CDZ Who will stand with me?

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The kid acted like an ass.

Kids do that.

Not sure why there are 70 threads on this topic.

The 'kid' actually acted like an adult by not reacting to a toothless moron beating a drum in his face. I'd a punched out the drunk injun.
There was intimidation and provocation

Why do you keep lying? What is your motivation?

You said there was an attack.
Now you say there wasn’t.
Why do you keep lying?
Is your red hat on too tight sonny?
I said there was intimidation and provocation

Learn to read.

This is what you wrote:

"The Elder who lied about being a Vietnam Vet and then attacked a CHILD?”

Seems like you’re the one who can’t read.
Why do you support the criminal's behavior?

Why do you keep lying by blaming his target?

The kid acted like an ass.
Did you not understand that the first 11 time you were told?

No he didn't. An old lying drunk Indian got in his face and he handled it as well as could be expected.

It's interesting you keep defending an old drunk who lied about his service and was AWOL. Why is that?

Bottom line, a good many people would have clocked the old geezer
There was no attack.
There was intimidation and provocation

Why do you keep lying? What is your motivation?

You said there was an attack.
Now you say there wasn’t.
Why do you keep lying?
Is your red hat on too tight sonny?

Riddle me this: how would you feel if someone in a MAGA hat got in your face with a trumpet and blew it within a few inches of your ear over and over again after you had been called a Ho, Tramp, Slut, whatever by another group for over an hour? Not all assaults are purely physical.

So there wasn’t an attack or there was an attack? Perhaps I’ll buy you a mirror so you can debate yourself.

Ah, so you don't believe there are things such as verbal attacks and emotional abuse.

Got it. The victims of such attacks would disagree with your POV.

I have seen and heard much coverage of the incident this last weekend on the National Mall. I have heard an account, from a trusted source, of the entirety of the available video footage.

I stand with the Covington High School kids. Who will stand with me?

Of course if the old man had been the one who was a Trump supporter, this whole thing would be flipped the other way around.
Yet it is the Trump guys who run over people in their car, mail bombs to people… LOL
I am not a Trump guy, that has nothing to do with the subject matter and it provides you no excuse for your complete dishonesty on the subject
Dude, haters gotta hate. And candycane hates the President with a passion.

We didn’t have people in red hats mailing bombs to people before Trump got there. He seems to program others to hate with a passion.
you still don't. But we do have liberal children advocating for the removal of a natural right.

Remember him?


What was it you clowns were saying about being mean to children? Yeah....

Not sure what your point is…
But to reset.
The kids with the red hats acted like an ass
Kids do that.
We really need 80 threads on this?
The point would be your hypocrisy. Not only where you clowns claiming that Hogg was being abused and attacked, you are now accusing high school children who haven't done anything wrong.

For your information, they did NOT act like asses, the racist blacks and the shitting bull Indian were acting like asses. Hogg, he acted and continues to act like an ass. However, the right is not calling for his death.
This is what you wrote:

"The Elder who lied about being a Vietnam Vet and then attacked a CHILD?”

Seems like you’re the one who can’t read.

You just can't stop with your lying, can you?

Somebody else wrote that.
This is what you wrote:

"The Elder who lied about being a Vietnam Vet and then attacked a CHILD?”

Seems like you’re the one who can’t read.

You just can't stop with your lying, can you?

Somebody else wrote that.

You're right.
I apologize.
You said there was an attack.
Now you say there wasn’t.
Why do you keep lying?
Is your red hat on too tight sonny?
I said there was intimidation and provocation

Learn to read.

This is what you wrote:

"The Elder who lied about being a Vietnam Vet and then attacked a CHILD?”

Seems like you’re the one who can’t read.
Why do you support the criminal's behavior?

Why do you keep lying by blaming his target?

The kid acted like an ass.
Did you not understand that the first 11 time you were told?

why can't you tell the truth?

You are lying continually in this thread.

The kid acted as like an ass. This is the 12th time I've stated my opinion.
If you don't like it...that is your problem.
I am not a Trump guy, that has nothing to do with the subject matter and it provides you no excuse for your complete dishonesty on the subject
Dude, haters gotta hate. And candycane hates the President with a passion.

We didn’t have people in red hats mailing bombs to people before Trump got there. He seems to program others to hate with a passion.
you still don't. But we do have liberal children advocating for the removal of a natural right.

Remember him?


What was it you clowns were saying about being mean to children? Yeah....

Not sure what your point is…
But to reset.
The kids with the red hats acted like an ass
Kids do that.
We really need 80 threads on this?
The point would be your hypocrisy. Not only where you clowns claiming that Hogg was being abused and attacked, you are now accusing high school children who haven't done anything wrong.
I did?

For your information, they did NOT act like asses, the racist blacks and the shitting bull Indian were acting like asses. Hogg, he acted and continues to act like an ass. However, the right is not calling for his death.

The red hat boys acted like asses.
Kids do that.
Is what happened really this newsworthy?
Dude, haters gotta hate. And candycane hates the President with a passion.

We didn’t have people in red hats mailing bombs to people before Trump got there. He seems to program others to hate with a passion.
you still don't. But we do have liberal children advocating for the removal of a natural right.

Remember him?


What was it you clowns were saying about being mean to children? Yeah....

Not sure what your point is…
But to reset.
The kids with the red hats acted like an ass
Kids do that.
We really need 80 threads on this?
The point would be your hypocrisy. Not only where you clowns claiming that Hogg was being abused and attacked, you are now accusing high school children who haven't done anything wrong.
I did?

