Who Will Win the Super Bowl?

Who Will Win the Super Bowl?

  • Rams

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • Bengals

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Halftime Wardrobe Malfunction

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
Fear. Playing it safe. The same issues that sunk the Patriots during their "perfect" Superbowl.
Line em up five wide and cut them apart. Neither team was willing to commit to this.

I'm sorry. Those penalties were bullshit. What an abject disappointment.

They refs were bored and hadn't gotten much air time on TV! It had to come sooner or later! :rolleyes: :oops::beer:
The good news is that I don't have to watch 20 local female reporters doing 1000 selfies on Twitter anymore. Do I still look at 45 with my botox, yeah sucking my dick.
Really good game. MVP was Donald.
Err no,if there was not a player named cooper cupp that would be true,he would be the second most deserving of it but kupp won for them when they needed it and had some other major catches thst kept drives alive as well so kupp deservedly was rewarded the mvp.

the LOS ANGELES Rams finally have a Super Bowl championship.:mm::5_1_12024:this DESPITE the fact the Refs tried to fix the game for the bengals.i was wrong on who the NFL wanted to fix the game fir,it was the bengals they tried to fix the game for to win,the rams should never have had to come from behind to win but had to cause of the refs trying to give the bengals the game. It was impressive the rams won this with all the cards stacked against them,the refs were trying to give the game to the bengals,they already had to start the game without Tyler higbee,and then losing Beckham in the second half was a major obstacle on top of all thst to overcome.
That must be why, beaten, the refs gave the Rams a holding penalty against Cinci that set up the winning touchdown where no holding really occurred, even in slo-motion.
Yeah that was not holding. Fixing a game in la in their stadium with all the celebs all the ESPN old head picking la is loco.
Err no,if there was not a player named cooper cupp that would be true,he would be the second most deserving of it but kupp won for them when they needed it and had some other major catches thst kept drives alive as well so kupp deservedly was rewarded the mvp.

the LOS ANGELES Rams finally have a Super Bowl championship.:mm::5_1_12024:this DESPITE the fact the Refs tried to fix the game for the bengals.i was wrong on who the NFL wanted to fix the game fir,it was the bengals they tried to fix the game for to win,the rams should never have had to come from behind to win but had to cause of the refs trying to give the bengals the game. It was impressive the rams won this with all the cards stacked against them,the refs were trying to give the game to the bengals,they already had to start the game without Tyler higbee,and then losing Beckham in the second half was a major obstacle on top of all thst to overcome.
You loco bro.
Actually it was Kupp. 3TDs including the game winner, what a year that guy had. As did Donald, he iced the game for the Rams at the end.
Yeah he won it but my selection is Donald. Kupp had an awesome awesome season.
Yeah he won it but my selection is Donald. Kupp had an awesome awesome season.

I wouldn't argue with anybody who thinks Donald was the MVP, or frankly anybody who thinks Stafford deserves it too. I mean, the Rams had no running game at all, just like most of the time when he was in Detroit and you put him in 2nd and 3rd and long that many times, that ain't easy when all you got is Kupp after ODB went out. Kupp was doubled on every play and Stafford got the ball to him anyway, so kudos to both of those guys. Plus as you say Donald came through when the game was on the line and iced the game for the Rams. MVP award don't matter a whole lot anyway, that team hung together and didn't panic after some bad luck hit them.
Very enjoyable game. Surprised at the lack of penalties called in the first half, especially where the Bengal receiver face-masked a Ram defender and threw him to the ground before catching the ball. Thought the Halftime show sucked though.

That's why in the end I tip my cap to Rams! Cincy was "acting up" long before the game was over and it made me side with LA! That idiotic celebration was over the top! I've never seen a player out of uniform adding to the mayhem in the end zone after the interception of Stafford just before Halftime! It contributed to their own self-destruction! Flexing & hotdogging it after a play should be kept to a minimum! :dunno: :itsok:
That's why in the end I tip my cap to Rams! Cincy was "acting up" long before the game was over and it made me side with LA! That idiotic celebration was over the top! I've never seen a player out of uniform adding to the mayhem in the end zone after the interception of Stafford just before Halftime! It contributed to their own self-destruction! Flexing & hotdogging it after a play should be kept to a minimum! :dunno: :itsok:
Yeah, all the celebration and showboating after even routine plays is getting pretty old.

