Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.

I do not want to see our guys dying for their religious battle, period....

Let them kill themselves till somebody wins..... it's the only way to handle it....once and for all...imo.

I agree to the extent that it is time for moderate muslims to have to finally tear down their own oppressors.And I do believe there are moderate muslims who are out there and I do believe they exist in great numbers. The radicals kill more moderate muslims than any Christians or Jews on any given day after all.

But here's my greatest fear. That we now have the largest, wealthiest and best equipped terror army on the planet and if they somehow manage to unite with say Pakistani Muslims and/or the Taliban in Afghanistan they could potentially seize Pakistan's nukes. (It was Benazir Bhutto who funded the Taliban and they have been supported by many in Pakistan over all these years)

This scenario is not Alex Jones material. :) It could happen.
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ISIS started in Syria where Obozo drew his red line, remember?
Now wait just a minute there Slick, When the Right wanted to say Al Qaeda had not been decimated they were saying ISIL began as Al Qaeda In Iraq (AQI), now all of a sudden ISIL is not Iraqi.

The Right is always on both sides of every issue depending on what lie is needed for the moment.

Your argument makes no sense at all. ISIS began in Syria. Its roots are in the AQI and definitely they've had more name changes than Prince.

On any given day we could call them IS formerly known as............

But ISIS under the leadership of Baghdadi "became" in Syria.

There is no argument to be had. This is just simply a fact. Not opinion. There is no debate. There is no grey.

Just a fact.
There is no "Baghdadi." Every time one "Baghdadi" gets killed another takes on the name. ISIL/ISIS/IS began in Iraq under Bush as Al Qaeda In Iraq, Not Al Qaeda In Syria.
ISIS started in Syria where Obozo drew his red line, remember?
Now wait just a minute there Slick, When the Right wanted to say Al Qaeda had not been decimated they were saying ISIL began as Al Qaeda In Iraq (AQI), now all of a sudden ISIL is not Iraqi.

The Right is always on both sides of every issue depending on what lie is needed for the moment.

Your argument makes no sense at all. ISIS began in Syria. Its roots are in the AQI and definitely they've had more name changes than Prince.

On any given day we could call them IS formerly known as............

But ISIS under the leadership of Baghdadi "became" in Syria.

There is no argument to be had. This is just simply a fact. Not opinion. There is no debate. There is no grey.

Just a fact.
There is no "Baghdadi." Every time one "Baghdadi" gets killed another takes on the name. ISIL/ISIS/IS began in Iraq under Bush as Al Qaeda In Iraq, Not Al Qaeda In Syria.

Bush destabilized Iraq and owns everything that has happened there since.
I do not want to see our guys dying for their religious battle,, period....

Let them kill themselves till somebody wins..... it's the only way to handle it....once and for all...imo.
Nobody wants to see our guys dying. But to think this is simply amongst themselves and they don't have aspirations to bring it to us, well be prepared.
ISIL wants to sucker us into Iraq like OBL suckered Bush so they can kill another 4,000 Americans, and the GOP wants a daily body count of dead Americans to play politics with. Obama is outsmarting both ISIL and their ally the GOP!!!
ISIS started in Syria where Obozo drew his red line, remember?
Now wait just a minute there Slick, When the Right wanted to say Al Qaeda had not been decimated they were saying ISIL began as Al Qaeda In Iraq (AQI), now all of a sudden ISIL is not Iraqi.

The Right is always on both sides of every issue depending on what lie is needed for the moment.

Your argument makes no sense at all. ISIS began in Syria. Its roots are in the AQI and definitely they've had more name changes than Prince.

On any given day we could call them IS formerly known as............

But ISIS under the leadership of Baghdadi "became" in Syria.

There is no argument to be had. This is just simply a fact. Not opinion. There is no debate. There is no grey.

Just a fact.
There is no "Baghdadi." Every time one "Baghdadi" gets killed another takes on the name. ISIL/ISIS/IS began in Iraq under Bush as Al Qaeda In Iraq, Not Al Qaeda In Syria.

Bush destabilized Iraq and owns everything that has happened there since.
But, but obama bragged about ending a successful war, and y'all Obama flufflers bragged about how he ended the war successfully. Well now Obama screwed it up, all of a sudden it's Bush's fault.
ISIS started in Syria where Obozo drew his red line, remember?
Now wait just a minute there Slick, When the Right wanted to say Al Qaeda had not been decimated they were saying ISIL began as Al Qaeda In Iraq (AQI), now all of a sudden ISIL is not Iraqi.

The Right is always on both sides of every issue depending on what lie is needed for the moment.

Your argument makes no sense at all. ISIS began in Syria. Its roots are in the AQI and definitely they've had more name changes than Prince.

On any given day we could call them IS formerly known as............

But ISIS under the leadership of Baghdadi "became" in Syria.

There is no argument to be had. This is just simply a fact. Not opinion. There is no debate. There is no grey.