For your information, they did NOT act like asses, the racist blacks and the shitting bull Indian were acting like asses. Hogg, he acted and continues to act like an ass. However, the right is not calling for his death.

The red hat boys acted like asses.
Kids do that.
Is what happened really this newsworthy?
They did not. They were actually the only mature ones in the entire debacle.

Now, why don't you say that the moron Indian and the black racists throwing taunts were acting like asses?
you still don't. But we do have liberal children advocating for the removal of a natural right.

Remember him?


What was it you clowns were saying about being mean to children? Yeah....

Not sure what your point is…
But to reset.
The kids with the red hats acted like an assha
Kids do that.
We really need 80 threads on this?
The point would be your hypocrisy. Not only where you clowns claiming that Hogg was being abused and attacked, you are now accusing high school children who haven't done anything wrong.
I did?

For your information, they did NOT act like asses, the racist blacks and the shitting bull Indian were acting like asses. Hogg, he acted and continues to act like an ass. However, the right is not calling for his death.

The red hat boys acted like asses.
Kids do that.
Is what happened really this newsworthy?
They did not. They were actually the only mature ones in the entire debacle.

Now, why don't you say that the moron Indian and the black racists throwing taunts were acting like asses?

Yet again...

The red hat boys acted like asses.
Kids do that.
Is what happened really this newsworthy?
Yet again they did not.

Those yelling at the kids were being asses though. I'm sure you realize that, or why else are you trying so hard to keep from acknowledging it.
I said there was intimidation and provocation

Learn to read.

This is what you wrote:

"The Elder who lied about being a Vietnam Vet and then attacked a CHILD?”

Seems like you’re the one who can’t read.
Why do you support the criminal's behavior?

Why do you keep lying by blaming his target?

The kid acted like an ass.
Did you not understand that the first 11 time you were told?

why can't you tell the truth?

You are lying continually in this thread.

The kid acted as like an ass. This is the 12th time I've stated my opinion.
If you don't like it...that is your problem.

The kid did not act like an ass...That's my opinion. The drunk injun acted like an ass.
This is what you wrote:

"The Elder who lied about being a Vietnam Vet and then attacked a CHILD?”

Seems like you’re the one who can’t read.
Why do you support the criminal's behavior?

Why do you keep lying by blaming his target?

The kid acted like an ass.
Did you not understand that the first 11 time you were told?

why can't you tell the truth?

You are lying continually in this thread.

The kid acted as like an ass. This is the 12th time I've stated my opinion.
If you don't like it...that is your problem.

The kid did not act like an ass...That's my opinion. The drunk injun acted like an ass.

What we see is both sides using kids to press their respective agendas

Those kids should have been in school on a school day but hey class trip to Washington to join a protest

Sounds like fun and no school

They get to jump up and down and sing school spirits songs

Across the street are people protesting something they believe in

Recipe for disaster

I don't believe so they were just kids but annoying kids

Unfortunately we live in the age of social media

The right see them as angels

Yet when kids went to Washington to press gun control

The left was using them to push gun control

The right was laughing at them

Rick Santorum suggested students protesting for gun control legislation would be better served by taking CPR classes

Well Rick do ya believe that these kids also should have been taking CPR classes instead of being in Washington for a protest march
This is just another example of how truly disgusting the right has become.

They have lost all morals and values and can't distinguish right from wrong anymore.

The right is morally bankrupt.
This is just another example of how truly disgusting the right has become.

They have lost all morals and values and can't distinguish right from wrong anymore.

The right is morally bankrupt.

So, you find it disgusting that a kid would stand silently and respectfully as he was being accosted by an old, native American, lying sack of shit beating a drum in the kid's face? The kid stood silent as a bunch of black terrorists threatened him and his friends? Why? Because they were wearing hats? I just wonder about some of you people.
Whats truly pathetic is how everyone is focusing on the Native American and his drum and the kids and there MAGA hats while ignoring the Black Israelites the one's who were shouting the most vile and disgusting things at the kids and were the one's who set this whole chain of events in motion.
Whats truly pathetic is how everyone is focusing on the Native American and his drum and the kids and there MAGA hats while ignoring the Black Israelites the one's who were shouting the most vile and disgusting things at the kids and were the one's who set this whole chain of events in motion.

I think the old drum banger was and is clueless. Like the energizer bunny banging his drum and running around in random circles. He might need a medical assessment. As for the black moron Israelites, they are one of the most disgusting groups around shouting vile epithets at those kids. Frankly those kids looked like honest to goodness good American kids. Shame on the MSM for portraying them as the perps. The stupid fucking ****-reporter that interviewed the kid had the absolute temerity to suggest that standing still was aggressive. The injun was coming toward the kid beating his goddamn fucking drum!!!
The kid acted like an ass.

Kids do that.

Not sure why there are 70 threads on this topic.
t.they acted like young adults the indain lied about himself and the black hebrews encouraged hate and the liberal media who saw the entire tape lied and flamed the fire
Indeed. S.G. Cheah has an excellent piece in Medium this week on how it is impossible to have a civil, rational discussion with people who FEEL instead of think critically.
Civility on the Decline — A Crisis in Free Speech and Violence


Well, it has become perfectly clear to me. Stick to your own kind, don't bother with the enemies. It makes no sense to talk with enemies: they'll just try to vilify you and change you!

Let's all talk with the good people on our own side and leave the enemy alone. As Pelosi said --- "In unity is our Power."

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