Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.

No, you did not. You were a gopher at the lowest levels in the outer offices if you were even there. Your personal opinion is worthless.

The fact is that WMDs as described by the Bushies as cause for war was never discovered.

Says Jake who NEVER spent a day in any other uniform than brownie uniform.
'll take the time to argue with people who keep insisting there was NO WMD.

Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found.

End of story.

Does anyone know why the Obama supporters are calling Sarin Gas in Syria a WMD but still claim there were not any WMDs in Iraq when several thousand pounds of Sarin along with Mustard gas was found?

Look, Fakey, you dumb ass. No one doubts the sarin gas in Syria at this point. The fact it came from Iraq is all over open source.

So you've just shit all over yourself on that statement that THERE WAS NO WMD.

Chem WMD is not even debatable anymore. Nuke WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ (other than 500 tons of yellowcake in Tuwaitha ) but that statement has nothing to do with where it may have been moved to, IDIOT.

Because none of the WMD alleged by the Bush Administration were ever found.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

So when President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA in 2008 that effectively set the end date for the US occupation of Iraq, that was somehow President Obama ending it? Since the end of occupation President Obama is responsible for supporting Maliki even though there were many reports of the Maliki government suppressing and persecuting Sunnis political opponents. Nothing was really done until the IS\Sunnis coalition was knocking on the door.

Where is Congress?
I posted a video wth Obama saying over and over he ended the war in Iraq. Was he lying?

Of course he wasn't lying. He ended it on the timetable that President Bush committed us to. Do you expect him to say that in the heat of a campaign?
So at the end where he says he didnt end the war, was he lying there? Because they can't both be true.

You worry about that. I am keep the far right toesies to the fire when they lie about WMDs being found.
No, you did not. You were a gopher at the lowest levels in the outer offices if you were even there. Your personal opinion is worthless.

The fact is that WMDs as described by the Bushies as cause for war was never discovered.

Says Jake who NEVER spent a day in any other uniform than brownie uniform.

Says Antares who is going to lose his job because his industry got greedy. :lol:

Were the WMDs as the Bushies described them found in Iraq?
The USA won't send in heavy combat units.

Even if it required us on the ground to break ISIS ISIL, the American public opinion will not permit the units to stay.

The neo-cons have so mismanaged this chapter of US-ME relations that we will have trouble getting getting public opinion to intervene massively anywhere unless we are directly attacked.

I noticed you didn't answer my question. Why is that? You've begged to be taken seriously and have a respectful exchange, so why didn't you answer?

As for no heavy combat troops....it doesn't matter to most Americans whether they're LIGHT and NOT heavy. Most Americans know they ALL count as boots on the ground.

You have heard that Obama is NOW sending in 2300 Marines, right??

Jake does not deserve the timeof day
No, you did not. You were a gopher at the lowest levels in the outer offices if you were even there. Your personal opinion is worthless.

The fact is that WMDs as described by the Bushies as cause for war was never discovered.

Says Jake who NEVER spent a day in any other uniform than brownie uniform.

Says Antares who is going to lose his job because his industry got greedy. :lol:

Were the WMDs as the Bushies described them found in Iraq?

Says Jake who admitted Voting for Obama.:)

":lol: I voted for McCain and Obama.

Your industry is getting what it earned, Antares.

Tuff dat.

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Says the roo who was crying he was going to lose his job and never retire, and admitted that it was the result of his own decisions.
ISIS started in Syria where Obozo drew his red line, remember?
Now wait just a minute there Slick, When the Right wanted to say Al Qaeda had not been decimated they were saying ISIL began as Al Qaeda In Iraq (AQI), now all of a sudden ISIL is not Iraqi.

The Right is always on both sides of every issue depending on what lie is needed for the moment.

Your argument makes no sense at all. ISIS began in Syria. Its roots are in the AQI and definitely they've had more name changes than Prince.

On any given day we could call them IS formerly known as............

But ISIS under the leadership of Baghdadi "became" in Syria.

There is no argument to be had. This is just simply a fact. Not opinion. There is no debate. There is no grey.

Just a fact.
There is no "Baghdadi." Every time one "Baghdadi" gets killed another takes on the name. ISIL/ISIS/IS began in Iraq under Bush as Al Qaeda In Iraq, Not Al Qaeda In Syria.

Bush destabilized Iraq and owns everything that has happened there since.

I guess you didn't get the memo from Obama, so here it is:

“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”
He said this in a speech at Fort Bragg.
The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.

What a load of horseshit.

Bush hasn't been POTUS for six years.

Barry pulled out troops out of Iraq and declared that war over.

We left Iraq with an army of its own, politicians of its own and the ability to make their country anything they wanted to.

They failed. ISIS waltzed in and the Iraqi army folded.

If your gonna spout horseshit then make it honest horse shit.
who appointed the leader who controlled that army......go on....