Just a fact.
There is no "Baghdadi." Every time one "Baghdadi" gets killed another takes on the name. ISIL/ISIS/IS began in Iraq under Bush as Al Qaeda In Iraq, Not Al Qaeda In Syria.

Bush destabilized Iraq and owns everything that has happened there since.
But, but obama bragged about ending a successful war, and y'all Obama flufflers bragged about how he ended the war successfully. Well now Obama screwed it up, all of a sudden it's Bush's fault.
He did! Bush said his goal was to establish a Democratic government in Iraq that would spread the seeds of Democracy throughout the Middle East. And Obama gave Iraq the stable Democracy Bush sacrificed American blood and treasure for. The problem is Bush's imposed Democratic rule does not work in Iraq. The democratically elected Maliki is proof of Bush's folly.

"The reason we are in Iraq is to plant the seeds of democracy so they flourish there and spread to the entire region of authoritarianism."
- George W Bush
'Blaming' the president for ISIS is as moronic as 'blaming' an oncologist when his patient, a life-long smoker, dies of lung cancer.

Iraq is GWB's failed war, he will forever be solely responsible for ISIS and what occurs in Iraq regardless the current administration.

In the simple minds of piss drinking lefty's sure, but thinking people have seen through the would be King.
This is why his "approval" ratings are so low ;)
Looks like they are going to take key town on the edge of the Turkish border as well.

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign

"For almost two months now, Tomahawk missiles and F22 Raptor jet fighters have bombarded the bases, strategic assets and front-line positions of ISIS.

But the group’s encroachment on Baghdad is steadily progressing and it is also close to seizing a key Kurdish town on the Syria-Turkey border.

In Iraq, ISIS gunmen were reported to be only 10 kilometres from some points of the capital Baghdad and were holding their ground at a front line on the major northern highway to Fallujah. In Syria, its fighters were closing in on Kobani on the Turkish border."

ISIS edging closer to Baghdad despite U.S.-led bombing campaign National Post
Any and everyone but himself.
There's no blame, because Iraq is not our responsibility. Iraq has an army of half a million. If they can't muster the courage and will to turn back 20,000 ISIS fighters,

the last thing they deserve is for American men and women to die for them.
At the very most, another American soldier dying in Iraq should be the 500,001st casualty. That's after all the Iraqi soldiers have died fighting ISIS.
'Blaming' the president for ISIS is as moronic as 'blaming' an oncologist when his patient, a life-long smoker, dies of lung cancer.

Iraq is GWB's failed war, he will forever be solely responsible for ISIS and what occurs in Iraq regardless the current administration.

Keep telling yourself that. The American people see right through that spin.
'Blaming' the president for ISIS is as moronic as 'blaming' an oncologist when his patient, a life-long smoker, dies of lung cancer.

Iraq is GWB's failed war, he will forever be solely responsible for ISIS and what occurs in Iraq regardless the current administration.

Ahahaha you are discombobulated, so blaming Obama is moronic yet then in the same post you blame Bush lol. The left is unhinged. :laugh:

They are unhinged. They know they're in a death spiral along with their lying hero.
Who Will Obama Blame If Baghdad Falls? Isis Closing In On Baghdad.
Bush's "training" of the Iraqi security forces is solely to blame and then lying about their readiness.

Defense.gov News Article Petraeus Touts Enormous Progress Fielding Iraqi Forces

Petraeus Touts 'Enormous Progress' Fielding Iraqi Forces
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2005 – The chief of the coalition command charged with training Iraqi security forces said "enormous progress" has been made in the effort.

Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, who commands Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq, told National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" that more than 105 police and army combat battalions are "in the fight."

This breaks down to more than 93,800 members of the Iraqi police and 77,700 Iraqi service members. The total number of forces "trained and equipped" is 171,500. This time last year, only one battalion was trained and equipped well enough to assist coalition forces, Pentagon officials said. ...

The problem is most on the partisan right lack the courage and honesty to blame the one person solely responsible: GWB.
Newsflash: Bush has not been president since 2009.
Obama has had 6 years to do something about Iraq, other than take credit for others' work. Instead he has golfed and attended fundraisers.
When will Democrats admit Obama is a gross failure? When?

News flash you stupid fucking rabbit. In two years Obama will be gone. There will be other Presidents.
But the Iraq War and George Bush will forever be linked together. No matter how many fucking times assholes like you want to blame Obama, Iraq is Bush's war. Forever and ever.

Own it (Iraq) be proud of it. You were so glad when Bush invaded. Remember that good feeling you had when you found out Bush was gonna invade Iraq and show the world what a bad ass he was? Get that good feeling back.
Obama is gonna do something almost as stupid. But he still won't "own" the war in Iraq like Bush does.

I was there near the end. We handed over a relatively stable Iraq, idiot. You own Obama's screw up. Or not. Nobody believes your shit. Now that he's thrown the intel comm under the bus....expect people to come out of the fucking woodwork to expose all you pathetic liberal liars.

Karma's a bitch.

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