Who Will Trump Blame? He's admitting the GOP is losing the House

So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally

We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Trump doesn't admit defeat unless he knows it's happening.
I can't believe after 3 years you haven't figured this fuckhead out.
But then....you are a believer. Not a thinker.
He won't have to admit defeat. YOU will have to admit you are worthless.

Your party is going to be mortally wounded after this election, and in 2020 Trump and many of his supporters will do everything we can to make sure your party bleeds to death before the 2022 election season even starts.

"Bleeds to death"?

You MIGHT want to tone down the violent rhetoric given the recent events
My guess is that he means "bleeds to death" over time as in every bit of their political clout they have will be gone before the election in 2020 arrives.
So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally

We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Trump doesn't admit defeat unless he knows it's happening.
I can't believe after 3 years you haven't figured this fuckhead out.
But then....you are a believer. Not a thinker.
He won't have to admit defeat. YOU will have to admit you are worthless.

Your party is going to be mortally wounded after this election, and in 2020 Trump and many of his supporters will do everything we can to make sure your party bleeds to death before the 2022 election season even starts.

"Bleeds to death"?

You MIGHT want to tone down the violent rhetoric given the recent events
My guess is that he means "bleeds to death" over time as in every bit of their political clout they have will be gone before the election in 2020 arrives.
No, they will still be standing after the 2018, but the 2020 election will finish them.
So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally


I expect we will.

So what ?

It won't last long.

And we will strengthen the senate.

I look forward to blaming the democrats for the next two years as Washington stalls out.

Can't think of a better outcome.
As Washington stalls out?

It been moribund for two friggin years

Niel Gorsuch

Brett Kavenaugh
We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Trump doesn't admit defeat unless he knows it's happening.
I can't believe after 3 years you haven't figured this fuckhead out.
But then....you are a believer. Not a thinker.
He won't have to admit defeat. YOU will have to admit you are worthless.

Your party is going to be mortally wounded after this election, and in 2020 Trump and many of his supporters will do everything we can to make sure your party bleeds to death before the 2022 election season even starts.

"Bleeds to death"?

You MIGHT want to tone down the violent rhetoric given the recent events
My guess is that he means "bleeds to death" over time as in every bit of their political clout they have will be gone before the election in 2020 arrives.
No, they will still be standing after the 2018, but the 2020 election will finish them.
If they keep on the same path you are right. You would think that they would learn by their mistakes, but their country club elitist attitude and money has clouded their common sense (if they have any left) badly.
Trump doesn't admit defeat unless he knows it's happening.
I can't believe after 3 years you haven't figured this fuckhead out.
But then....you are a believer. Not a thinker.
He won't have to admit defeat. YOU will have to admit you are worthless.

Your party is going to be mortally wounded after this election, and in 2020 Trump and many of his supporters will do everything we can to make sure your party bleeds to death before the 2022 election season even starts.

"Bleeds to death"?

You MIGHT want to tone down the violent rhetoric given the recent events
My guess is that he means "bleeds to death" over time as in every bit of their political clout they have will be gone before the election in 2020 arrives.
No, they will still be standing after the 2018, but the 2020 election will finish them.
If they keep on the same path you are right. You would think that they would learn by their mistakes, but their country club elitist attitude and money has clouded their common sense (if they have any left) badly.
They will double down until they no longer have the ability to double down. If they don't they will lose the non-white racists and their white self hating bitches, which means they lose California and New York.

They will stand on their media and academia hill throwing bombs until we come up there and take it from them.
Trump just lowered expectations, knowing that the average seat loss in mid-terms is 60-70 seats. If the blue wave is a little ripple and the dems barely win the House, that is a victory by beating expectations. That said, the dems need 23 seats to win the House, plus the blue seats that the GOP flips.
From the attached link, the dems are ahead only 13 seats, with 36 "tossups". Assuming the tossups go 18-18, the dems still pickup 13 flips, so the total number of seats the dems can be expected to pick up is 13+13=26 seats needing 23 to win the House.
RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

A 4 seat majority is "expected" just from the law of averages. So we'll see which party does better or worse. Point being that if the GOP wins just 4 more seats (9 flips for the dems instead of 13) then the GOP keep control of the House, with the dems getting 13+9=22 seat gain.

It's not just Trump. Steve Scalise was rushed to do a rally for Goodlatte's open seat in Virginia. That is considered a likely Republican seat. Paul Ryan's PAC put in $300,000 in a last minute ad buy for Fred Upton in Michigan which is considered a likely Republican seat. They must be seeing something that has panicked them to do this.
So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally


Who Will Trump Blame? He's admitting the GOP is losing the House
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fucking LIE.

"Can", "could", could they equivocate any more???????????????

I guess you'll grasp at any wisp of hope you can find.

So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally

We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Yea yea, you keep that faith brotha.

So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally

We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Yea yea, you keep that faith brotha.

You are getting the shit kicked out of you across the board, moron, and early voting is almost over.

It is not going to get better on Tuesday when the majority of voters will be Republican.

Some of the races are literally coming close to being over based on registered voters and early voting, and the Republicans are winning those races.

I almost feel sorry for you assholes and I literally hate you.
So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally

We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Yea yea, you keep that faith brotha.

You are getting the shit kicked out of you across the board, moron, and early voting is almost over.

Lol now you are just halucinating.

Early voting predict who wins. This is good news for Democrats.
So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally

We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Yea yea, you keep that faith brotha.

You are getting the shit kicked out of you across the board, moron, and early voting is almost over.

Lol now you are just halucinating.

Early voting predict who wins. This is good news for Democrats.

That is a 2016 article, idiot.

Republicans kept the polls close enough to win the elections they needed to and even made up substantial ground in some states. Democrats ALWAYS have the advantage in early voting because Democrats don't care about voting on election day.

This year you are LOSING 2% NATIONALLY despite having a lead in fucking California. You are fucked even more than 2010 according to early voting, and the loyal Republicans haven't even come to bat yet.
So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally

We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Yea yea, you keep that faith brotha.

You are getting the shit kicked out of you across the board, moron, and early voting is almost over.

Lol now you are just halucinating.

Early voting predict who wins. This is good news for Democrats.

That is a 2016 article, idiot.

...So in 2016 early voting predicting was wrong but this time it will be right?

Quit smoking the ganja, nothing about early voting right now points to Democrats not being able to retake the house.
We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Yea yea, you keep that faith brotha.

You are getting the shit kicked out of you across the board, moron, and early voting is almost over.

Lol now you are just halucinating.

Early voting predict who wins. This is good news for Democrats.

That is a 2016 article, idiot.

...So in 2016 it was wrong but this time it will be right?

Quit smoking the ganja, nothing about early voting right now points to Democrats not being able to retake the house.
It most certainly points that way. In fact it points towards Republicans gaining in the House.

If there were a blue wave Democrats would be winning in Pennsylvania and Colorado substantially right now, but you are losing in both when early voting is just about to close.

Nobody wants Nancy Pelosi to be speaker again, nor do they want Democrats to have the power to impeach Trump or Kavanaugh, or any of that nonsense.

Again, the GOP hasn't lead in early voting since forever. It means a whole hell of a lot when the GOP can lead early voting nationally all the way up to election day.

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