The President of Iraq was elected by the people in Iraq.
Looking more like "when" than "if".

Maybe He could jet in for a round of golf with the new management, bow, scrape, grovel and apologize with sufficient grace that they'd make nice.

Or maybe that would work out as well as all else He has touched.....
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.
Bush's "training" of the Iraqi security forces is solely to blame and then lying about their readiness.

Defense.gov News Article Petraeus Touts Enormous Progress Fielding Iraqi Forces

Petraeus Touts 'Enormous Progress' Fielding Iraqi Forces
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2005 – The chief of the coalition command charged with training Iraqi security forces said "enormous progress" has been made in the effort.

Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, who commands Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq, told National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" that more than 105 police and army combat battalions are "in the fight."

This breaks down to more than 93,800 members of the Iraqi police and 77,700 Iraqi service members. The total number of forces "trained and equipped" is 171,500. This time last year, only one battalion was trained and equipped well enough to assist coalition forces, Pentagon officials said. ...

Thank you for admitting that Bush is an unbelievable lying POS. :rofl::lmao:
The source for that "PROPAGANDA" info was the BUSH Department of Defense!!!!!!! That was just a sample of the LIES Bush would tell when asked about the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves.

Then there is this statement by Obama in 2011.

“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

So when President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA in 2008 that effectively set the end date for the US occupation of Iraq, that was somehow President Obama ending it? Since the end of occupation President Obama is responsible for supporting Maliki even though there were many reports of the Maliki government suppressing and persecuting Sunnis political opponents. Nothing was really done until the IS\Sunnis coalition was knocking on the door.

Where is Congress?
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad. Bush and the senior neo-cons, who will be arrested, tried and convicted in America, and then shipped to The Hague for imprisonment. Obama for all of his many mistakes did not launch a war against humanity.
Nope, obama ended Bush's war. Started his own.

So when President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA in 2008 that effectively set the end date for the US occupation of Iraq, that was somehow President Obama ending it? Since the end of occupation President Obama is responsible for supporting Maliki even though there were many reports of the Maliki government suppressing and persecuting Sunnis political opponents. Nothing was really done until the IS\Sunnis coalition was knocking on the door.

Where is Congress?

To answer your first question, here is what Obama said:

When I took office, nearly 150,000 American troops were deployed in Iraq, and I pledged to end this war, responsibly. Today, only several thousand troops remain there, and more are coming home every day.

This is a season of homecomings, and military families across America are being reunited for the holidays. In the coming days, the last American soldiers will cross the border out of Iraq, with honor and with their heads held high. After nearly nine years, our war in Iraq ends this month.

Today, I’m proud to welcome Prime Minister Maliki -- the elected leader of a sovereign, self-reliant and democratic Iraq. We're here to mark the end of this war; to honor the sacrifices of all those who made this day possible; and to turn the page -- begin a new chapter in the history between our countries -- a normal relationship between sovereign nations, an equal partnership based on mutual interests and mutual respect.

The answer to your second question is Congress is on vacation. That includes the Republican controlled House and the Democrat controlled Senate.
No, you did not. You were a gopher at the lowest levels in the outer offices if you were even there. Your personal opinion is worthless.

The fact is that WMDs as described by the Bushies as cause for war was never discovered.

Says Jake who NEVER spent a day in any other uniform than brownie uniform.

Says Antares who is going to lose his job because his industry got greedy. :lol:

Were the WMDs as the Bushies described them found in Iraq?

Not that we know of, but they were in material breach of the cease fire and would not disclose the location of unaccounted for WMD's. That alone was enough to take them down.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.
Bush's "training" of the Iraqi security forces is solely to blame and then lying about their readiness.

Defense.gov News Article Petraeus Touts Enormous Progress Fielding Iraqi Forces

Petraeus Touts 'Enormous Progress' Fielding Iraqi Forces
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2005 – The chief of the coalition command charged with training Iraqi security forces said "enormous progress" has been made in the effort.

Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, who commands Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq, told National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" that more than 105 police and army combat battalions are "in the fight."

This breaks down to more than 93,800 members of the Iraqi police and 77,700 Iraqi service members. The total number of forces "trained and equipped" is 171,500. This time last year, only one battalion was trained and equipped well enough to assist coalition forces, Pentagon officials said. ...

Thank you for admitting that Bush is an unbelievable lying POS. :rofl::lmao:
The source for that "PROPAGANDA" info was the BUSH Department of Defense!!!!!!! That was just a sample of the LIES Bush would tell when asked about the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves.

Then there is this statement by Obama in 2011.

“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”

So the Iraqi's fucked us over...

Whose fault is that?
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.
Bush's "training" of the Iraqi security forces is solely to blame and then lying about their readiness.