Was happy to see Stafford win one. Can't be easy wasting your prime years on a crappy team.
You loco bro.
Actually no.I never have lived in cali actually.incredible some people here are trying to convince themselves the refs did not try and fix this game fir the bengals.oh and I’m not saying the rams won this game cause they are my team. Unlike cheatriots fans ,I always look at these games with an objective eye and unlike cheatriots fans,can admit if they were given a game they should not have won unlike cheatriots fans who make excuse after excuse ignoring they cannot Win big games without always cheating and having the refs in their pockets.

for example win the Rams beat the saints in the nfc title game a couple years ago and it was clear the refs gift wrapped them a trip to the Super Bowl as they always have with the patriots and did with the bucs as well last year,,I did not try and cover for them as cheatriots fans here so who are so pathetic they ignore how they always had the refs in their pockets and gift wrapped them trips to the superbowls,I owned up to it thst the refs gift wrapped the rams at rip to the superbowl same as they did the patriots cause LA and Boston are much,larger markets than Kansas City and New Orleans,wanting the bigger market city’s in the superbowl.the entire world o knows the chiefs and saints won those title games and the refs robbed both of them fir thst reason.the apologists live in denial mode on thst. :uhoh3:

i manned up to it then that it should have been the saints and chiefs in the superbowl thst year had those two games been fairly officiated.i did not deny reality that the refs gift wrapped the rams trip to the superbowl,this year,too bad others here can’t own up to it as I did back then,the refs did everything on the planet to try and gift wrap this game fir the bengals yet they whine blaming the bengals meltdowns and penalty’s on the refs when the refs finally started making the correct calls against the bengals. :uhoh3:

everybody who keeps making themselves look like fools the nfl wanted LA to win this keeps being unobjective ignoring the bullshit non pass intereference call by thst Cincinnati bengals ref against the bengals receiver how he grabbed t Ramsey by the face mask and threw him to the ground and no pass interference call was made.
Which gave the bengals the go ahead touchdown and had the flag been thrown as it should have,then the rams would never have had to come from behind to win it all,bengal fans here of course don’t want to talk about thst:uhoh3: Not one single bengals fan here has acknowledge d how the refs tried to airmail the bengals the Super Bowl with thst non call.that non call by the refs assured the bengals the lead and had the refs fairly officiated this game,the rams would never have had to come from behind to win,but nobody here wants to talk about those facts or how the bengals self destructed mugging the rams receivers in the end zone and then like cowards,blame the bengals destruction on the refs officials,that’s being a sore loser and a cop out. :uhoh3:
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Yeah, all the celebration and showboating after even routine plays is getting pretty old.

Was happy to see Stafford win one. Can't be easy wasting your prime years on a crappy team.

Happens more often than NOT! How many 1st round picks are destined to fail by being selected by the season's previous loser team? Many 1st round picks have to deal with yearly changes to assistant coaches and offensive schemes! Look at what Trevor Lawrence has had to deal with after so much success in college! Detroit had chances, but some teams find ways to lose games in the final seconds of games! I'm ok with RAMS winning though! I just wonder how much I can take watching the sport shows talking about it tomorrow? :stir: :itsok::rolleyes::oops:
I predict it will be the LA Rams


the game is over?

no kidding, who won?

the rams

See I told ya
As you can see,there are some butthurt bengals fans here thst are sore losers and want to be a copout blaming the bengals meltdowns and their self destructive mode they went into at the end on the refs and want to keep ignoring the fact the refs tried to fix the game and gift wrap it fir the bengals to win ignoring the non personal foul penalty non call against the bengals defender when he grabbed the rams jalen Ramsey by the fscemask and threw him to the ground and ran in for the go ahead touchdown,they don’t want to talk about that pesky fact how the refs were in the bengals corner with thst non call against them and had this game been fairly officiated,the rams would never have had to come back and win this game,no sir,,they don’t want to discuss thst little fact.:abgg2q.jpg: Sore butthurt losers.

This is why this is the first superbowl I have watched in 8 years because I finally woke up back thenthat the NFL is as corrupt as our government is,thst these games are as much a dog and pony show as presidential elections are only differerence in the two is the outcome does not always go the way they planned it and fortunately,this was one of those years.

back in the seventys and eightys the nfl was not corrupt as it is now,back then it was only once in a great blue moon where you had refs making such terrible blatant calls that cost teams winning in the playoffs and superbowl it did not happen on a regular routine basis year in and year out as it does now,about twenty years ago was when the nfl became the criminal cartel,it is now and they started rigging playoff and Super Bowls every year.they tried to again,but this was one of those rare times it did not go as they planned.:abgg2q.jpg: Happens once in a great while,not often but sometimes,this was one of them.
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