Who Will Trump Blame? He's admitting the GOP is losing the House

The key is the Dems picking up Governorships and seats at the state level

With a census in 2020 and redrawing of voting districts, Dems can turn back GOP Gerrymandering.
This election is a referendum about Trump

and if the GOP holds the house, what does that say about Trump? Aint over yet, winger. If Pelosi and Waters take over the house: they will try to raise YOUR taxes, there will be more violence in the streets, more caravans of illegals will line up at our borders. Ready for that shit, fool?
The key is the Dems picking up Governorships and seats at the state level

With a census in 2020 and redrawing of voting districts, Dems can turn back GOP Gerrymandering.

yeah sure, like there has never been democrat gerrymandering. Have you ever looked at the precinct lines in Philly, or NY, or Chicago, or Atlanta?

stop the pious bullshit and get real for just a day or two.
To the OP, if the dems take the house, Trump wont blame anyone, its a normal occurrence at midterms for the presidential party to lose seats, NOW, if the repubs hold the house, it will be because of Trump's popularity and his successes on the economy.

OMG the ass kicking is brutal! :rolleyes:

Republicans see hope in early-vote totals from key battlegrounds
Far better than 2016 when we were losing in ALL of those states....

Ah yes, the heads I win, tails you lose strategy.

When 2016 early vote didn't pan out for Democrats thats evidence that today it will pan out for Republicans because they aren't losing as bad. :rolleyes:

Good luck with that.
Again, name a time when Republicans were even ahead in early voting. It has barely ever happened.

Yep, amazing red wave incoming.


Let me ask you - who are independents voting for?

You don't even know who "registered Republicans" are acually voting for. Just a % or two peeling off to vote for a Democrat would be enough to make all this tea leaf reading worthless.

Independents are voting their pocket book, it's the economy stupid!

Cool story bro, based on nothing but your musings.
Um democrats originally thought they were going to take both the house and senate with a blue wavy...now the only thing anyone is predicting is a small win for democrats in the house. So I think the better question is who are democrats going to blame?

Just keep in mind democrats set high expectations of a big win in November, so a small democrat win is still a small win for TRUMP.

If democrats can't produce a small win in November it's all over in 2020.
Um democrats originally thought they were going to take both the house and senate with a blue wavy...now the only thing anyone is predicting is a small win for democrats in the house. So I think the better question is who are democrats going to blame?

Just keep in mind democrats set high expectations of a big win in November, so a small democrat win is still a small win for TRUMP.

If democrats can't produce a small win in November it's all over in 2020.

There was a report on Rush yesterday that the line of cars waiting for parking at the Trump rally was 3 miles long....

This is not your typical midterm election....
So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally

We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Trump doesn't admit defeat unless he knows it's happening.
I can't believe after 3 years you haven't figured this fuckhead out.
But then....you are a believer. Not a thinker.

Trump can not be defeated. You leftards already tried from the 2016 election and all through the last two years.

Whether the Democrats gain a majority in one part of Congress is irrelevant, because Trump will keep moving forward. Even though the GOP held both houses for the last two years, they haven't done a damned thing: Trump did everything on his own, without their help.He actually accomplished everything with part of his own party fighting him at every step.

So let this sink in to your tiny brain: There's really nothing you idiots can do to stop him, short of having complete control of Congress.


Trump may be even wanting the house to turn. They'll be obstructing for two years and he'll be able to hang that around their neck.
So, who will he blame?
He never takes responsibility when things go wrong.
Reasonable responses only, please.

Trump admits Republicans can lose the House - CNN Video
Trump admits Republicans could lose the House during rally

We are going to keep the House.

You are going to be very upset at the end of Tuesday night.

Trump doesn't admit defeat unless he knows it's happening.
I can't believe after 3 years you haven't figured this fuckhead out.
But then....you are a believer. Not a thinker.

Trump can not be defeated. You leftards already tried from the 2016 election and all through the last two years.

Whether the Democrats gain a majority in one part of Congress is irrelevant, because Trump will keep moving forward. Even though the GOP held both houses for the last two years, they haven't done a damned thing: Trump did everything on his own, without their help.He actually accomplished everything with part of his own party fighting him at every step.

So let this sink in to your tiny brain: There's really nothing you idiots can do to stop him, short of having complete control of Congress.


Trump may be even wanting the house to turn. They'll be obstructing for two years and he'll be able to hang that around their neck.
Trump wins no matter what the House race outcome is.
How long will it be before people are sick to death watching Waters scream on CNN everyday?
These LIB assholes in Washington are going to pull another BK debacle if they win the House.
Look how well that worked for them.
Circular firing squad indeed.
Far better than 2016 when we were losing in ALL of those states....

Ah yes, the heads I win, tails you lose strategy.

When 2016 early vote didn't pan out for Democrats thats evidence that today it will pan out for Republicans because they aren't losing as bad. :rolleyes:

Good luck with that.
Again, name a time when Republicans were even ahead in early voting. It has barely ever happened.

Yep, amazing red wave incoming.


Let me ask you - who are independents voting for?

You don't even know who "registered Republicans" are acually voting for. Just a % or two peeling off to vote for a Democrat would be enough to make all this tea leaf reading worthless.

Independents are voting their pocket book, it's the economy stupid!

Cool story bro, based on nothing but your musings.

Well, ya little commie, ignore history at you own peril, LMAO.

This election is a referendum about Trump

and if the GOP holds the house, what does that say about Trump? Aint over yet, winger. If Pelosi and Waters take over the house: they will try to raise YOUR taxes, there will be more violence in the streets, more caravans of illegals will line up at our borders. Ready for that shit, fool?

Both Fox News and CNN are calling the House for the Dems.

It's over, Trumpbot. Your Messiah lost you the House.
Um democrats originally thought they were going to take both the house and senate with a blue wavy...now the only thing anyone is predicting is a small win for democrats in the house. So I think the better question is who are democrats going to blame?

Just keep in mind democrats set high expectations of a big win in November, so a small democrat win is still a small win for TRUMP.

If democrats can't produce a small win in November it's all over in 2020.

Prove it with links to NUMEROUS AND RESPECTED Democrats who claimed they WERE for certain going to win both. I think you made that up.

The most optimistic I heard was they will probably take the House - which they did - and might take the Senate, which they didn't.

Besides, the REAL story is Trump lost the House despite a sub-4% unemployment rate. That is pathetic.
If he can't keep the House with a 'booming' economy...he is doomed in 2020.
Well, we know Trump won't blame himself.

Even though he is the number one reason.

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