Defense.gov News Article Petraeus Touts Enormous Progress Fielding Iraqi Forces

Petraeus Touts 'Enormous Progress' Fielding Iraqi Forces
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2005 – The chief of the coalition command charged with training Iraqi security forces said "enormous progress" has been made in the effort.

Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, who commands Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq, told National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" that more than 105 police and army combat battalions are "in the fight."

This breaks down to more than 93,800 members of the Iraqi police and 77,700 Iraqi service members. The total number of forces "trained and equipped" is 171,500. This time last year, only one battalion was trained and equipped well enough to assist coalition forces, Pentagon officials said. ...

Thank you for admitting that Bush is an unbelievable lying POS. :rofl::lmao:
The source for that "PROPAGANDA" info was the BUSH Department of Defense!!!!!!! That was just a sample of the LIES Bush would tell when asked about the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves.

Then there is this statement by Obama in 2011.

“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”

So the Iraqi's fucked us over...

Whose fault is that?

Since they" fucked us over" on Obama's watch, I suspect it is because they considered him a weak and ineffective leader. They can both be at fault if that snaps your garter.
Where the hell is the Iraqi Army?
All 271,500 active duty personnel and they have 528,500 in Reserve
So basically all 800,000 of the Iraqi Military are worthless even with all the US supplied equipment.
Not only is that who Obama should blame, but it who everyone in the US should blame too.
Simply because the failure of the Iraqi Army to fight is the cause of ISIS's success.
Bush's "training" of the Iraqi security forces is solely to blame and then lying about their readiness.

Defense.gov News Article Petraeus Touts Enormous Progress Fielding Iraqi Forces

Petraeus Touts 'Enormous Progress' Fielding Iraqi Forces
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2005 – The chief of the coalition command charged with training Iraqi security forces said "enormous progress" has been made in the effort.

Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, who commands Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq, told National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" that more than 105 police and army combat battalions are "in the fight."

This breaks down to more than 93,800 members of the Iraqi police and 77,700 Iraqi service members. The total number of forces "trained and equipped" is 171,500. This time last year, only one battalion was trained and equipped well enough to assist coalition forces, Pentagon officials said. ...

Thank you for admitting that Bush is an unbelievable lying POS. :rofl::lmao:
The source for that "PROPAGANDA" info was the BUSH Department of Defense!!!!!!! That was just a sample of the LIES Bush would tell when asked about the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves.

Then there is this statement by Obama in 2011.

“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”

So the Iraqi's fucked us over...

Whose fault is that?

Since they" fucked us over" on Obama's watch, I suspect it is because they considered him a weak and ineffective leader. They can both be at fault if that snaps your garter.

So the massive Iraqi Army is fleeing in the face of the invasion of a handful of ISIS fighters just to spite Obama?

Thank you for admitting that Bush is an unbelievable lying POS. :rofl::lmao:
The source for that "PROPAGANDA" info was the BUSH Department of Defense!!!!!!! That was just a sample of the LIES Bush would tell when asked about the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves.

Then there is this statement by Obama in 2011.

“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”

So the Iraqi's fucked us over...

Whose fault is that?

Since they" fucked us over" on Obama's watch, I suspect it is because they considered him a weak and ineffective leader. They can both be at fault if that snaps your garter.

So the massive Iraqi Army is fleeing in the face of the invasion of a handful of ISIS fighters just to spite Obama?


Obama already told them not to expect any 'boots on the ground' to aid them. Major fuck up on his part. Rule 101, NEVER tell the enemy what you won't do.
Thank you for admitting that Bush is an unbelievable lying POS. :rofl::lmao:
The source for that "PROPAGANDA" info was the BUSH Department of Defense!!!!!!! That was just a sample of the LIES Bush would tell when asked about the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves.

Then there is this statement by Obama in 2011.

“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”

So the Iraqi's fucked us over...

Whose fault is that?

Since they" fucked us over" on Obama's watch, I suspect it is because they considered him a weak and ineffective leader. They can both be at fault if that snaps your garter.

So the massive Iraqi Army is fleeing in the face of the invasion of a handful of ISIS fighters just to spite Obama?


Obama already told them not to expect any 'boots on the ground' to aid them. Major fuck up on his part. Rule 101, NEVER tell the enemy what you won't do.
Why is it a major fuck up? If the Iraqi Army does not want to fight for their country why should the US Military do it for them!
Where the hell is the Iraqi Army?
All 271,500 active duty personnel and they have 528,500 in Reserve
So basically all 800,000 of the Iraqi Military are worthless even with all the US supplied equipment.
Not only is that who Obama should blame, but it who everyone in the US should blame too.
Simply because the failure of the Iraqi Army to fight is the cause of ISIS's success.
Not all Americans, just the ones who voted for Obama.
The Iraqi army did okay as long as they had training and supervision by Americans. When left to their own devices they reverted to type. obama will blame Bush because it has always worked before and he can trust democrats to keep it working today.

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