Who Will Replace McCarthy as Speaker?

If Trump goes to prison it will just make him stronger. I think they are starting to figure that out.
Yea but you guys know by the time he gets out he will be too old to serve. He's 77. Biden is 80. If you think Biden is too old then you must agree Trump will be too old in 2028.
Two impeachments and found guilty of massive fraud...and that's just the beginning of what's coming down for Trump!

So, yeah, we got him...finally!
When’s the last time Republicans had any dirt on Democrats? I mean good dirt. Monica? Pathetic. Carter was squeaky clean. Obama dindu nuthin wrong. Of course they accused the Clinton’s of peddling influence through their Foundation but never found any evidence. Then Trump’s Foundation was closed.

Trump has several federal cases against him. Real crimes have been broken. Enough to charge him 4 times. Hundreds of counts. Yea, I'd say we got him.

Have Democrats ever done anything close to the 4 things Trump’s on trial for? This doesn’t even count his civil cases. Rape, over inflating the value of his properties. Tax evasion. University a fraud. These can’t all be witch hunts.

We know what witch hunts look like. Hillary using private emails, which they all do including Trump. Ben Ghazi and fast and furious? Nothing burgers. Certainly not crimes that Obama would be charged with after he left office.

Trump didn’t think he’d ever be charged because he’s a former president. But Trump is like a real life Lex Luthor. Or he’s like Capone. 1000 reasons he should go to jail but ultimately we may just get him because he lied to the FBI about classified documents. Or he misused campaign funds to pay off a porn star. Or that call to Georgia. Or that he started the insurrection.

Think about the pathetic witch hunts Republicans have led against Democrats compared to all the crimes Trump has committed.

It’s funny watching House Republicans look so foolish with their impeachment hearings. All to make Trump supporters happy. All because 9 Trump republicans in the House will shut down the government and unseat McCarthy if he doesn’t go along with their foolishness.
The truth hurts you, doesn't it?

I love it that Trump's most recent trouble is going to hit him where he cares the most. In the pocketbook. And can't pardon himself on this one. It's a state/civil suit.

A state judge Tuesday found Donald Trump and his company liable for fraud for inflating his net worth in order to deceive banks and insurers, resolving one of the key claims in a civil fraud lawsuit brought by the New York state attorney general just days before a trial is set to start.

He didn't even show up to his other cases. This one he showed up for.

The thing that bothers Trump the most is when someone questions how much money he really has.

We've all known he over inflated his net worth. The judge who found him guilty just confirmed what we already knew.
Yea but you guys know by the time he gets out he will be too old to serve. He's 77. Biden is 80. If you think Biden is too old then you must agree Trump will be too old in 2028.
He doesn't have to get out. First he's never going in and second if he did he'd just pardon himself and walk out free and in the clear.
44% think Biden should be impeached. Trust me, Trump's troubles aren't helping him with independents and undecideds. Women are going to show up for abortion. Don't forget that.

Women showed up to repeal faggot marriage in California, too; they had to find a faggot Judge to overturn the will of the voters in California, effectively disenfranchising them same as you commies want to eliminate any political opposition to your banana republic paradise.
Women showed up to repeal faggot marriage in California, too; they had to find a faggot Judge to overturn the will of the voters in California, effectively disenfranchising them same as you commies want to eliminate any political opposition to your banana republic paradise.
You wish faggot marriage was a hot topic this year. Trannies in bathrooms. Now it's trannies competing in women's sports.
You wish faggot marriage was a hot topic this year. Trannies in bathrooms. Now it's trannies competing in women's sports.

It still is, especially when new stories of faggots adopting children and then molesting them come out nearly every few months. You wish the attention would go away but it never will.
McCarthy will do some horse trading with the Democrats, and retain the speakership .

Trump is obviously going to prison.

The KOAS caucus will be marginalized, then eliminated in the next election.

R.I.P. MAGA!!!
One of the little maggots who voted McCarthy out? McCarthy raised $100,000 in funds for his last campaign that got him in. what a treacherous thing to do to someone who helped you. :(
WASHINGTON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Top U.S. House Republican Kevin McCarthy said on Sunday he expected to survive a threat to his speakership after a hardline critic within his party called for his ouster following the passage of a stopgap government funding bill that drew more support from Democrats than Republicans.

