the LIES Bush would tell when asked about the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves.

Then there is this statement by Obama in 2011.

“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”

So the Iraqi's fucked us over...

Whose fault is that?

Since they" fucked us over" on Obama's watch, I suspect it is because they considered him a weak and ineffective leader. They can both be at fault if that snaps your garter.

So the massive Iraqi Army is fleeing in the face of the invasion of a handful of ISIS fighters just to spite Obama?


How many times does it have to be explained to you, Carb? Their leadership (military) abandoned them.

But then I don't expect you "lead from behind" libs to grasp it. Ever.
The Iraqi army did okay as long as they had training and supervision by Americans. When left to their own devices they reverted to type. obama will blame Bush because it has always worked before and he can trust democrats to keep it working today.
We were training them for over 12 years! How long do they need to become a self sufficient fighting force?

How long have we been in Korea? That long!
You don't hold anyone to anything. You simply worked at too low a level to know anything.

I will always hold a low grade information tool like you who never rose beyond SP4 to the facts.

The facts: "Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found." Sarin in Syria was probably provided by the Russians. You can suspect that it came from Iraq, but you have no proof or credible supposition.
The Iraqi army did okay as long as they had training and supervision by Americans. When left to their own devices they reverted to type. obama will blame Bush because it has always worked before and he can trust democrats to keep it working today.
We were training them for over 12 years! How long do they need to become a self sufficient fighting force?

How long have we been in Korea? That long!
Which is another whole cans of worms...., No reason we should be there either.
Time for that country to start paying for their own defense. However that is a topic for another thread.
The Iraqi army cracked for a number of reasons.

Either the Arabs put major combat units on the ground to combat ISIS ISIL, or we leave. The American public will not support another major ground built up.

And talk about the Marines, EC. They are part of a RFF stationed in Kuwait like the one in North Africa. That is the perfect deployment of an air and naval shield for us, not divisions and divisions of ground troops.
The Iraqi army did okay as long as they had training and supervision by Americans. When left to their own devices they reverted to type. obama will blame Bush because it has always worked before and he can trust democrats to keep it working today.
So the Iraqi's fucked us over...

Whose fault is that?

Since they" fucked us over" on Obama's watch, I suspect it is because they considered him a weak and ineffective leader. They can both be at fault if that snaps your garter.

So the massive Iraqi Army is fleeing in the face of the invasion of a handful of ISIS fighters just to spite Obama?


Obama already told them not to expect any 'boots on the ground' to aid them. Major fuck up on his part. Rule 101, NEVER tell the enemy what you won't do.
Why is it a major fuck up? If the Iraqi Army does not want to fight for their country why should the US Military do it for them!

The very fact that they assume at some point we'll come in and do the dirty work is a big factor. Why die for your country when someone across the ocean will come over and die for you?

Can't really blame them, if you think about it.

Some time in the near future Obama may send MORE troops to Iraq. Once he does and the US Special Ops troops discover the proper targets for the US aviators, lases them and they are destroyed, the Iraqi army will shape up.
If they don't, we can leave and wait for ISIS to expand into Pakistan, get some nukes and use them on us.
You don't hold anyone to anything. You simply worked at too low a level to know anything.

I will always hold a low grade information tool like you who never rose beyond SP4 to the facts.

The facts: "Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found." Sarin in Syria was probably provided by the Russians. You can suspect that it came from Iraq, but you have no proof or credible supposition.

Ok, you begged for me to show respect to you. I did it. Now you're back to being a pathological liar. And I will just FLATTEN YOUR FAT ASS FROM HERE ON OUT.

First of all, shit for brains, I think E-4s or SP4s are the greatest thing since sliced bread - they are the backbone - so you may want to stop denigrating them.

But it's just not factual to call someone like myself who was a commissioned officer an enlisted rank. Nothing wrong with the rank, it just isn't close to true. Calling someone who had been an E-4 a commissioned officer is just as false.

So you're back to telling a very specific lie that can be verified. It shows you're either a pathological liar that never served - because military people know the difference - or you are actually military and want to post bare-faced verifiable lies.

Look, you fat ass deranged fuck. I have more respect for a jailed felon that tells the truth than your despicable, sloven, beached whale, body full of NO INTEGRITY.

No one respects you. The morons on the left use you and it's fun to watch. But when it's time to dump your wishey washy ass, you're going to be left along crying like the baby you are.

Now back to topic, your hero is a failure. The polls overwhelmingly show it. If you're smoking lots of crack, you probably don't read the polls. His foreign policy is a failure.

As for sarin gas in Syria....thanks for admitting it, dummy, but it's all over open source that it came from Iraq and elsewhere.

Oh and I still have the $2000 ready to donate to USMB if I'm wrong and you're right about my rank. Why won't YOU cough up any money for bet?

Because you're a pathetic LIAR and we all know it. LOL
EC begins to melt.

You were not a commissioned rank; no one who writes and reasons like you would ever be a commissioned rank.

A SP4 would write much better than you.

You have given us on the Board absolutely nothing of worth.
The Iraqi army did okay as long as they had training and supervision by Americans. When left to their own devices they reverted to type. obama will blame Bush because it has always worked before and he can trust democrats to keep it working today.
We were training them for over 12 years! How long do they need to become a self sufficient fighting force?

How long have we been in Korea? That long!

You say that as if it's a good thing. Are you certain that South Koreans don't have the resources and manpower to effectively replace the American presence there?

If so, why are they still feeding off us?
You don't hold anyone to anything. You simply worked at too low a level to know anything.

I will always hold a low grade information tool like you who never rose beyond SP4 to the facts.

The facts: "Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found." Sarin in Syria was probably provided by the Russians. You can suspect that it came from Iraq, but you have no proof or credible supposition.

Ok, you begged for me to show respect to you. I did it. Now you're back to being a pathological liar. And I will just FLATTEN YOUR FAT ASS FROM HERE ON OUT.

First of all, shit for brains, I think E-4s or SP4s are the greatest thing since sliced bread - they are the backbone - so you may want to stop denigrating them.

But it's just not factual to call someone like myself who was a commissioned officer an enlisted rank. Nothing wrong with the rank, it just isn't close to true. Calling someone who had been an E-4 a commissioned officer is just as false.

So you're back to telling a very specific lie that can be verified. It shows you're either a pathological liar that never served - because military people know the difference - or you are actually military and want to post bare-faced verifiable lies.

Look, you fat ass deranged fuck. I have more respect for a jailed felon that tells the truth than your despicable, sloven, beached whale, body full of NO INTEGRITY.

No one respects you. The morons on the left use you and it's fun to watch. But when it's time to dump your wishey washy ass, you're going to be left along crying like the baby you are.

Now back to topic, your hero is a failure. The polls overwhelmingly show it. If you're smoking lots of crack, you probably don't read the polls. His foreign policy is a failure.

As for sarin gas in Syria....thanks for admitting it, dummy, but it's all over open source that it came from Iraq and elsewhere.

Oh and I still have the $2000 ready to donate to USMB if I'm wrong and you're right about my rank. Why won't YOU cough up any money for bet?

Because you're a pathetic LIAR and we all know it. LOL

Could you possibly wrap up this off-topic argument you're cluttering up this thread with?

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