Who Will Win the Super Bowl?

Who Will Win the Super Bowl?

  • Rams

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • Bengals

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Halftime Wardrobe Malfunction

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
You are a whiney dickhead. Been a rams fan since i.am 7 years old. Truth . Facts hurt.... I thought you hate football? Dickhead.
uh no i hate "NFL" football the FACT it is as corrupt as our government is,that fact seems to hurt YOUR feelings that these games are as fixed as elections are ESPECIALLY whwn it is the cheatriots who asswipes like you make excuse atter excuse for their criminal cheating ways. :fu:any REAL Rams fan knows that which you obviously are not one.

I only watched THIS superbowl,the first one sense the cheatriots/seahawks superbowl which was about 8 years ago,because I knew the Rams were going to wear those classic LA colors from the 70's and 80's which is WHY i fell in love with them back then that was the ONLY reason growing up,.I always watched the Rams. i always said if the Rams dont bring back those classic LA colors which they did not,they only started wearing them recently in the playoffs.if were going to bring those ugly rags from stank louis,they might as well have stayed in stank louis.

Liar,the one that is a whiny dickhead is these bengals fans which you despite what you say, are obviously a fan of and are lying,otherwise you would not be attacking a rams fan dickhead. you cant fool me with your lies,only team you been a fan of sense 7 years old is the bengals obviouslyt who are the whiny dickheads whining that the refs gave the game away and keep evading the non call facemask personal foul penalty by the bengals receiver that gave them the go ahead touchdown they should NOT have had but NONE of you bengals apologists in your babble the refs gave the game to the rams want to talk about THAT bullshit non call personal foul penalty asswipe.

the refs did everything on the planet to fix this game for the bengals but they did not do their part going into meltdown mode at the end mugging the rams recievers in the end zone and trollboy bengals fans say the refs GAVE it the rams when the refs were just doing their job FINALLY making correct calls,what asswipe butthurt losers you all are.:auiqs.jpg:
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You must be from Langley.

that is bodecca,winco and smellybozo you are thinking of that is a shill from langley stupid fuck.

calling ME a shill from langley instead of those trollboys just shows what an idiot you are,
one more asswipe trollboy to add to ignore lying whiny butthurt bengals fan. :fu: I for sure need to put you on ignore cause you clearly got reading comprehension problems.I just said the NFC title game the niners and Rams played in was the first game i watched all year long dumbass.you seem to have alzheimers diseace,

as i keep saying,i am just so glad it was not the cheatriots the rams were facing because once again,they would have fixed it for them to win the superbowl as they did BOTH times they played them in the superbowl. they did NOT earn it as the steelers did when THEY beat the Rams in the superbowl.The steelers were LEGIT winners beating the Rams in the Rams first superbowl.

Had it been the cheatriots mugging the Rams recievers in the end zone in the final minute of play as the bengals did,the refs would NEVER have CORRECLY called those yellow flags,they get special treatment other NFL teams do not get.everyone outside of boston knows it to.

this is how the cheatriots win playoff games and superbowls all the time to achieve greatness.they cant do it WITHOUT that like the steelers and 49ers and cowboys did those FACTS hurt your feelings that the NFL is corrupt obviously trollboy.:itsok:

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Darkwind said:
We just had the first controversial play of this superbowl. That was offensive interference AND a face mask. Bengals got away with one.

to know surprise i see in all the babble and rants from butthurt bengals fans here like the last one i just spoke with,that somehow the game was given to the Rams by the refs that when someone like myself or Darkwind bring up this FACT here,the butthurt benglas fans do this everytime :scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:sense it shoots done their babble the refs gave the game to the rams and proves just the OPPOSITE to be true,they GAVE it to the Bengals,at least TRIED to anways,not the refs fault the bengals lost their composure and went into meltdown mode MUGGIN Rams recievers in the end zone in the final minute:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

as i keep saying,had that been the cheatriots,the refs would have made NON calls same as they did against this bengals wide receiver in this point Darkwind made an excellent point of that i have mentioned till i was blue in the face but got ignored everytime sense it shoots down the babble and rants of bengals fans the refs gave it the Rams and proves just the OPPOSITE,they tried to fix it for the BENGALS.:iyfyus.jpg:
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I am now ready to make my prediction about who will win the Super Bowl. Can I still get a bet in?
Bengals got a free TD on the non-call facemask.
Rams got some extra tries for their final TD with a BS holding call.
Seems like a wash to me, each team getting a TD due to poor refereeing.
In the end, just as I thought, the Rams' DL stepped up and stuffed the Bengals when they had a chance to win or tie.
Bengals got a free TD on the non-call facemask.
Rams got some extra tries for their final TD with a BS holding call.
Seems like a wash to me, each team getting a TD due to poor refereeing.
In the end, just as I thought, the Rams' DL stepped up and stuffed the Bengals when they had a chance to win or tie.
If anything justice was done by the refs on the BS holding call because as you said so well,the Bengals got a free TD non call facemask penalty giving them the go ahead touchdown and forced the Rams to come from behind thst they never should have had to do in the first place.:uhoh3:everybody here wants to talk about the refs giving calls to the Rams but NOBOBY here wants to mention the non call facemask penalty thst gave the Bengals the free go ahead touchdown other than me,you and darkwind.

a bunch of butthurt crybaby sore losers these bengal fans are.ignore how the rams should never have had to come from behind to win in the first place,yeah that’s real mature.if anything,the refs righted a wrong thst was committed.:uhoh3: If anything the refs righted a wrong and redeemed themselves.
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If anything justice was done by the refs on the BS holding call because as you said so well,the Bengals got a free TD non call facemask penalty giving them the go ahead touchdown and forced the Rams to come from behind thst they never should have had to do in the first place.:uhoh3:everybody here wants to talk about the refs giving calls to the Rams but NOBOBY here wants to mention the non call facemask penalty thst gave the Bengals the free go ahead touchdown other than me,you and darkwind.

a bunch of butthurt crybaby sore losers these bengal fans are.ignore how the rams should never have had to come from behind to win in the first place,yeah that’s real mature.if anything,the refs righted a wrong thst was committed.:uhoh3: If anything the refs righted a wrong and redeemed themselves.
Aren’t you the same mental patient who swore up-and-down that you would never ever ever ever ever watch another NFL game again? The medicine clearly is not helping you.

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