Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.

You don't hold anyone to anything. You simply worked at too low a level to know anything.

I will always hold a low grade information tool like you who never rose beyond SP4 to the facts.

The facts: "Argue all you want: as described by the Bushies before the war, the WMDs were never found." Sarin in Syria was probably provided by the Russians. You can suspect that it came from Iraq, but you have no proof or credible supposition.

Anyone else notice the irony of the stupidity in this post?

"Sarin in Syria was probably provided by the Russians."
"You can suspect that it came from Iraq, but you have no proof or credible supposition."

How did you type this with a straight face Obama Boi?

Jake you aren't very intelligent.

No rebuttal, silly comment by roo.

Of course YOU can PROVE they got it from Russia?
You are speculating it came from Russia with no more proof than anyone else has who holds that it came from Iraq.

Jakey you are too stupid to see how stupid your post is, but I/we already knew that.
When did American soldiers stop being subject to Korean civil law, because in the 1980s we had guys in the prison camps working in the rice fields?
Roo continues to pretend his sides' opinions are good and those he opposes are bad. Dumb Roo.

Roo, a fact is this: none one senior Bushie has ever said that the type of WMDs that were supposedly existing in Iraq as the cause for war actually were found.

You have to prove it. You can't.
Roo continues to pretend his sides' opinions are good and those he opposes are bad. Dumb Roo.

Roo, a fact is this: none one senior Bushie has ever said that the type of WMDs that were supposedly existing in Iraq as the cause for war actually were found.

You have to prove it. You can't.

Deflection Jake,you know full well you are about to look VERY stupid.


You claim Syria got the Gas from Russia, of now you provide the documentation for that>
Roo continues to pretend his sides' opinions are good and those he opposes are bad. Dumb Roo.

Roo, a fact is this: none one senior Bushie has ever said that the type of WMDs that were supposedly existing in Iraq as the cause for war actually were found.

You have to prove it. You can't.
Roo continues to pretend his sides' opinions are good and those he opposes are bad. Dumb Roo.

Roo, a fact is this: none one senior Bushie has ever said that the type of WMDs that were supposedly existing in Iraq as the cause for war actually were found.

You have to prove it. You can't.

Deflection Jake,you know full well you are about to look VERY stupid.


You claim Syria got the Gas from Russia, of now you provide the documentation for that>

I claim I think it came from Russia, which makes more sense than it came from Iraq. You are deflecting, Roo, and every time you do, you get caught out.
Russia says the Syrians made their own. I think they got if from Russia. No one is talking about Iraqi as the source.

So no one can quote a senior Bushie saying the found the type of WMDs they claimed SH had as grounds for the war.
Roo continues to pretend his sides' opinions are good and those he opposes are bad. Dumb Roo.

Roo, a fact is this: none one senior Bushie has ever said that the type of WMDs that were supposedly existing in Iraq as the cause for war actually were found.

You have to prove it. You can't.
Roo continues to pretend his sides' opinions are good and those he opposes are bad. Dumb Roo.

Roo, a fact is this: none one senior Bushie has ever said that the type of WMDs that were supposedly existing in Iraq as the cause for war actually were found.

You have to prove it. You can't.

Deflection Jake,you know full well you are about to look VERY stupid.


You claim Syria got the Gas from Russia, of now you provide the documentation for that>

I claim I think it came from Russia, which makes more sense than it came from Iraq. You are deflecting, Roo, and every time you do, you get caught out.

Poor Jake,Iraq is as good a guess as any, seeing as how you can't "prove" your "assertion".
I am deflecting, too funny.

Holding you on the topic of YOUR assertion is me deflecting......you don't care how stupid you look do you?
Roo continues to stumble and bumble and fumble. :lol:

So there were no WMDs described by the senior Bushies in Iraq.

Thank you.
Its time to worry about ourselves. The judge is spot on here.

Lock and load and light em if you got em


Since they" fucked us over" on Obama's watch, I suspect it is because they considered him a weak and ineffective leader. They can both be at fault if that snaps your garter.
Only as long as you apply that same standard to Bush and 9/11, but you won't.
Roo continues to stumble and bumble and fumble. :lol:

So there were no WMDs described by the senior Bushies in Iraq.

Thank you.

Poor Jake:)
Is everyone in St. George as needy as you?

I know you think you are clever...but seriously....you aren't.....again I feel sorry for you.
I never said we "found" WMD's in Iraq, as described by the "Bushies" or otherwise.

I do know that I have quotes from Democrats as far back as the early 90's that he had them...but we never found them ;)

Now as to our conversation, it was/is about your Russian assertion which you've been bitch slapped on.

I know you desperately want to "get" me but you aren't capable.

Deflection will never work with me Jake....never ;)
You have nothing then.

I love St. George. Was there last in January. Wonderful place.
Its time to worry about ourselves. The judge is spot on here.

Lock and load and light em if you got em


Do many people take this woman seriously? It sounds like she wants us all to give up more of our freedoms and all become scaredy cats. Apparently she isn't aware of all the countries bombing ISIS. Her solution is to bomb, bomb, bomb as if we aren't bombing them enough. If we listen to her we let the terrorist win. She never got the memo that we are the home of the brave.
The point has become clear: the USA cannot force peace on Iraq without stationing a sizable military force in a coalition environment permanently. The American people will not stand for such an outcome.

No one wants to force peace on Iraq. But stopping the invasion of Iraq by ISIS last March would have been a "nice thing to do"
How many American troops shedding blood and lives would you consider to have been a reasonable and acceptable amount to accomplish that?
How many American troops shedding blood and lives would you consider to have been a reasonable and acceptable amount to accomplish that?
It's a dishonest question since no one said it had to be American blood. Zero is the best answer. What's your solution anyway?

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