Hardline Republican Representative Matt Gaetz told multiple U.S. media outlets he would file a "motion to vacate," a call for a vote to remove McCarthy as speaker, testing McCarthy's support in the House of Representatives, which his party controls by a narrow 221-212 margin.

Assuming that the Dems don't adopt him, that is.

Gaetz plans to move quickly to oust him.

Gaetz is one of a group of about two dozen hardliners who forced McCarthy to endure a withering 15 rounds of voting in January before he was elected speaker, during which they squeezed out concessions, including a rule change to allow any one House member to call for a vote to oust the speaker.

It was not clear how much support McCarthy would have in such a vote, or whether any Democrats would back him. McCarthy angered Democrats last month by launching an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

"If at this time next week Kevin McCarthy is still speaker of the House, it will be because Democrats bailed him out," Gaetz said in an interview on ABC. "I am relentless and I will continue to pursue this objective."

McCarthy stunned Washington on Saturday when he backed a bill to fund the government through Nov. 17, averting a partial shutdown but not imposing any of the spending cuts or changes to border security that his hardline colleagues had called for.

That part in red may be the nail in McCarthy's coffin as far as being speaker. So, who will it be?

Obviously, there is no need to select the next speaker before voting to vacate the chair. I say "obviously," but apparent some who are old enough to know better think that is a requirement. Once KM is gone, that fight will start. I see three ways to go, with shades in between:

1) The RINO's put up one of their own and the Freedom Caucus fights them, this time being very leery to accept promises.

2) The Freedom Caucus puts up one of their own and the RINO opposition keeps them from going anywhere.

3) The non-RINO's/non-Freedom Republicans put up one and both of the ends of the spectrum negotiate for their votes.

Who are the NR/NF's? I would say those among the 90 Republicans who voted no on the CR, but are not members of the FC. That is 45 NR/NF's.

It will be an interesting week, and I don't think that we will have a new Speaker anytime soon. I don't know what the procedure is when there is no Speaker in a situation like that. The articles I can find warn of dire consequences, and a House that cannot function. But that was when the issue was no Speaker in January following the 2022 turnover of the House.

The most senior member of the House is a Republican named Hal Rogers, known as the "Dean of the House." As the House operates on seniority for so much of its business, maybe he would be followed if he stepped up as acting Speaker.
People the one ring theater of the bizarre fuckups has began.

Watch them cage and torture each other.

Eat their own.

Blame the media while shitting themselves.
Ya have to wonder which bar mat gaetz will be perving at tonight.
WASHINGTON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Top U.S. House Republican Kevin McCarthy said on Sunday he expected to survive a threat to his speakership after a hardline critic within his party called for his ouster following the passage of a stopgap government funding bill that drew more support from Democrats than Republicans.

Hardline Republican Representative Matt Gaetz told multiple U.S. media outlets he would file a "motion to vacate," a call for a vote to remove McCarthy as speaker, testing McCarthy's support in the House of Representatives, which his party controls by a narrow 221-212 margin.

Assuming that the Dems don't adopt him, that is.

Gaetz plans to move quickly to oust him.

Gaetz is one of a group of about two dozen hardliners who forced McCarthy to endure a withering 15 rounds of voting in January before he was elected speaker, during which they squeezed out concessions, including a rule change to allow any one House member to call for a vote to oust the speaker.

It was not clear how much support McCarthy would have in such a vote, or whether any Democrats would back him. McCarthy angered Democrats last month by launching an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

"If at this time next week Kevin McCarthy is still speaker of the House, it will be because Democrats bailed him out," Gaetz said in an interview on ABC. "I am relentless and I will continue to pursue this objective."

McCarthy stunned Washington on Saturday when he backed a bill to fund the government through Nov. 17, averting a partial shutdown but not imposing any of the spending cuts or changes to border security that his hardline colleagues had called for.

That part in red may be the nail in McCarthy's coffin as far as being speaker. So, who will it be?

Obviously, there is no need to select the next speaker before voting to vacate the chair. I say "obviously," but apparent some who are old enough to know better think that is a requirement. Once KM is gone, that fight will start. I see three ways to go, with shades in between:

1) The RINO's put up one of their own and the Freedom Caucus fights them, this time being very leery to accept promises.

2) The Freedom Caucus puts up one of their own and the RINO opposition keeps them from going anywhere.

3) The non-RINO's/non-Freedom Republicans put up one and both of the ends of the spectrum negotiate for their votes.

Who are the NR/NF's? I would say those among the 90 Republicans who voted no on the CR, but are not members of the FC. That is 45 NR/NF's.

It will be an interesting week, and I don't think that we will have a new Speaker anytime soon. I don't know what the procedure is when there is no Speaker in a situation like that. The articles I can find warn of dire consequences, and a House that cannot function. But that was when the issue was no Speaker in January following the 2022 turnover of the House.

The most senior member of the House is a Republican named Hal Rogers, known as the "Dean of the House." As the House operates on seniority for so much of its business, maybe he would be followed if he stepped up as acting Speaker.
Fine. I ll do it
WASHINGTON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Top U.S. House Republican Kevin McCarthy said on Sunday he expected to survive a threat to his speakership after a hardline critic within his party called for his ouster following the passage of a stopgap government funding bill that drew more support from Democrats than Republicans.

Hardline Republican Representative Matt Gaetz told multiple U.S. media outlets he would file a "motion to vacate," a call for a vote to remove McCarthy as speaker, testing McCarthy's support in the House of Representatives, which his party controls by a narrow 221-212 margin.

Assuming that the Dems don't adopt him, that is.

Gaetz plans to move quickly to oust him.

Gaetz is one of a group of about two dozen hardliners who forced McCarthy to endure a withering 15 rounds of voting in January before he was elected speaker, during which they squeezed out concessions, including a rule change to allow any one House member to call for a vote to oust the speaker.

It was not clear how much support McCarthy would have in such a vote, or whether any Democrats would back him. McCarthy angered Democrats last month by launching an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

"If at this time next week Kevin McCarthy is still speaker of the House, it will be because Democrats bailed him out," Gaetz said in an interview on ABC. "I am relentless and I will continue to pursue this objective."

McCarthy stunned Washington on Saturday when he backed a bill to fund the government through Nov. 17, averting a partial shutdown but not imposing any of the spending cuts or changes to border security that his hardline colleagues had called for.

That part in red may be the nail in McCarthy's coffin as far as being speaker. So, who will it be?

Obviously, there is no need to select the next speaker before voting to vacate the chair. I say "obviously," but apparent some who are old enough to know better think that is a requirement. Once KM is gone, that fight will start. I see three ways to go, with shades in between:

1) The RINO's put up one of their own and the Freedom Caucus fights them, this time being very leery to accept promises.

2) The Freedom Caucus puts up one of their own and the RINO opposition keeps them from going anywhere.

3) The non-RINO's/non-Freedom Republicans put up one and both of the ends of the spectrum negotiate for their votes.

Who are the NR/NF's? I would say those among the 90 Republicans who voted no on the CR, but are not members of the FC. That is 45 NR/NF's.

It will be an interesting week, and I don't think that we will have a new Speaker anytime soon. I don't know what the procedure is when there is no Speaker in a situation like that. The articles I can find warn of dire consequences, and a House that cannot function. But that was when the issue was no Speaker in January following the 2022 turnover of the House.

The most senior member of the House is a Republican named Hal Rogers, known as the "Dean of the House." As the House operates on seniority for so much of its business, maybe he would be followed if he stepped up as acting Speaker.
Maybe it's just me, but I would make the former Brazilian President Speaker since citizenship and residence seems not to matter with Dems making up their own set of rules. Let him do an operation car wash on our corrupt gov't and upon the clean up where almost a quarter of the senate is jailed lead impeachment charges on both Biden and Kamala (who has her own impeachable offenses) then as the speaker becomes President he reinstates Trump.
To pull this off you need millions of straight jackets, because you know the snowflakes would go full throttle loon on such a notion, that's what would make it fun. Ironically justified, but Fascist never like when you out smart them using their own games.
It looks like the GOP clown show has 45 days to get their act together or they'll be a government shutdown.

That's when the shit show will really start!

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